Goodbye friends

ill be doing the same as a warlock. 1 hour Qs no thanks


Why would I be mad at someone as petty as yourself?

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Wow is enormously successful. It is not dependent on people who did not remotely research what TBC was before they chose their class and it is not dependent on people who want blizzard to change a classic version of the game just to meet their own personal snowflake wishes of what TBC classic “should” be.

Your are obviously triggered so you tell me.

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So instead of playing their favorite class, they should do research because their choice might not be something the sweaty troggs would approve of.


I didn’t research the “new age craze” of TBC as I actually was in the original TBC. Content was cleared with ALL classes. We played and we succeeded. We live in a weird world nowadays where everyone wants the easiest path through everything. We are soft people. I understand this. I’m moving on. I just know Activision won’t tell you why I or others like me have moved on. They only share this information with shareholders.

Take the info and absorb it… or ignore it. It really doesn’t matter much in the end.

  • Toffle 70 rogue

If you are re-playing a 17 year old game and did zero research, I have zero sympathy for you.

So the answer to your question is yes.

You respond to comments provided with polite sincerity with salt and arrogance. What benefit could you possibly get from that?


You sure do seem to want everyone to “absorb” it really bad. Sounds like it means more to you than you are admitting.


you know, not everyone enjoys being in a bad guiild just so they can have a raid spot.

The fact of the matter is most guilds willing to take off meta classes tend to suck. There are very few good guilds that even consider it. The probability this poster finds a decent guild that will take him to raids is very low. He’s likely making the correct decision.

Can’t say I blame the poster if he wants to avoid 5 hour kara runs just so he can play a rogue.


wow, check this guy out with his life


Didn’t know your feels were so sensitive?

No one is looking for your sympathy. Take a break dude, you’re being rude.


I’m not going to research a class I played in TBC years ago and did just fine in back then. Your trogg sweat does not impress me.


Except the guy posting his dramatic exit thread you mean?

Press X for doubt.

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If you take a off meta class you are/were doomed to 5 hour karas, remember this fact future and present GMs!

It’s not about “feels”. It’s about the rude comments you’re contributing to what should be a productive conversation. This community toxicity is so counterproductive


Counterproductive to what? What do you think this forum actually accomplishes?

A lot with thoughtful conversation instead of mountains of salt.

But you’re right. Salt lords rule here. Clearly I expect way too much from this community