Absalom - Human Paladin.
I was in The Anarchs in 2005 and then swapped to Dawn Breaker for a bit. Nice to see so many familiar names in this thread.
Absalom - Human Paladin.
I was in The Anarchs in 2005 and then swapped to Dawn Breaker for a bit. Nice to see so many familiar names in this thread.
Red Devils
Nabi - Warrior
I miss my guildies alot…
and HI to Tigersmith!
Hi all.
We Pugged It for life.
Arcturis - Human Warrior
Ran with The Anarchs back before TBC. Would love to run with Heelor, Fm and Oem again!
Darksieg - Human Rogue
Where my Incursion boys at?
Raided with Anni as well. First as the night elf hunter Zeruos and then as the gnome warrior Oreocookie.
I was the gnome warrior Oreocookie. Gm of Monkeywrench. I remember you Moletoasta. Those were some fun times. Co-raiding with Dawn Breakers was an absolute blast. I’ll cherish those memories forever.
Shadowgate - Night Elf Rogue
Enderfect - Night Elf Warrior
Guilds: Stonecutter, Dawn Breaker, Indignation, Prestige
YES!! Hi Nabi. It’s only been 12+ years and I miss everyone from Red Devils so much lol.
Anyone from XSE zerg? hehe
Hey Phils! eXceSsivE for life!!! Still playing my hunter, but changed to gnome since they are the “Master Race”!
Daros - NE rogue
Knights of the Alliance, All Out War, Incursion and Sinister
Vladsorrow - NE warrior
Apnea - NE rogue
It’s awesome seeing all these guilds I remember :)!
Red Devils
All Out War was my first real guild. I still remember helping you get Thunderfury. Good to see you’re still playing man!
I remember Shadowgate from Stonecutter, I was Arthon the pally officer and possibly gchat troll
Best rogue in the guild!
Rakapew! What’s up! add me - jsquared#1958
Add me jsquared#1958
Corbiaux - Dawn Breaker here.
I joined Incursion only briefly before my time with Dawn Breaker started. iirc I played with Adorey and she got me into Incursion initially.
Thedin - eXceSsivE, see a few other excessive folks in here too!
Think I stopped playing around the time Naxx was really ramping up. I’ll be running it back as a human warrior again on classic though.
Thedin#1760 blizz acct name if anyone wants to add me
Kroaks - Dawn Breaker
Will be nice seeing some old friends