Good luck getting a new series GPU

How dare people respond to posts on a discussion forum!

Literal name calling for using the forum as intended : to respond to posts. But somehow, I’m the “troll”. Just ignore me dude if you don’t want to discuss things like a normal human being.

Snickers in 60 FPS with a cheap GTX 980

Why would I buy that mess when mine works fine.

My screen is 1080p. I get 144fps on any game at max settings. I even get 200-300 fps on a handful of other games but g-sync helps with that.

I don’t know which games you play or where you get this frame rate, but Doom Eternal does not run at a steady 144 fps at max settings on 1080.

Please show me any sort of hysteria. I’ll wait. lol

Don’t accuse people of things they didn’t do if you don’t want to be called out on it.

Once again, still can’t read. He literally wasn’t. Not once did he say it was okay what they were doing and he supported it.

Absolutely never attacked you. Pretty sure I didn’t call you names either. So how much more stuff are you going to make up to prove your drama?

Then please show me where I was “dramatic” and let’s just end it here. If you cannot discuss things without resorting to name calling, then don’t.

I can read and I explained to you why everything he was saying was wrong. Because you cannot buy from elsewhere as everywhere is out of stock and has been since launch day.

:roll_eyes: “dramatic” “seek help” are not attacks now ?

That game is poorly optimized. I can get 100-200fps on max settings.

Point being that people seem to think they have to have the best of the best RIGHT NOW and are incapable of waiting a few months. Your machine is running just fine. You just think it isn’t.

Doom Eternal is one of the best optimized engines from one of the best companies around.

You’re not getting 200 fps on max settings on it, not at 1080p resolution.

How dare people be mad scalpers bought off all the stock of a new product.

GTX 1080, 100-200fps at 1080p… absolutely.

Don’t blame the scalpers. Blame the obsessed people for paying those double/triple prices. If people wouldn’t buy from them, they wouldn’t do what they do.

Maybe with your face jammed into a wall.

I have a GTX 1080 and Doom Eternal, I know how it runs. You’re not maintaining 200 fps or even 100 fps in a arena with multiple demons coming at you.

Don’t defend the scalpers.

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You twisting things to say I’m being hysterical, you accusing someone of defending scalpers, you continuing to twist things where you claim I attacked you…

It’s not wrong. You can try. Some place will let you backorder. You can also buy a different card. Ignoring the scalpers and not giving them the money is basically giving them the middle finger to their crap ways. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen it happen. This has been a thing for years. We just had to learn how to go about getting them later or getting different cards.

How is that in any way an attack? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: You are being dramatic. That’s a statement not an attack. I never once flipped out at you, screamed at you, called you names or threatened you.

And yes, you do need help or to take a step back if you’re getting like this over being called out on false accusations.

Can’t spell it out any clearer. And since I know you won’t listen, I’m done here.

Dude, I was responding in kind for your “Dramatic” claims. Just to make you realise how ridiculous you were being.

It is wrong. I’m on newegg right now, want to tell them they are wrong too ?

It’s literally an attack, you’re claiming I’m not sane. How is that not an attack ?

Maybe take a 2 minute breather, and come back to discuss things like an adult, minus all the name calling and attacks.

I’m sorry your other hardware seem to be limiting its capabilities. It’s not the first time that’s happened. It was less than a week ago that someone else mentioned another game they played, saying GTX 1080 was incapable of getting over 100fps while I was getting 120.

Not defending them but I’ll defend whoever I want.

Those guys who think they have to have the best of the best of the best and have it RIGHT FREAKING NOW are the ones who get hurt by scalpers. I’d like an upgrade but I’m in no hurry.

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It’s not, Doom Eternal is not CPU or IO bound. Plus my rig is no slouch.

Neither is bragging on forums about performances your computer simply cannot do.

I mean you’re free to defend scalpers, and I’m free to consider you as scummy as they are.

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That is a bit like saying that there would one should blame people who have valuables for the fact that burglars exist.

Yes, I get that it is stupid to desperately scramble for the latest product but still the blame lies on the ones doing basically a crime.

It is really annoying that for one who had been holding on upgrading or getting a new machine for several years and then knowing that they need to wait 1+ more months due to scalpers.

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Hey, I know what my system is capable of and has done. Some random guy on a forum telling me it can’t when it has doesn’t change anything.

Reminds me of a guy a long time ago who had a better video card than me but got all mad because he couldn’t figure out why I was getting better performance than him. Yet… it was “all my fault” lol

I wasn’t defending them but if you’re such an angry person that you think objective people are “scummy” then I’m sorry I even wasted time engaging with you.

Burglary is a direct crime. It’s stealing something already owned by someone else. Scalpers are just buying something on their own and selling it for a higher price because they know some desperate “I gotta have it nao!” guy will pay whatever they ask.

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I assume you’re confusing objectivity with defense. Pretty common misconception so I will forgive you.

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Scalpers are not “just buying something on their own”, they’re massively picking up all the stock and creating an artificial scarcity. There’s quite the distinction in a typical asset acquisition than later on appreciates in value, vs buying up all the available stock to create a situation where you have a monopoly on the ressources.

When you defend scalping, you’re essentially defending monopolists abusing their ressources to diminish availability to others.

But I’m guessing that’s a bit over your head.

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