Goodbye friends

I don’t think this at all, rogues are good in pve too. A good rogue who always shows up with consumes = good dps.

Yeah that sucks man. Blizzard should have addressed this sooner. Queue times are important for player enjoyment.

So it seems like your enjoy pvp battlegrounds and that part of the game sucks for horde right now. I agree with you tbh. Hopefully they’ll address it soon, but I understand.

Personally I enjoy PvE almost exclusively right now. I feel for you pvpers, it sounds like blizzard just has a terrible pvp matchmaking and balance system.

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I’m not sure you understand how communities work.


What mats come from disenchanting a Blood Elf?

I would tell you but then I’d get banned.

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You obviously care what he wants or doesn’t want. Or else you wouldn’t be posting your typical, i’m too cool for emotions so I will be a jerk to everyone . Seriously you gotta be a jerk about it everywhere you go? Honestly dude, you rarely have anything positive to say.

You’re on here everyday posting crap, why not at least try and make the world better by saying something nice for a change. If you don’t have something nice to say, than you’re looking for a fight or someone to pick on. Either way, it’s shows your lack of ability to entertain your own self, needing to inflict anger or annoyance toward someone else all the time, just so you can get a smirk or laugh.


Bye sorry you failed at playing a 17 year old game

Based on what I’m reading the loss of subs is catastrophic, the internal leadership live in denial, and whales support the game more than any sub loss is meaningful.

Blizzard arms to be at a cross roads, but I doubt they ‘care’ about Horde.

They are becoming nothing but a cash shop fronting as a game.

TBC, and Vanilla, where actual games. Wrath is the beginning of the decline of the game specifically due to the flawed systems, ‘engagement metrics’ driven approach.

Mount collection.
Pet Collection.
Achievements Collection.
Transmog (Gear Appearance) Collection.
Daily Chores.
Gutting of Classes.
Gear/Stat issues.

While some of those things actually require play to accomplish, they have removed the focus on what made the game A WORLD, to render the end game experience into this hamster wheel, cash shop, collection exercise.

WoW needs a reboot, a hard one.

Imagine bleeding subs, when people are stuck at home, and have all the time in the world to play.


the more important question is what mats come from disenchanting a draenei?

See you next week OP

I’m glad you posted this, thank you.

Imagine having rogues in your raid and still clearing the content.

If people want to play Rogues because it’s fun for them and raid, that’s fine.
You don’t need the perfect comp to clear content.


Wdym the guy is not providing anything useful just siting here being salty while people are trying to help the game. Maybe blizzard would actually listen to the forums if it wasn’t all 13 year old alliance being dumb

You knew going into TBC you would be a meme like a Boomkin or RET… would would you think otherwise?

I mean you do not understand the concept of community.

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The trolls hiding on their alts posting are just some defect child abandoned by parents.

Posts on his Shadowlands Monk :rofl:

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None of this has anything to do with the current state of Classic and the asinine statement that the TBCC Rogue said:

I mean, fair, but we are nothing but subs. I refuse to accept there is some factional bias within a company that cannot do more than expect success because ‘we are blizzard’ while offering…whatever retail is.

I couldn’t care less about Retail, which is why I’m here playing TBCC, and why I’m gobsmacked an Undead Rogue feels like his faction is unwanted.

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Rogues are fine. If you can only get through Kara by stacking warlocks, you need to re-evaluate your skill level. The game is not hard. I don’t PvE so I could care less what you choose for your raid makeup. You posted this also, so what is it. Rogue is bad or Rogue is fine.

Projection, as in PvE, he’s certainly correct.