Good luck getting a new series GPU

I think the only reason they’ve allowed Google Chrome is it reads PKI certificates and CAC card certificates relatively well, letting us logon to secure sites easier.

I’ve been using firefox since like 2003/4 :+1: Never had any troubles with it.

CAC CARD!?! #triggered

Reminds me of when when I was paying property taxes for the family house in my home state. The website for that didn’t require IE, but was built by some noname consulting company and looked like it came straight out of the late 90s. Stark white background, almost no graphics, Times New Roman font, built for a 1024x768 screen. Didn’t use SSL or anything, and yet took credit cards for payment.

Needless to say I did not use a real CC with that site. Thank goodness for temp credit card services.

On my home PC I’m the same way, government system pages never seem to load with firefox. At least on SIPR, NIPR is kind of hit or miss.

Ah SIPR NIPR, takes me back to my days in the military lol.

Is it also because a lot of the parts are made in China, and the ‘Trade War’, as well as COVID, means it’s really difficult for imports to arrive from China?

That’s what someone told me who works in the IT industry, but maybe it’s just here in Australia that Chinese imports are affected?

That doesn’t seem right but ok

If the supply chain is affected, even for raw materials, it can impact production in other parts of the world.

It’s one of the reasons there’s a pretty strong sentiment that allowing so much manufacturing to be relocated to Asia and become concentrated so heavily in one area of the world may not have been the best idea.


You also need to factor in how Taiwan is doing. They are a big source of (sub) components. When typhoons hit them hard watch memory, chip and disk drive prices go up.

Now when mother nature is nice to them and gives them a longer break this is when you see drive prices also get nicer.

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That’s so true. I know our Gvt here is starting to look at being a LOT more self sufficient. But China is one of our biggest Trade Partners.

I think we all need to look to local talent in the future, create jobs in our own countries, and not be so dependent and vulnerable to Trade manipulations.

Well anyone who’s been “into” building or upgrading computers for any decent amount of time should not sincerely expect abundant supply within the first couple months of new hardware like this.

Its really not surprising at all.

Plus never buy new hardware at release especially GPUs…unless money is no object to you.

Let third party suppliers get their versions tweaked and tested…and shipped to retailers first. It sucks when a 700 dollar card that released in say January has been upgraded/optimized in a new release 5 months later.

It’s a balancing act, but the truth is China enforces tariffs on foreign imports, so why other countries can’t do the same to protect our home manufacturing has always been confusing.

“Free trade” sounds great in theory, if you’re working with honest trade partners.

Personally, I’m ok with paying .50 to 1.00 more for a product if that’s keeping 50, 100, 150, or 200 people gainfully employed with benefits and off government assistance.

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Who cares, wait a year and get a better card for a cheaper price.

This seems like a non-issue, but if this is somehow affecting you, just go to a physical location and order it there. Even dumpster retail stores like Fry’s can get you just about any product you want in under a week.

Nvidia is out of them

They will make more and your name will be at the top of the order list. You might have to wait a month.

I think the main point of this is that people were literally using bots to order them all up, and then resell them… which is a really scumbag move.

Nvidia is even reviewing their orders by hand to decline the botters.

Sad world we live in :confused:

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I agree, it’s a pretty **** thing to do and I condemn those scalpers’ actions. But let’s not assume it’s some apocalypse scenario that has no possible counter play.

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No doubt! I usually just build an expensive computer and let it ride for 8-10 years :joy: until my FPS drops below 60, but I don’t play any crazy games either.

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