Good luck getting a new series GPU

We are extremely picky with the new management but back when I started the people with paper certifications and degrees only weren’t all that good.

You’re exaggerating the difference between 80 and 100fps.

At this point I’m pretty sure you don’t own any top end card lol. Most of your theory comes off as speculation

He is pretty on point though, WoW has always been cpu bottlenecked.

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Yeah, and I don’t mean it to sound condescending but with all the degrees and certifications you can get just by going online, it’s really starting to show. We’ve had managers with online degrees were not very smart.

I wouldn’t recommend buying the 3 series quite yet; lots of issues in terms of stability.

Drivers need a lot of work I think the HW issues were overblown (one or two models were not revised before retail) most issues went away with the 1st driver update. I’ve crashed twice once was a game with RTX that states DX12 is “beta” the other I was overclocking.

If people didn’t buy cards through middleman purchases, there wouldn’t be scalping. No one “needs” a graphics card that bad.

Yes, I used literally correctly. 2 people in this thread have literally defended scalpers, one even going so far as saying “It’s legal, so it’s ok!”

It’s a weird thing, being for the artificial scarcity and bot made orders to prevent gamers from getting their cards.

Not really since I made no claims about 80 and 100 fps.

Says the guy who plays at ultra on 640x480. :man_shrugging:

I told you what I own and what I plan the purchase.

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no, he did say its legal, but never said its ok, he said just dont buy from them and wait till it comes back in stock. that is not supporting it. but keep believing what you want to believe.

Zzz you took over a day to come up with made up trolling lol.

You don’t own a high end card and my machine wrecks yours. Gg scrub