Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

Sorry but I get irritated when people act like their opinion is the only valid opinion.

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yup looks worse then i expected and i was already expecting it to be garbage. easily looking to be one of the worst patches ive seen for an expansion but thats no surprise it can go hand and hand with the worst expansion to date.


i dont see SL making it passed 9.2


I like this as long as the pvp gear is still good for pve content :+1:

I don’t understand the hate on shadowlands…I’m having fun having just returned since legion.

Game feels a lot better to me!


Yeah, it’s not enough to bring me back to play this patch… cool that they are bringing back bonus roll, but it’s too little too late. Not going to grind endlessly again in torghast for more min/maxing, and the maw can straight up get lost in oblivion.


LOL you don’t say…

As I mentioned in my next response I wasn’t the one trying to diminish other’s thoughts of what is good or not and was my point.

A novel approach here is that whether I agree with you, the author or any other member playing the game, there seems to be a lot of effort spent on telling people they can’t feel that way and how could they possibly not think it was a valid concern or not rather than acknowledging they don’t have to view it the same way.

Transmogs are not the ‘real’ endgame for tons of players

Really weird that you make that assumption based on your own bias without any self reflection on it

We can only hope.

I resubbed to play Classic, dabbled a little back in SL to see if all of my disgust for the expansion was still founded, said ‘yep’ after 1 hour, then logged off.


9.0 maw is one thing… 9.1 is another.

Also you personal experience middle of the night isn’t a good measure of popularity imo, especially on a dead/lowpop realm (Dath’Remar) where everyzone is hardly populated and going 5 months deep into a patch when the majority of players finished all they wanted to do back during the first couple months.

By your own narrative, if an expansion is release a year after its announcement, considering there are 2 patches left to go + .1, you can expect the next year to have both patches going on, and the expansion announced at next year’s blizzcon on february, since by then, next year, both patches would be released and the draught phase until next expansion start
But there is no way it’s gonna be announced this year that’s too fat fetched

Kortia might be in the maw, but it’s entirely different to what we associate with the maw, like saying Isle of Giants and Desert of Fear from MoP, same map but entirely different zones, or Kul’tiras and Mechagon

Maw is still optional tho, bc if you seek for gear, you can get it through pvp, m+ and raid, not with stygia and venari rep, this isn’t TBC where you need rep to unlock raids, you can just go whenever you feel like

Castle Nathria was in Revendreth, does that mean we all spent most of the time in Revendreth? nah

when you summarize it like that it really shows this is easily one of the weakest and worst .1 patches yet and the sad part is its still months away and its already way behind schedule, longest .1 patch wait to date too. Meanwhile FF14 is about to a launch another big patch and announced another expansion… You guys are way behind the times.


I mean, they have to try something to make people want to go there. It’s not a good idea to just say “scrap everything” once you’ve started. You have to push through, and they’re removing dumb stuff like no mounting and minions everywhere. But then again, if you could fly, it would kill the sense of the Maw as a “hell prison you don’t want to be in”.

They were going to the fantasy route, and on that, they delivered, we really didn’t want to stay in there. Unfortunately, it wasn’t choke full of stuff to do to make that “short time in” worth, unless you were a pvper, those ppl got to kill so so many…

Their approach now, and for what’s to come, is to give more reasons to be in the maw, no longer under the view of “you can’t be in here” but “you want to come for the stuff to do”. Things like mount drops, special events like the Nazjatar thing, the already implemented covenant assaults, rare mobs, transmog items, maybe another currency strictly for cosmetics, or original world quests (like mounting on a centurion and blasting mobs, or players, until a big boss comes to beat you, but that can be overtaken if you meet other people doing the quest, so it’s kinda like a Kaiju fight, idk).

Unlike BFA where they abandoned the main isles pretty soon into the expansion, they’ll be adding stuff to the maw and subsequent area(s) added as time goes on.

9.1 maw ain’t 9.0 maw, Korthia is basically a Mechagon style zone, might be in the same continent, but isn’t alike the rest of the place.

Currently, you get the campaign levels at 44-47-50-52-56-59, so 3-3-2-4-3. With the first chapter unlocked on release and the 2 weekly quests, you can see a 3 renown gain per week at worst, with +1 after finishing the Assault on Ardenweald quest. so in a schedule of sorts:
week 1: 41-42-43
week 2: 44-45-46
week 3: 47-48-49
week 4: 50-51-52-53
week 5: 54-55
week 6: 56-57-58
week 7: 59-60-61

This would be if it takes the same path as 9.0 in terms of renown. I personally don’t believe this to be the case, and simply gaining +1 renown, would skip a whole week for flying. I am optimistic they’ll understand our wait and give +1 renown somewhere else just to get that small leap to flying a week before, so by week 6. So yeah, not immediately, but not that delayed either.

Remember the prime reason behind not allowing flying so fast is to let people experience the story as intended. If you can fly, you can just skip whatever mob or path set as story. Imagine maw scenario, just fly to the Waystone and get out once you find Jaina. It’s also account-wide and requires no reps or full-on exploration of the map with ground mount, you can flat out ignore it for weeks and use catch up to get once the renown cap reaches the flying point.

At the end of the day, it’s still on the build, we don’t have anything set on stone yet, although history shows it could take the same route as before and be annoying, but we can be optimistic they’ll understand our desire to fly faster, just like they did with, almost every aspect so far, adding valor, tuning pvp gear, account wide rep rewards, increasing raid drops & adding conduits to the bosses + anima, the sanctum anima upgrades, the fast startup of valor cap, removal of soul ash cap, KSM rewards. It’s a matter of suggesting on mass in the PTR forum

Why is it too far fetched ?
2019 SL announced
2020 SL released

2017 BfA announced
2018 BfA released .

There has only been 1 expansion released in a odd year and that was BC and it came out in Jan 2007 and was announced in Oct 2005

Other then that every expansion has been announced near the end of the year during an odd number year which 2021 is . So once again how is it far fetched to say they would most likely announce a new expansion in a year they normally would ?

Some of the stuff you will need to do in 9.1 is in the actual Maw not just Kortia.

I just got done doing a quest chain in the ptr that removed the eye of the jailer from me and it was in mainly in the maw . The only quests for it that weren’t involved having to go to the warrior class hall to get some quests from Odyn and after those were done it was back to the maw to finish the chain .

Last time I repeat myself

What is far fetched, for the 3rd time, is the announcement of a new expansion THIS YEAR, 2021. I’m NOT SAYING it’s farfetched for an expansion to be released a year after announcement. Now, as for Blizzcon this november? It could be delayed for the aniversary next year. Or maybe teased, but not announced fully. Hard to say. So yes, once the expansion is officially announced, you expect it to be released next year, that makes sense,

How things are coming out to be, you can expect this expansion to last over 2 years (which many have done, many pass the 730d barrier, and especially one that slows down like shadowlands def will) meaning it would make sense, for Shadowlands in particular, to have a delayed next-xpa announcement, while retaining the same announce-release schedule of previous works

God forbid, yeah
But this isn’t Nazjatar/Mechagon dailies, Korthia is, but not the maw. Yes, assaults and maybe even world quests, but the main place to roam around will be korthia, which is very big, lends itself to be so. Aside from campaign, you won’t need Maw as much as, let’s say, Nazjatar for the benthic gear, mana pearl for essences and raid entrance.

Yep, campaign stuff is in the maw, go figure, but with renown catch up, you can avoid campaign and still get renown or do the weekly quests for renown, again, not mandatory if someone hates the name “maw” so much even a revamped version causes PTSD

Do you really think they will let it be that simple? (I hope it will be)
I do understand a lot of people will view renown 80 as a major undertaking and time investment, I just don’t see Blizz backing down on their pathfinder format after the kerfuffle of WoD and what that change would/could mean for future content.

What makes you think they won’t announce this year ?
They had this one planned out before BfA launched and BfA before Legion a lot of this has been planned out as far back as Wrath . They have even said they like to be an expansion or 2 ahead of the current one. Announcing doesn’t mean it is ready , announcing just means telling us where we are going next on our journey in WoW.

If they wait until 2022 to announce the next expansion I don’t think it would bode well for them . I think something like that would cost them a lot of players. Now if they were to do it this year and say it took to just after the first of the year 2023 to come out , kind of like the way BC was done that would be understandable. .

Just out of curiosity are you fairly new to the game and not used to Blizzards standard announcement and release schedules ?

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