Goodbye friends

As a ROGUE maybe, but not because he’s Horde.

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Probably, but undead rogues are literally everywhere, I don’t know if it’s that bad alliance side. For human, or whatever.

Here is a super fun reality check for you. You are responsible for your own reactions to words.

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Of course, and my reaction is to call you out and say you’re a jerk.


I always find it interesting to know why people leave, & a lot of them have good reasons IMO.

I’m sure a lot leave the game quietly (without ever visiting or being a part of the forums) for the simple reason that that game community today is so overloaded with toxic, sweaty, exploitative, malevolent and/or cheating people. If not that, then it is usually because they realize A-Blizzard puts added profit before the basic integrity of their game, & decide not to put up with it any longer.


Oh no, a boosted player quitting because the game doesn’t have enough hand outs and there’s no one to carry him through the content, what an absolute surprise.

Catch you playing fortnite loser.

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Sorry, but I dont understand people who role rogue, and then complain.

The data has been out for years . . . Rogue is not a class to choose if you want to end game raid (at least in the beginning phases).

If people want a raid based class they should choose one. If you want to bg/worldpvp/arena . . .then play rogue, its that simple. This is not news to anybody so I just dont understand why people whine when the eventual reality happens. There is no iteration of this game that has ever been balanced, so you have to research accordingly.

Also “horde aren’t wanted” is so dramatic. And Rogues are wanted . . . they’re wanted in dungeons, heroics, arena, and bg premades.

Anyway I dont think the sky is falling, choose another raid viable class if its what you want.

Does raid comp even matter in classic? Plenty of guilds will take just about anyone to fill out their 25 man roster.

You sound affected.

Could say the same about you.


We had two rogues in our raid group maybe quit trying to join sweaty guilds we had 2 rogues 1 ret paladin (me) we only had 2 lockes and 1 hunter in our raid and we have cleared t4 every lockout shows you don’t need to be a min maxer to finish content. On horde side I’ve cleared the last 4 weeks as a fury warrior no problem.

It’s either 1 your server or 2 maybe your not that likeable. Plenty of rogues in raids and dungeons from my experience.

It’s true, we’re unloved.

The alliance are trying to DARVO me

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Acronyms are a godforsaken blight on humanity…

PS - You are the offender. Filthy Horde.

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This made me spit my beer all over the desk and wall…

Actually no, you can’t. But if that makes you feel better, you go on and believe that.

I just did.

You’re up there defending my thoughts of you being a jerk, by acting like I must be affected in some way to feel annoyed or even angered by your words. If you’re a jerk, it’s expected to have people affected by your words, just accept it and it’s all better off. You’re a jerk, you don’t care about what you say, it’s others peoples fault if they are bothered by the words you choose to say. You have no valuable input aside to point out flaws or mistakes or just to be a jerk in any general way or format.

If I couldn’t say the same about you, you wouldn’t have a care about my opinion.


Not reading your novel but I find it hilarious that I am living rent free inside your head.

Figured you wouldn’t read. Caught another one, just randomly says stuff without any reasoning. I thought this was the line for donuts… durr


Mmmmm, doughnuts. :doughnut:


Knew you’d know that word.