Good luck getting a new series GPU

I will worry about this when the 6900XT launches since that was what i was going to buy anyway.

If you don’t mind, would you care to explain how price gouging is illegal in your area, then? You keep saying ‘stop referring to the US it doesn’t apply to me’, but you aren’t actually explaining what DOES apply to you/your area. Is it actually illegal or do you just not like the practice and wish that it was?

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Is there anything wrong with a gtx 1080ti or a 1660?

Sure you don’t, but most people you’re talking to here are from the US at this time of day.

Let’s face it, the Druid is embarassing himself here with his support of scalping, but it’s unfortunately not illegal in the US.

They’re vastly outdated and out performed cards.

I just got my 3090 yesterday
im not telling you how I got mine
And no it wasnt on eBAY
and no it wasnt even close to that price.

It will be if using EBAY, US North America.

Now if you are hitting up UK, Euro, Japan, etc online auctions you might be correct. So have fun if a Brit in your legal system with that. Or fill in whatever country you are.

If bought on a US “store” its those laws in play.

LIke me with my camera hobby. Fun fact. If I buy a Nikon lense in a US store I get 5 years limited warranty. NOw I if o go buy that same lens at the store down the street from me (I live in japan) I get 1 year only.

Same lens, different laws based on nation of sale. Pick your nation of sale that works for you all I can say. ME
I test shoot store samples then buy from a US store for my camera gear lol.

Thats fair then. Here the practice is most certainly not legal, especially when the method to obtain the products is through botting/scripts that allow you to buy in bulk from the website.

1660 is pretty average. 1080ti was a hell of a buy with the performance you get for how old it is.

The architecture of the GTX series (including the 1080) wasn’t designed to support Raytracing. Nvidia has released drivers updates that allow certain models from the GTX series (again, including the 1080) to perform Raytracing.

Sorry that I didn’t explain it the first time. I didn’t think I needed to spell it out. That’s on me.

Yeah, I have a friend who was able to get one. I’m going to get a 3090 when they come back in stock, work is paying for it for my work from home computer.

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Where are you from then, 10 to 1 my amazing “google” skills find the law and it mentions both “emergency situations” and “essential goods” in the law.

Keep trying to defend it <3

So just don’t buy them and let the scalpers die off lol

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Answer the question.

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They really aren’t that out dated, for anyone at 1440p a 1080ti is going to be more or less fine, Yes the new 30 series outdoes it but just because the 30 series exists doesn’t mean the 10 series is going to immediatly perform worse and suddenly only give you 5 FPS

If that’s the case, I think it’d only apply to entities doing business from those areas, right? I’m definitely not an expert, goes double since this is e-commerce, but I’m going to assume that laws are applied based on wherever the seller happens to be. I’m assuming these scalpers are based in areas where it’s totally legal to do so, otherwise they either wouldn’t be doing it or they’d be getting in some sort of trouble for doing so, right?

I don have to do anything lmao? Do you think you are my dad or something. Just keep defending it like you were before, I don’t answer to you.

You claim it’s illegal where you live, I would like to verify that fact.

Unless of course you’re talking out of your fifth point of contact and don’t know what you’re talking about, but that couldn’t be the case right?

Now who’s dodging?


Correct, it would only apply to sales/purchases from the area. However it doesn’t make the practice somehow defendable imo, because there’s no law for it defending it. And iirc, isn’t scalping tickets etc illegal for sporting events? Why would it be any different for a product?