Good luck getting a new series GPU

Did I miss the part where you can’t buy these things directly from a manufacturer anymore? And have to buy them on Ebay?

Even if they’re on back order, you place an order, wait a couple weeks, boom there’s your GPU at retail price.


It’s called price gouging, and it can be illegal.

Not sure why you’re defending it lol


The manufacturer will be backlogged until the scalper bots go find something else they want to sell for $8200.

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About a week late there my friend

Imagine still unironically defending scalpers after getting called out on it.

That’s not what we’re hearing.


Price gouging laws entail situations where you are selling necessities at a markup during a crisis situation like a hurricane.

Last time I checked no one had a critical need for a top of the line GPU to live.

Please understand laws before talking about them. Seriously.

Scaling works because stupid people without impulse control “Have to have that thing now” and buy it at the scalped price. Stop doing it, and they will stop or move onto the next commodity to try and scalp.


I don’t consider it impossible that there are people who are both willing and able to pay the markup. Something like a graphics card could even pay itself off if it goes towards something that generates revenue, which can easily be the case with a computer.

No it doesn’t.


Price gouging occurs when a seller increases the prices of goods, services or commodities to a level much higher than is considered reasonable or fair. Usually, this event occurs after a demand or supply shock.


I dun need a new gpu. I’ll sit here with my 1070 TI and by perfectly content, thank you very much.

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They aren’t defending them. The scalping happened. Can’t be fixed. Wait for a legit release somewhere at normal price.

Or pay the scalped prices.

Really are 2 choices here. Scalpers suck. Vendors don’t care much They wanted to sell 1000 cards. they sold 1000 cards. Now you wait for them to make 1000 more really.

edit: 1000 picked out of thin air…I have no idea of real number

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It only matters when it’s a ‘necessity’. A GPU isn’t one.

The part where Scalpers have bots buying up all the stock faster than normal humans can process an order.

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word is that the new amd gpu will have ray tracing as well and probably at a more affordable price

It does not only matter if it is a necessity. It being an emergency is just an example of times when price gouging occurs.

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Check again re re.

In most states, price gouging during a time of emergency is considered a violation of [unfair or deceptive trade practices law] Most of these laws provide for civil penalties, as enforced by the state attorney general, while some state laws also enforce criminal penalties for price gouging violations.

The definition of “excessive” or “unconscionable” pricing is generally determined by looking at average prices in the affected area over a given look-back period prior to the emergency, typically six months or so. If prices are 10 or 15 percent higher (some states have different thresholds), then it may be determined that price gouging has occurred.

First off these are online sales, likely international, and not governed by federal or state laws.

Second, this is a voluntary transaction FOR A LUXURY GOOD. Please, I beg you, try to take this one to court for “price gouging” and let me know how it goes.


Well yeah its RDNA 2 they are similar too what’s in the new consoles. Be good to see what they release but I don’t see them beating Nvidia on performance. They will certainly be cheaper tho.


If you place an order directly with a manufacturer, all the bots in the world will not stop your order from getting filled. It may take some time, but they will the orders in the order received, meaning you will get your part, at the retail price.

Seriously how have you people never ordered anything NOT on ebay before?


bruh you’re playing WoW… you can almost use a potato to run this game.

Having experienced this before, no it won’t. Once the cards are back in full stock, which they definitely will be, there won’t be any scalping.

The only period we’ve seen extended scalping of GPUs was during the mining boom where consumer demand for GPUs massively, massively increased because of commercial cryptocurrency mining.

There isn’t that sort of demand shock anymore, so if TSMC can provide Nvidia with enough wafers (which it’s been able to do, historically), Nvidia can sell as many cards as they need to.

Yeah, but it’ll likely have all the normal AMD issues (eg. sketchy drivers). In all honesty, your best bet is to wait at least 6 months regardless of availability. The very first line of any GPU series always has issues, plus that’ll give time for them to get a few iterations of driver updates through.