Good luck getting a new series GPU

I’ve certainly considered it, or at the very least using this one as a second monitor since that’s a pretty common thing these days too. But lack of space, laziness, and the aforementioned ‘this one’s still doing good enough’ have all kept that from happening!

When my character starts stuttering, freezing, and such. That’s my clue to update my CPU and GPU.

You use Asic machines for crypto mining

except for etherium wich is done by GPU’s because it’s Vram buffer requirement.

None of those are things I said or care to argue about. Why are you quoting my posts and talking about unrelated things ?

I can’t remember what exactly it was for, but I had a problem with something I ordered on Amazon a long time ago and they ended up refunding me as well, without me having to do anything beyond contacting them about it. I guess these places just make so much money that they can afford to do that lol

Linus said the 6600 actually.

sometimes it’s just cheaper to write it off than it is to pay for return shipping.


I know it’s coming for shadowlands, and I will be running it on a 1080ti. Maybe not 60-70fps.

I can play wow perfectly fine on RX 580. I don’t need top of the line ray tracing garbage, I can wait. :slight_smile:

Dude, you won’t be running Ray tracing on a 1080Ti, which is coming in Shadowlands.

Don’t make my post about something it wasn’t. I’m not arguing with you about why playing games at 30 fps is so 1994.

I play beta with a RX580, on setting 7 I get ~50fps out in the world

I’m sure you’ll get at least 60 on a 1080 TI, no worries :+1: I don’t usually play on that and the game recommends I play on 5. With my live settings I get 62 fps.

This really. They said maybe you all want to get a SSD and this place flipped out.

Here is what they wanted to do. They wanted physical drive I/O access times to be better so they could do a bit more and not slog systems down. They wanted to politely say don’t be hitting tech support saying the load screens times suck massively.

So now tech support will have to compose tactful replies saying, but saying nicely, your 7200 if not 5400 RPM is slow AF.

Get a majority of players on SSD…they can push more data in a shorter time.

This didn’t happen.

This is why you wait til the new GPUs are old news. That RTX 3080 isn’t gonna be any weaker a year or so from now, and if fact it’ll probably be more usable since AIB vendors will have had time to revise their designs and Nvidia to fix their drivers.

EDIT: Also, screw scalpers/flippers/whatever you want to call them. Don’t buy from them. It’s not even remotely worth the markup and by doing so you’re supporting a crap practice.

I get like 120 FPS at 7 on a vega 64, no one should have issues witha 1080 ti lol

The next news he’s going to tell us is that Shadowlands was delayed and Trump was diagnosed with covid 19.

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Hey now, be nice, not everyone knows about browsers that aren’t Internet Explorer.

Fake news!

I have this weird relationship with both chrome and Firefox, one will break on me so i’ll start using the other and then that one will break, and I’ll switch back and the other one will be working fine again, it’s strange.

I mean to be completely fair if CNN had reported this information my first thought would have been “hmmm, gonna need to check some other sources first”.

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