Good luck getting a new series GPU

Apparently scalpers are using bots to buy up all the RTX 3080 and 3090 GPUs, and selling them back for 2-3 times the original price, some 3090s are going for as much as $8200 on ebay.

Scalpers deserve to play BFA forever


I didn’t know I was required when updating a GPU to update to the absolute must have no joke top of the line GPU on the market immediately.

It’s almost like one could just pick the next one down and still have a GPU that will last years.


When that comes out, the scalpers will be on it too.

Shhh don’t spread that around, I like my cheaper GPU

I don’t know if scalpers are buying up the lower end new series GPU’s, but I’d say they probably are.

So put one on order if they’re out of stock and be a little patient?

I don’t see the issue here, scalping is something people have been doing whether with sports tickets or anything else for as long as selling things has been a thing.


So glad I don’t suffer FOMO.


Those exaggerated prices aren’t legit. There was a guy last month who wrote a script to bid up scalped cards with crazy high prices so no one would buy a scalped card on eBay. And even if the $8200 bids aren’t his, it’s probably someone else who’s also not making a legit bid.

RTX 3080 cards will come back into stock. Just may take several weeks.

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Dont buy them, they have a faulty component that does not allow any Over Clocking and will crash your computer if you try.


Imagine defending scalpers unironically.


Imagine thinking you’re entitled to getting something below retail on ebay.

This thread’s logic is astounding.

I’m not saying scalping is good you simpleton, I’m saying any reasonably intelligent consumer knows it’s a thing, and can avoid it by not being an impulsive moron and having some patience.


Scalpers grabbing up the latest item and reselling it for exorbitant prices?


Scalping’s a thing because people actually buy this stuff. For everyone who complains about their practices, there’re at least as many people who shell out for their marked-up stuff. Stands to reason that they wouldn’t be doing it if it wasn’t working, right?

“Demand suddenly skyrocketed, you all saw it!” ~ Bender Bending Rodriguez.


Who the hell can buy a $8200 GPU? I don’t know anyone who would, or could, spend that much for a single gaming component.


Like I said, that’s not a legit bid.

I won’t be buying one until next year anyway, probably around this time next year.

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Even if it’s not, there is tons of them going for $3000+

My fav was the rolls of TP with 3080 written on them.
Also this 2 week old news