Gorefiend Alliance Reconnections

Man i played a ton with Vestner.

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What’s poppin’, Alliance?
I mostly just played as a Human Warlock Apey in world pvp, bgs, and enjoyed doing the older content to complete my 8 pc set.
I played from mid-BC to mid-cata (I forget original guild - but was in We Pugged It and Deus Invictus before quitting), skipped panda. Played 3 months of WoD (with DI that was pretty much a ghost town) and the game felt so different and everyone felt gone lol. Tried 3 months of Legion (DI to TRS). Just renewed for 3 months (early) to play the final beta that’s open to everyone with an active sub.

I just wanna pvp, bros!
P.S. Heal Jacht (if he’s still alive).


I’m hoping to find Utopia, Vux, Vestner

Dawn Breaker is ramping up for Classic, will Monkeywrench be there in some capacity?

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Night Elf Warr
Clan Moon Wolf, Temporary Name, We Pugged It

Adroit’s wiener is smol but also huge <3



dis fellow.

Goin’ Horde for beefyboi classic tho

Hey Pawlaar…Dumbas here…Remember me?

Crazysean Night Elf Hunter

Red Devils

Obsidian Asylum

Lots of old names I never thought I’d see again. Nabi and company, 31 year old me would like to apologize for the way 17 year old me left the guild way back in AQ.

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Zeed Night Elf Priest
Goshawk Human Paladin
Raided with Annihilation and Core.
I may have raided with either TRS or Red Devils at the end of Vanilla on Zeed after Core broke up. I cant really remember.


Raided with you in Annihilation as Goshawk.


Didnt you get kicked from Anni for ninja looting a Strikers Mark? I still remember laughing for like 30 minutes straight.

Goshawk!? /Wave

I know this name!

Hey Kyban! LMK what server you’re gonna roll on and stuff. Would love to run some BGs with you again. Gonna be rolling H-Pally again. My battle tag is: Ferbyslayer#1219

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i remember you!. you were all decked out chilling on your ZG (classic one) tiger. I think we may have done a couple dungeons together as well? Beriusjr (holy paladin)

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Beriusjr(human paladin) / Hunterkiler (nightelf hunter) hrodekiller (human rogue) - NIghtshift , moon clan wolf and a few other guilds. I miss gorefiend…its sad that its a ghost town. Im trying to find moonrain and nihilum

Tholar Night Elf Priest

Guild- Immortal Brotherhood. We help found the Gorefiend Alliance which was 3-5
guilds who would join up to start Molten Core. I don’t think we got past the 3 boss but it was the only way we could organize a 40 man

Barzul, gnome warrior

Templar knjghts

Upper echeleon - kinda sorta lol i was teen punk altoholic

Corror - nightelf hunter, wanted me to shout out to Ironmonkey. Dawrf/gnome monkey she cant rememember lol!

Redox - Human Mage, Don’t remember at all what guild or guilds I was in, lol. I do remember running MC a few times but only getting through maybe 3-4 bosses.

We did run ZG pretty decently.