Good luck getting a new series GPU

What ever will I do?

I guess I’ll just have to tough it out with this 1070 only getting 80 fps in a raid.

Lol are there actually people paying 3x retail price? I feel like only the top% of wealth that could care less what it cost to begin with would be the only ones who did… let’s not pretend like this is in any way a big deal

There’s no such thing as “something else”. And yes we know we have to wait.

You’re bordering on defense of scalping yourself.

Dude is all over the place “Just be faster than scripted bots! You’re not entitled to GPUs!” but whatever.

You literally cannot do what the guy was saying to do. You cannot buy out of stock items, most sites won’t even let you place the order, they’ll only have a “Notify me when stock returns” button.

Presenting the facts of the situation is not being dramatic. However, you coming in guns blazing is pretty dramatic. And bordering on a defense of scalpers.

No one in this thread claimed they were buying a 3090 for WoW exclusively.

Not everyone plays at 1024x768 with ultra low graphics.

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I got my 3080 at Microcenter normal price with 5% off.

Congratulations on being one of the few who managed to get your hands on stock.

I’m not buying a 3080 myself, I’m waiting on the 3070, but I can still recognize this has been a bad situation for all involved and not defend the people doing this.

On my backup machine (not raiding) I get 70-80+ fps on a 1650S at 1440p setting 7.

Yeah, I get the same on my 1080. I was being facetious and snarky, not literal.

Setting 7 ain’t great btw.

Cool. Doesn’t change what I said. At all.

There is an easy solution to this. You just don’t buy the scalped items because it’s a GPU and you won’t die without it. Eventually the manufacturers will catch up and the scalpers will simply be out money.

I’ll eventually get a 3080 or 3090. Scalpers mean nothing to me because they won’t ever get a dollar out of my wallet.

Mutahar/someordinarygamer is the best :sweat_smile:

3090 is a waste of money (for just gaming) at normal retail price. Imagine being enough of a fool to buy at one at scalper prices.

No one in this thread said to buy the scalped items. You guys a really loving those strawmen this morning.

Which you were told already and still continue to be dramatic.

Don’t even know what you’re talking about.

So get notified. Find a different card. The rest of us did.

You accused someone of defending scalpers, which they absolutely weren’t doing. This has nothing to do with facts.

You like making stuff up, don’t you? Someone tells you to read what’s actually being said and suddenly that’s dramatic? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Seek help, dude. No one here is defending scalpers. :roll_eyes:

Don’t really push it I don’t use that machine much for gaming I use the laptop more at setting 4… Quadro K620m.

Then what’s the point of this entire thread if you aren’t concerned with buying scalped items to begin with?

Talk about a strawman.

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Scalping is usually only an issue for people who feel they HAVE TO HAVE THE NEWEST AND GREATEST RIGHT NOW.

The games I’m playing, I can get full 144fps on highest settings. Any more power is just a complete waste.

I’m not being dramatic, I’m discussing the topic on a discussion forum. Why are you being hysterical about it ? Don’t come to forums if you don’t want discussion.

Which the scalpers also do, but have botted scripts to get there and place the order faster than a human can, which was my point to begin with.

Because he literally was.

I mean, you’re literally attacking me and calling me names. Am I really making stuff up ?

Discussing the situation ? This is a discussion forum after all.

Again, not everyone plays at 800x600 my dude. Some of us love us some 2K and 4K gaming, in which 144 fps is not achievable at highest settings on more modern games made in the last 5 years.

So basically you’re just an obvious troll picking nothing fights with multiple people at once? Got it.

I wasn’t picking anything until you guys decided to poke me. I was happily discussing the topic of the thread.

If anything, people coming in here and calling me things like “Dramatic” and making up strawmen about “Buying a 3090 for WoW only” or “Stop telling people to buy things off ebay!” are the ones actually trolling this topic my dude.

You quite LITERALLY responded to my post unprovoked lol. Bad troll is very bad.