Tiaan - NE warrior. Recognize many names/guilds here so far, but I don’t remember much from vanilla as I was so young
Malephar (Human Paladin) and Nys (Human Priest) - Relentless and Tabular Rasa
Definitely recognize some of the names in this thread!
Hi Nabi and Tiger. Its Earshot - Dwarf Hunter.
Oh and also Nobility - Priest with The Brotherhood of Fire. Been awhile.
Sup mang! still alive and active
Jagang - Human Warlock (Upper Echelon)
Not sure if I’ll be coming back for Classic or not, but it’d be cool to see if anyone from UE was going to be playing again (might influence my decision haha).
At the start of WoW I played a human female mage named Laifennas. Was mostly in a guild named Indignation. The guild leaders were Citadel & Kaliey.
Around BWL time, I rolled a warlock named Baen and joined eXceSsivE. I pretty much quite after TBC launched. Played on Nostalrius and casually checking out BFA atm.
Kyban! It’s Ambasabi. Whattup!
Ambasabi - Night Elf Priest
Brotherhood of the Blade/Annihilation
Diab, lookin for you buddy, plus all the other awesome people I played with over time.
Was in brotherhood of the blade as well Shadowgate Night elf Rogue I haven’t seen Diab In a long long time.
Definitely interested in recreating dawn breaker add me on bnet Enderfect#1876
Lesi - Night Elf Druid (this character)
Guild - Upper Echelon
I was resto for MC and BWL and started bear tanking in AQ20 and AQ40. Keeping my promise to Cheet, to this day, I have never gone resto spec since.
I will be coming back to Classic for giggles but still play retail mainly.
For those of you who were in Red Devils, I’m sorry I never got to meet you in Vanilla since I joined early BC! The original guild still exists on Gorefiend but we moved to Sargeras during WoD.
I think I still have the Ony cloak you crafted for me in my bank…
Started raiding with BotB then moved to Annihilation. Would also love to find Diab, but I haven’t seen him online since the end of Wrath.
Hi Ambasabi!
Guess I coulda made the post like this…
Sassenach - Night Elf Druid
Raided with Nightshift / Pain Train / Fusion / Core / Sinister / Tabula Rasa
Haha awesome!
Borat/glows - nelf druid/priest told me to say hello! and she wanted to know if you still snack on Doritos next to your mic lol
Yep I’m still kicking, older, a little less annoying and a lot more busy but I don’t think I can pass up classic. Been playing on private servers for a few years now and I’m excited that my character wont be wiped this time lol
Was starting to think I imagined Stonecutter, no one remembers them at all lol
Githa Human Warrior
Guilds: Pain Train and Lose Your Life
Haven’t seen any other LYL people in here but did see one PT member.
Urden you sob lol how you been Were in Botb and Prestige together been a long time you still talk to apple?