Got scammed out of all my gold

An impersonator stole 7800 gold on classic from me posing as a gold swapper for my mains server. Please help me im in tears

Afraid if you just gave him the gold might not be much that can be done. You need to put in a ticket about this and find out from a GM. Include all the details of what happened.


I did im just trying to get this to someones attention fast. It happens an hour ago and it might not be to late to save my gold. I have no idea how this guy got an identical discord name as this other guy who had 1000s of references for this

These kind of transactions, while not breaking any rules, are unsupported.

While the player that scammed you will get actioned, if Blizzard logs also confirm the scam; you most likely won’t be getting any of your gold back.


People quite often come here to see if these sorts of transactions are allowed, and while they don’t tend to break the rules, I always mention that they typically scams and to steer clear.

Eilis is 100% correct. Blizz will look into the scam, but since the transaction is unsupported they will not be returning the gold.

The fact that this person has “1000s” of references alone would be enough for me to believe that something wasn’t right. Both those discord “people” were likely the same person scamming you all along.

So sorry this happened to you. Hopefully Blizz will bring down the hammer on the scammer.


This here is probably going to be a hard lesson for you. When you factor in Discord, since it’s a third-party program that Blizzard has absolutely nothing to do with, there is nothing they can do to verify anything. The only data Blizzard can verify - no matter the screenshots or any other thing people believe to be hard evidence, they can all be doctored - is what happens in-game. So if you made a deal with X through a discord server, and then log in to trade gold with no chat traces in WoW, there really isn’t a lot that can be done. Under those circumstances, I don’t think Blizzard can or will sanction someone (please feel free to correct me, folks) with any or all communication in setting the ‘deal’ taking place in a Discord server.

And too just to clarify? I can appreciate you wanting to post here and thinking it’ll draw quicker attention to your issue? But unfortunately this is a forum for players to help other players. While we do have some rather nifty Blues, they are not GMs. They have absolutely nothing to do with the ticketing system. So you should file a ticket, if you haven’t already. Like has been stated above though, I really would not get your hopes up because of the unsupported nature of the transaction, and even moreso how it was set up.


Man this really sucks. Ngl I cried a little irl. That was my epic flying and spellfire gear for tbc. I didnt know it was unsupported until it was too late. That policy is ridiculous. It just sounds like were to cheap to hire people to enforce that they dont want this happening but also don’t wanna pay an employee to help. Thank you everyone for the input i appreicate it. Idk if i wanna play wow anymore now

The policy is in place to stop Blizzard GM’s being flooded with ‘debt collector’ requests for gold compensation when things like this go wrong.


As noted before - they’re not there to covered your butt because you’re thinking you’re getting ahead of the game. If they had such a system, it’d be in place and don’t need a player to do it. Don’t blame Blizzard for a mistake you made for assuming something.


I really doubt it stops anyone from ticketing a GM and asking

Edit sorry that sounded rude. Policys policy I suppose. Im just really upset. If thats their policy, yeah i think ima just move on.

A determined player may ultimately reach a GM with a similar concern, but the way the ticketing system has evolved has made a large impact on tickets being submitted for issues that Blizzard can’t or won’t assist with.

A determined player will find themselves slapped with an account action for GM harassment because they can’t take “No” for an answer.

Yes, people definitely still ask. However, it saves the time and absolute headache of trying to figure out what sort of scam took place.

How would they ever know what you guys discussed on a third party platform? How would they determine which people are a part of the scam and who is innocent? I mean, from a higher view, these could just look like scammers moving gold around too.

It’s definitely unfortunate what happened and I totally get being upset, but your anger should be directed at the scammers, not Blizz.


I’m mad at the scammer but I feel it’s justified to be mad at blizzard for this policy. Ive had an active sub for almost 17 years, never was trouble, always had an authenticator, spent thousands of dollars and the one time i goof they have no help for me… It feels like a massive kick in the teeth while im down… I think im prolly just gonna call it a day on my playing wow.

The amount of time or money doesn’t magically give make someone special and have GMs break the rules they have to follow.


Not GMs. Im mad at blizzards awful policy. Its trash customer service. And their reasoning for having a no help policy is theyd get too many requests for help? That just translates to its too expensive to deal with the excessive scamming happening to our players

the condescension these people give out is gross. You got scammed, put in a ticket. You’ll most likely be helped homie. I’ve had something similar happen and it was returned. So most people here have no idea what they’re talking about.

If this was all talked about and worked out on discord! Well then blizard can do nothing. That is not there data or chat logs they can look at. Any transactions even of this time should be spelled out in game. Be is private message, Party chat or anything like that.

Other wise blizard will just see you giving someone gold and have no way to know what else happened. Next time only do things like this with people you know and trust.


Show us where in the rules that’s stated, because clearly you know what the GMs are able to do.


I really hope so man. Still have 2 days eta on ticket response. That gives me some hope thank you :slight_smile: