Goodbye friends

I got what I expected. I still felt I should share my feelings regardless. While my feelings can’t be hurt, I still feel it is my responsibility to share what Activision will not. This isn’t “TBC.” This is “TBC under the new-age control.”

It is what it is. This is the society we live in.


Glad you did.

Best wishes to you :slightly_smiling_face:


These threads :rofl:


Why do these threads exist? That is the real “existential” question. It is because people hope to return to this game one day. Love ya Bro!

Find a more casual guild and u will prob be taken.

Not sure why horde being unwanted matter.

Well who else is gonna get the glaives?

Dont need to reroll just get good friends.

Adios toffle

Simply not true friend, rogue is really good. People following the Meta and shunning us are idiots who cant use WarGlaives anyway.

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When I said horde are unwanted, I should have been more clear. Horde are unwanted for “MY ENDGAME.” This is battlegrounds. If you want to have BGs as your endgame, you should play the less popular faction. Queue times suck hard (as horde).

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Yeah its a bit rough, and why I have been playing way more on my Alliance characters, but I did have a good time in BG’s when they did the HvH, but really I don’t know if that was such a good system. I kinda feel like they should give Horde a free faction transfer voucher for a time, and then once the goals are met the outstanding vouchers are eliminated.

While I think quitting the game threads are kind of silly, I think it can help blizzard wake up and salvage their game.

They are hemorrhaging players to FF14 right now, as well as people just quitting in general.


the game is being turned upside down for you, specifically YOU, mr. undead rogue who likes battlegrounds. i would stick around, but that’s just me lol

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The funny thing is when the CS sends players to “post” on GD or any discussion section with a “chance” for dev’s to read it… it ends up mostly in flame wars towards the OP.

Personally the “feedback” threads the CS suggest are bait and huge invitation for trolls.

Good luck in your next journey even tho I strongly disagree with your opinion for obvious reasons.

do you people realize that this is an MMO, and choices have consequences?
yes, a rogue is going to have a harder time finding a raid group compared to a priest. no, the game shouldn’t change because of that. YOU need to weigh the pros and cons of your decisions. jesus…

Pretty intense there…jesus.

Spelt is an acceptable variation.


And yet Blizzard caters to you. This post is funny!

Ugh go away with these posts. NO ONE CARES JUST LEAVE

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Honestly, you should be able to find a raid team on rogue every team is going to want one in fact I’d take two just as a back up.

Interrupts are extremely important during ROS which is going to be a problem without rogues that can interupt specific 0.5 second casts. Honestly I’d start investing in good rogues and melee with interrupts now because I have a sneaking suspicion it will be in high demand and we already don’t have many around.

Honestly in p1 there’s no reason you can’t bring a rogue or two honestly the fights are not that melee unfriendly that it matters in most of the and when it’s a bit uncomfortable in some fights you can still preform well if you understand that 1 or 2 boss mechanics for each fight

There isn’t any particular reason you couldn’t down mag or anything in this tier with all rogues and once rogues and warriors have access to better gear ap being lacking atm and numbers are lower overall atm.

Honestly you make a point wow isn’t a job, but like most things in life you get back what you put in. If you put in a little work there isn’t any particular reason you couldn’t be on a raid team and once your in it you’ll find yourself swimming in loot being basically the only one.

In fact due to room spacing in some fights it’s better to have a few meele or at least I like them I always know where a meele person is by the boss so I never have to worry about them being near me when mechanics arise that require distance.

As long as your raids understand how to support them with comp setup they can do just fine.

I’m not sure what you mean by horde aren’t wanted?

And the bg issue sounds like it will be fixed for you pretty soon.

It sounds like you just had bad day or maybe your in a toxic guild but there’s plenty of guilds with casual raids and plenty of teams just struggling to find 25 people and see a guild recruiting even if they don’t say they want a rogue I’d be willing to bet I could easily find you a team on my server and I’m sure on yours as well. I mean sure maybe you probably won’t land a world first team at this point but there’s nothing stopping you from being on a team and raiding weekly.

You probably won’t see this but you might be overacting if you want to quit because your not enjoying the game that’s fine, but you don’t need to fabricate excuses it’s okay to just say your not having fun anymore. Honestly lots of people don’t have fun with wow anymore it’s just part of growing up.

Sorry but rogues don’t fit into the current meta. What were you thinking when you decided to play the class you enjoy? Shame on you. There is only room for the warlock/hunter/mage meta for DPS. Anythi NG else except an ele shaman or boomkin here and there is sacrilege. All hail the meta!

Don’t leave I love you.

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Just ignore the dumbass he’s not part of the community just a troll

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