Good luck getting a new series GPU

Yea it is sad, good thing I was still rocking my pair of 980ti. I gave my brother my computer a little before the 3080 came out. I build a new one for myself expecting to put a 3080 or 3090 in there. I would have been in a tough place with a build with no GPU. Silver lining, SLI being dead, I still had the extra 980ti to tough it out, very good gpu for sub 4K displays.

You disagree with what ? That it’s coming in Shadowlands or that you won’t be running it on 1080 Ti ?

Because those were my 2 statements, and they are both facts.

By the time I can afford the GPU this won’t be a problem, 0 luck required :rofl:

wow lots of people really hate the free market

logistics takes time to catch up for increased demand. I plan to get a new card sooner or later. It’s not a huge priority.

Scalping and monopolies are actually the anti-thesis of the free market.

It’s why most Liberal minded folks (the old kind of liberals, not the new Communist-lite progressives) are for market regulations to prevent situations where the free market collapses.

Would crypto currency mining also be the cause of availability of these things?

Heh, you say 3-4.5 years while I’m still using the same monitor I bought when I built my first PC back in 2008
definitely outdated but it doesn’t have any definite problems that would compel me to buy a new one!

It’s really a scummy thing to do to profit off of people in that manner, particularly during COVID times and near Christmas.

It’s on a similar level to the people who bought all the masks and resold them for a fortune.

You will find that you will REALLY enjoy the upgrade from a 2008 panel to something built in 2020 with a higher refresh rate, More vibrant colours and less power draw not to mention newer features such as curved panels if those are you thing.

They do it with shoes, phones, games etc.

I used to work at a place where a guy would buy the limit of on sale Xbox with his family and then resell them at more or in india.

the game wasn’t designed with ray tracing in mind. it will run fine. And, btw, 60-70 fps is nice but not critical for a good game experience.

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I must be spoiled then because anything under 60fps makes me want to vomit.

The game wasn’t designed with multi cores in mind back in 2004, Keep in mind that the engine for this game has been constantly updated and is nowhere even remotely the same as what it was 10 years ago, Hell five years ago that is an archaic way of looking at it.

pats his little GTX 960 that 's still playing the game just fine after half a decade

you dont need a 3090 for WoW
Who are you people?

I suppose there’re some similarities there, to the point where if someone did end up buying a ‘fake’ GPU they’d definitely have options for going after the seller, or at the very least getting their money back. Heck, sometimes the deck is stacked so in favor of the buyer that they can get their money back for a purchase without having to return the item or even prove that it was damaged or screwed up in some way!


Yeah paypal will let you charge back just about anything these days since most places wont bother to reply.

I mean i play at 7680x1440/144 i can very much make full use of a 3090, I’m just going with a 6900XT instead.

You want capitalism? You got capitalism. Supply and demand.

Very inefficient on the manufacturer’s part though. They are giving up all that value to unrelated third parties (scalpers).