Good luck getting a new series GPU

Oh because now the states are the only laws that exist? I didn’t realize the US ran the entire world.

Keep defending scalping.

Yes, the bots can run an order faster than a human can, so by the time you click “Finish order”, all the stock is gone to scalpers.

You don’t quite understand how this works I see. First come, first served basis. Bots get there faster than you can.

My 1080TI plays everything I want and streams and records just fine.

I don’t care about this.


Way to completely ignore the entire rest of that post, where the discussion refers specifically to EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AND CRITICAL GOODS.

But yeah, latch onto the ‘jurisdiction’ part as if that’s the only pertinent part of the post.

Seriously, you spouted off and you got wrecked on law. Just stop.


The 1080 struggles on 4K and can’t do Ray Tracing.

No, emergencies are the only times where price gouging can actually have legal consequences. Take a look at what happened early on with this pandemic, with people/businesses who tried marking up the price of essential goods people were panic buying. THAT is when price gouging/scalping can actually get the ones doing it in trouble. Marking up a GPU is not going to do that, because a GPU is not an essential good. That’s what I meant when I said ‘it only matters when it’s a necessity’.

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Problem is though the 3080 is literally the most cost efficient to performance card that has been released since the 1070(the card I have). It’s more powerful than the 2080ti even. While it’s having all sorts of technical issues right now if you managed to get your hands on one that didn’t have any you would have a card that would potentially last a VERY long time.

Even if the stock is gone, they record the back orders IN ORDER. So when they restock, your place in the order is already recorded.

Also most companies have technology to prevent fraudulent purchases, and bot purchases trip them. Constantly.

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Good thing i’m still content with the 2060 that i have. But the day i spend that much on a GPU is never

US law isn’t universal, please stop citing me laws that gave nothing to do with me thanks.

The 4k part only matters if you’ve got 4k monitors and it does support Raytracing. It just doesn’t do hardware Raytracing.

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most of them aren’t actually being sold.

on websites that are first come first serve, and not doing preorders, that isn’t relevant, they never got to make an order.

There is no price gouging law in the world that does not specifically refer to emergency situations and critical goods.


Like I said, you spouted off and got told off by multiple people because your inch deep understanding of law gave you (in your mind) some authority on the subject. Stop.

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Call me when 3080s get back in stock, I won’t hold my breath.

As it stands, this will only repeat with 3070s on the 29th, even though nVidia delayed the launch by 2 weeks to increase the available stock.

You really have no clue how scalping works do you.

I’m not citing laws, I’m talking about the fact that non-essential goods can be priced at whatever the seller wants and they aren’t going to get in any trouble for it. It’s not ‘illegal’. Unless you’d care to point out how it is? After all, you’re the one who said it’s illegal.

I’d argue that the RTX 2060 is the most efficient on a cost to performance basis. Though since the 3080 is relatively cheap for a higher end gpu it may edge it out.

Found one on etsy right now for 680.

As much as it would be great for you to be right on this, US “price gouging” laws varies from state to state, and most states only have them in place for commodities during declared emergencies.

Well I do or I wouldn’t have said so.

These 2 statements are contradictory. If it doesn’t do it in hardware, the hardware doesn’t support it. That would be like saying you’re playing GLQuake on Microsoft’s software opengl32.dll implementation.

Good luck with your 1 frame per minute.

Yeah dude, no one is buying a cardboard box for 680.

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I don’t care about US price gouging laws. Ebay transactions do not ONLY occur in the us.