Good luck getting a new series GPU

If I come up with a more fitting example I will let you know.

But I am sure we both get what I am saying.

Scalping truly is an issue created mainly by the victims themselves not having control and the lack of legislation to go after scalping online

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I’m puzzled how anyone could confuse those two things but somehow he managed to.

Just going by the OP’s picture, you had 43 people bidding well over $8000. I picture someone getting angry yet still paying instead of getting mad at themselves for being the one paying.

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I think a better, more apt comparison would be someone buying up all the thorium on the AH and reposting it at 10x the price. Just because he has multiple gold capped toons and wants to make even more gold.

You think scalpers are not going to resort to bidding up their own listing to create the illusion of demand ?

Nobody here is defending scalpers. You’re somehow confusing objectivity with defense. I guess I can’t blame you entirely. In my line of work, I sometimes hear “how can you take his/her side?” when the opposition just did not follow protocol.

I personally never said I didn’t think it wasn’t crappy but that’s just an opinion. Several things I’ve wanted fell victim to this behavior. I didn’t pay them. I just waited it out. I missed out on NT Mini, NES classic, SNES classic and ended up getting one myself without paying inflated prices. Though it was funny when my sister-in-law bragged about getting a NES classic (payed triple the price) and a month later, I got one for normal.

Point being that I didn’t go off, pay triple the price then complain about paying triple the price.

Because it’s not objective to pretend :

When they in fact are :

“She shouldn’t have been wearing that skimpy dress”. Victims of Fraud are victims because they don’t realise they’re being defrauded.

When did “trolling” come to mean “Disagreement” ? Did I miss the memo somewhere ?

My god you people can’t tolerate any kind of disagreement to your victim blaming and just think we’re yanking your chain somehow, when in fact, all we’re doing is trying to rationnally explain to you why Scalping is bad.

You’re the one that seems to be confused as to how scalpers operate.

There’s a reason we prosecute them in emergency situations with commodity goods. The practice is bad, and we barely tolerate it in the normal course of market economics, but they are indeed market disruptors.

Just saying

In all seriousness, you don’t seem like an unintelligent fellow. And while you can do with it as you please, I leave you with 1 piece of advice. Objectivity does not mean you’re taking someone/something’s side. It just means you’re looking at the big picture and taking all facts into consideration.

In my line of work, I deal with “scummy” people doing “scummy” things all the time but I cannot let my personal feelings have anything to do with the outcome. It’s just like a court system. They’re (supposed to be) objective. It doesn’t matter if the judge doesn’t personally like what you were doing. If you were not breaking the law, you will go free.

With the difference that we cannot travel around to mine our own GPU

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I’m getting that you might get away with it legally because you did not violate the letter of the law, but the practice is still morally and ethically questionnable at best and might be against the spirit of the law.

Good point, I should stop feeding this obvious troll.

So you are getting it.

Are you guys still bickering? What a productive use of time.

But I play on high graphics.

Your attempt at being an edgelord has failed miserably.

The audacity of people having a conversation on a forum.

He tried the same thing with me. I play on high settings and he assumed I played on 800x600. If I understood, he has the same graphics card I do but doesn’t seem to get good performance out of it.

If that’s the case, I can see why he would be so eager to get the newest/greatest and be so upset that scalpers are making it so he has to pay thousands to do so.

It seems like there is an issue with system optimization or another piece of hardware in his setup is holding it back.

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nail on the head.

My system is fine. I used to play at 1440p, now I play in 4K. I can get 100+ fps in Ironforge too.

When mobs are around, spells are flying on N’zoth, it dips to around 60.

This is on a GTX 1080.

I notice you lack any mention of what resolution you’re running the game at. I mean, I can run on Ultra, 400+ fps, completely bus io bound too if I run the game at 320x200.

You guys are frankly exagerating the performance you’re squeezing out of 1080s. nVidia’s own Geforce Experience doesn’t even optimize WoW to max settings for GTX 1080s at 4K. And neither does it at 2K.

WoW is always an odd duck. Before 8.3, I got 40-144 fps, now I get 90-144.

There is no exaggerating, some systems are just better optimized than others. As I said, I knew a guy who had a better card than me and got much lower performance than I did. He swore to God that his system was perfectly fine.


Because WoW is mostly not GPU bound.

Nor can you really sustain 144 fps in it, outside of old areas with no other players around.

Yes, saying you can sustain 144 fps in a raid on ultra at 4K resolution is a massive exageration. Even at 1080p it is an exageration.

I’ve been building gaming PCs for nearly 25 years. My first 3D accelerator was a Diamond Monster 3D. This isn’t my first rodeo.


I don’t think anybody claimed they could in this game.

In my line of work, I’ve met people who’ve done their jobs for 40+ years and were no good at it. Not implying you’re no good, just saying that doesn’t mean a lot.

Ah I see now you’re walking things back a bit. Finally realising you can’t back your boast.

In my line of work, being good around computers is a must. I’m literally in IT. Guess why I got into IT in the first place.

No? Not sure how you made that distinction. You were talking about Doom, now you’re talking about WoW. Don’t move the goalposts, friend.

In the years I’ve worked for my company, half the IT guys who went to school for it sucked at it. I had to teach the last one what trusted sites were.