Meanwhile I’m pumping 1k dps on Gruul casually. If you blacklist Rogues, then please keep doing it. We want to play with those who will clear content, not flounder with 20 boosted dps who push 400 dps because they can’t play single button classes.
No one needed your 500 dps level 70 rogue anyway
Stop hating on rogues, and stop getting excited about your parses in a tier full of literal target dummy fights
Wish all the children, whether they be 12 or 35, would level up irl before posting so weakly. No one of substance wants to read your snarky and malignant comments, be constructive or just find another way to vent.
What was the point of this post? Just cope? Good rogues are wanted. Sorry you weren’t.
More of an homage, don’t you think?
Hate? That’s just the the thing it’s not hate. It’s the truth, Rogues are a waste of a raid slot and a meme. Why was fine when everyone dunked on all the others in classic. It was fine but now we get to dunk on melee and everyone losses it.
Tell that to the gross amount of mages, locks, and hunters I decimate on the meters.
While melee does suffer in TBC, to just be a smooth brain meta slave regurgitating scuffed takes and bad pserver info is worse.
While yes a fantastic hunter or lock will out dps me no matter what I do, I more than carry my own weight because, to bring up a dated reference that only half works here, skillscore > gearescore, or in this case, skill > meta.
No friend that’s how a meta works. It was the same in classic, no matter how hard the shadow priest, boomkin and even warlocks did they where 2nd class citizens. It didn’t matter if the Warriors and rogues couldn’t parse blues it was still the meta. Let this be a lesson to you and others about the shoe being on the other foot.
I understand what a meta is, this is not my first video game.
That said, that only applies to standard theory crafting of what each class can do optimally in a standard setting. Let’s take a loot at these warcraftlogs real quick.
(Zucc’d and can’t post link, but you’re a big boy, you can look at rankings on tbc warcraftlogs)
High King the top damage is, oh that’s crazy that the top dps are hun-… warl-… Oh it’s warriors.
Meta huh.
Gruul is what your meta says it should be, but a meta isn’t perfect, otherwise those warriors would not be that high on high king.
It’s almost like players can create strategies that defy the meta.
Now I’m not sitting here saying that I’m an R1 warrior popping 6k dps on high king due to cleave, but I’m also not your standard log on and raid in instance blues and expect big numbers because the meta says my class is supposed to be good, so I should automatically be good.
If you’re a meta slave, own up to it bro, it’s ok. I live to defy you. I’ll casually keep sitting up on top of my raid’s Gruul kills with the other guild rogue, the warrior, and the enhancement shaman while you talk about how “the meta is law” or whatever makes you cope better at night lol.
its a good thing what you and your dumbo guild (assuming you’re even clearing content) thinks about the “meta” doesn’t affect me in the slightest
EDIT: or our rogues
Seems like a brittle spirit.
No one’s saying fury can’t pump they just don’t bring anything to the table. Hunters, locks pretty much carry HKM fight. Even the token mage brings move value then that fury warrior by tanking.
It’s not just my opinion, it’s the general consensus of the community as a whole. You think if it was just my ideal comp these rogues would be posting goodbye threads?
If those are your reasons they are bad.
Can I have your stuff?
Ah yes, here we see the meta slave in his natural habitat of cope, as others don’t care for his absurd standard, because the rest of know that the average member of the community will not do what their class in their maximum protentional can do. It’s almost like parses are made to represent a player’s position relative to others, and most people will parse a 40-60, which is representative of the average.
I love the smell of meta slaves coping in the morning.
I’m sorry but Moonkins are not a meme spec, they bring a very vauluable buff and provide 2 very good debuffs. Even their DPS isn’t bad so no they’re not a meme in the slightest.
Parses largely mean nothing too but i can’t help but look at what my parses are on my 2 raiding toons. I like to think my guild is above average in terms of how we handle raids (we have 2) and both are melee heavy so we go against the meta and its so much fun.
I only use parses for my own knowledge of how I stack to other rogues. 1k dps on Gruul personally stacks up to almost 90 percentile. It makes me feel good knowing that the work I put into my rogue is showing.
That said, the meta slaves only speak parses, in order to get through to them, you have to speak their language.