Goodbye friends

Guess I need to quit because Arkane proclaims I don’t belong here. Piss off


Guild name checks out. :joy:

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Can we roll off your shard?

I rolled an 18…dang


Haha yeah at least I’m in one.

You’re still a defected child on his alt

U mad bro?

Says the boosted retail tourist pretending to be something he’s not. :joy:

You can get in raid groups as a rogue, you just need to look harder. I went to 13 different guilds as an spriest in Classic before I found someone who would offer me a raid spot - it’s hard but you can do it if you set your mind to it


I’ve been a member of maybe 10 spam-invite guilds promising raids and whatnot. This forum programming is broken. I don’t even remember this guild. I’ve been 70 for over 3 weeks and I’ve been guildless for most of it.

Well, mistakes were made. The game is still fun, it just takes time. It’s always taken time. Did you play back in the day?

There is your first problem then.

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17, but I rolled Need.



I rolled 42.

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Haha boosted because I’m not some no lifer wanting to play a game from 15years ago…boring

What’s your main arc*ane? (I spelt it right for you, it’s ok I know you had no love as a child I can be a father figure for you, just call me big daddy)

I know some of you are insistent on using ad hominen attacks (as youth often are)… I’m 46 years old. You will not offend me. I promise you that your opinion of me as an individual do not hurt.

I’m just sharing this so you can go deeper into the argument and think for yourself. I like WoW. I want WoW to succeed. They’ll do just fine without my sub (or my friends).

I chose poorly. I’m at fault. I wanted to play BGs as Horde. That was a poor choice. If you chose better than me, enjoy the game.

  • Toffle

BGs aren’t PVP end game, Arenas are. Anyway HvH BGs are most definitely coming back. Just wait a few weeks.

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Did you mean “spelled”?

And you wanting me to call you “big daddy” is super, over the top creepy.

Perhaps Chris Hansen needs to have a chat with you?

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Imagine calling yourself Daddy unironically and owning neither a Corvette nor Harley Davidson.


I hate arenas. If I wanted to slap people in a closet, I would. How do you determine MY end-game again?

I own neither of those, but I have procreated!