I’ve been good, I only talk to a few people from Vanilla. Ambasabi and Uten are really the only ones I’ve kept in touch with. Ready for this classic reboot, gonna be good times.
I used to offtank for clan moon wolf in early bc…karazhan, gruul etc. Left gorefiend because of internet issues, turned out…obviously…that wasn’t the problem. Good times tho, in retrospect I wish I had stayed.
Hey Olde! Tychondo here! Been playing on Zul’Jin with Evilgoodguy for a while now. Switched to a Horde Demon Hunter main.
Tychondo - Human Paladin - eXceSsivE
Adroit!! Whats up man?
Apochrapha, was in We Pugged It and Riot.
I remember playing with a few people from Pain Train. May have even been in it but cant remember. Lots of guild names that i recognize and remember playing with.
LF Icy’s Rich Purple Silk Shirt.
/wave Tych!
/wave Olde!
I too was in Anarchs (and then Protagonists) as Shakura (human priest)
Hey Sass! I remember raiding with you in Core and Tabula Rasa as Zeed. Server first Kara and Gruul kill!
Hey man, remember you as well. Those were some of the best times.
I played as a Shakura - Human Priest, mainly in Protagonists, bust also Anarchs
This is an early BWL kill video if anyone is around. Unlikely anyone is, but i enjoyed the nostalgia.
(excuse the 320p resolution)
Bigstickmojo, Ossillo, Gombo, Lyriel, Shariiri, Enwyn, Lyrik, Derider, Shinkicker, Hailee, Thelara, Concealed… were just some friends
Add me. My Battle tag is Ferbyslayer#1219. We plan on running some sort of raiding guild if you don’t have anything planned as of yet.
What up my dude! Been a while. I hope you are well.
Steelhammer, Dwarf Hunter because apparently I thought this would be a cool hunter name.
Was in Incursion.
Character: Stoopy, gnome warrior with Sulfuras
Guild: Incursion
Shout out to XSE! I raided for a bit on Dordian (warlock) and very much remember EGG going full +shadow damage in MC before it was cool.
Also played my hunter Beloris shortly after launch before swapping to the lock.
Lokie - night elf rogue
Was a member of HAVOC
I remember Shinko’s trial for getting into the guild, stealthing around undercity picking pockets! Great guild, missing everyone, RIP Tazmaniak
Curmudgeon - Human Pally
Avion - Nelf Priest
Played with The Superstar, Divinity and had a stay with Deus Invictus as well. Will be back although probably not alliance.
Big ups to the old school smashy bastards at SS, Divinity, DI, XSE and Sin. Was the best of times.
StartingAugust 12, 2019 6:00 PM , players with an active subscription or game time on their World of Warcraft account can reserve their character names by creating up to three WoW Classic characters. Please note that all of your characters on a PVP realm must be the same faction.
Before creating a character, you’ll choose the realm where you want to play that character. Realms in the Americas will be:
Name | Type | Time Zone |
Atiesh | Normal | Pacific |
Mankrik | Normal | Eastern |
Myzrael | Normal | Pacific |
Pagle | Normal | Eastern |
Name | Type | Time Zone |
Faerlina | PvP | Eastern |
Fairbanks | PvP | Pacific |
Herod | PvP | Eastern |
Thalnos | PvP | Eastern |
Whitemane | PvP | Pacific |
Name | Type | Time Zone |
Bloodsail Buccaneers | RP | Eastern |
Grobbulus | RP-PvP | Pacific |
Oceanic realms will be:
Name | Type | Time Zone |
Arugal | PvP | Australian Eastern Time |
Remulos | Normal | Australian Eastern Time |
Relative realm population will be visible in-game to help in choosing a realm so you will see Low, Medium, or High in the realm selection screen. If there are high numbers of players congregating on individual realms during name reservation and character creation, we will post warnings about the potential for queues on those realms, giving you time to choose alternate realms.
WoW Classic releases worldwide onAugust 26, 2019 6:00 PM .
I still have mine, though it lost its tag through transfers and faction changes. RIP
Say hi back to Borat for me! And I snack on everything close to the mic, nothing is spared…