Good Luck Fellow WoW players - Final nail for me

Then why isn’t it an issue everyone is experiencing?

When there actually was an issue with the client with respect to lag in the Azure Span everyone experienced it. But stuttering? Seems to be only affecting a few people. That implies heavily that it’s not an issue with the client, but on your end.

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…and oddly enough, I don’t see a dx diag from the OP.

a classic example of the aforementioned footstomper.

Oh, so you’re putting words in my mouth now?

To be honest - if WoW was a poor product I wouldn’t spend any money on it. Period. I believe in personal responsibility. I try before I buy and I evaluate if something is worth my money. If it stops being worth it I stop paying for it.

Let me tell you a little story - I played Overwatch for 6 years. I loved it. Then Overwatch 2 came out. I stopped playing it. I did other things. If it gets better I might consider going back but Aaron and his team burned that bridge.

Don’t try to twist my words to fit your narrative.

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I’ve only seen the client stuttering thing in Eye of the Storm, and only the past couple nights.

And yet alllll of my other games run perfectly fine? :thinking::rofl:

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See you in a week.

This made me laugh more than it should have.

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Yes, it is the management. Also, it’s just an old palette these developers are working on. Practically ancient by video game standards. This is why I keep saying we need a wow 2. Devs need a new clean updated palette to work on, and so do the players. It’s bloat city mania, and that effects the developers too.

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Okay? But that doesn’t mean that the problem still isn’t on your end.

Faulty/Out of Date addons, cache files needing to be wiped etc, graphics settings specific to WoW if you’re using independent settings for your games, there’s numerous ways that WoW can mess up on your end, while your other games run flawlessly.

I remember one mess I got myself into. I was experiencing a lot of lag while in Theramore. Turned out it was a combination of my in-game settings and some addons I was using that were memory heavy that were causing the issue, not anything on Blizzard’s end.

Now I’m not 100% saying that it’s not a problem with the client, but if it was, there’d be far more people reporting it and Blizzard would be specifically addressing it like they did with the Azure Span lag.


My laptops are old and work fine without the problems OP descibes.

I’m on the low end with a 5 year old laptop. Basically i7 with GTX1060 graphics card and 16gb RAM.

I have the graphics set by the nvidia app recommendation for the game, which is about mid-range. I chose fair for a couple of things like shadows and clutter.

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I really don’t understand why people treat quitting a game is like it’s some life altering event.



People that blindly defend this game for poor lil Blizzard are hilarious


The strange thing we have found in that big thread is that the more powerful the system, the more likely the stutters occur. True story.

Some people like myself can get rid of 95% of the stutters by simply turning the sound off. Most people may find the stutters insignificant as it is not game breaking. Its just really annoying…


And the amount of ignorant trolls who don’t know what they’re talking about is equally hilarious…

No… wait, not hilarious. Sad, sad, that’s what I meant.

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I tried messing with my sound settings last night. No good. Didn’t help :frowning:

I just uninstalled

I think it’s hilarious! It’s so funny how someone can put something right in front of you and you still don’t believe it because its damaging to Blizzard :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: say “it’s only a few people”

It’s perfect bait. Thanks for the laugh.


I blame ABK executives for the rushed expansion, shouldn’t have come out until this month. We have been playing beta this entire time.


They needed the numbers for their share holders.

Diablo immoral, OW2, even Diablo 2 had some issues.

Add DF to that list and you just got a mess of a company that is either self sabotaging themselves to prep for Microsoft acquisition or they are just so out of touch don’t care, and are just milking everyone till it’s over.

I reinstalled FFXIV last night. I’m excited to try out Endwalker! I want an island so bad.
Picking up where I left off, it’s crazy, I don’t have any performance issues with this game.

As of now all Blizzard games and the launcher are off my computer and that hasn’t been the case we’ll probably ever.


Mac players can’t even play the game right now lmao


I’ve read that. Sounds awful. Is it because of their new A1 chip stuff?

So I had this problem also…

I updated my nvidia drivers and it stopped happening.