Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

The opposite, announcing it earlier would kill the hope of players with the current expansion, like what happened in WoD. The longest draught thanks to Legion release making people go offline until next expansion comes along.
The announcement of an expansion basically kills the current one if it has problems, as people perceive that as blizz scapegoat and excuse to forfeit effort on current expa. A terrible idea. But really, you’d need to see Activision other releases, if you have one close to the end of 2021, then you can be sure they’ll postpone for next year, to have positive quartils (all they really care about). If none is on the horizon, then yes, end of the year to increase spikes… unless what I just said comes true and causes the opposite effect, people leaving and cancelling subs since “i’ll just wait for next xpa”. Lowering the quartil results aka baaaad very bad

yes and no, I’ve been on Blizz stuff for years, but mostly from outter sources i can’t deliver on any further, while also, not actively checking every year quartil (that would be too extreme and boring).

They said you get it when campaign finished, aka, week 7 if they don’t add +1 renown or change the current campaign unlock-renown schedule (renown 59)

EDIT: You get it after establishing base in Korthia, right after first chapter

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We are used to them announcing the next one a year after the current one has come out . There would be more of an outcry if they don’t announce the next one this year .

They have end of the year spikes every year and once again they "ALWAYS’ announce the next expansion around 1 year after the current expansion was released . Later this year say around October to December would be 11 to 13 months after release and around the time they would announce the next expansion . Why would they change their announcement schedule ? They already have proven they could work on SL from home and are most likely doing the same with the next expansion.

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And that brings the numbers low, not good, it’s never been good.

They can but considerably slower. 9.1 release date shows that. Everything is slowed down, and the most likely than not .5 patches in between will stall out enough for the xpa to be announced at the start of a year to give them more time to work and complete the expansion announce-release schedule.

Normally, I wouldn’t have any evidence to back up as expansions were working the same or similar way for the past years, but SL is the slowest so far, and to expect everything else to align with previous deadlines is foolish, wouldn’t make sense but kill the hopes for current expa.

Maybe I’m too optimistic and consider them smart not to kill their xpa so fast by announcing the upcoming one so quickly into the expansion (as we’ll be on patch 9.1.5 by then most likely). Remeber shadowlands was announced while 8.3 PTR was on testing.

Yes it was and it had nothing to do with 8.3

BfA was announced just before the Antorus raid in legion

Legion was announced when most were in the middle of raiding HFC

Warlords was announced while people were in the middle of SoO .

etcetera etcetera.

What part of they ALWAYS announce the next expansion around the 1 year mark after the current expansion was released that is hard to understand . There is always something currently going on . What do you want them to do wait until the expansion is over and say here you go not here is the new expansion ? . They are going to try to do what they can to get people to keep playing the current one but they also have to get ahead to get them hyped up for the next expansion .

People prior to the SL announcement in 2019 were saying they were not going to announce that year and they did same with 2017 , 2015 ,2013 need I go on.

Every odd number year when they announce the next expansion there is always a group that says they won’t but they always do . So honestly I have history on my side backing me up when I say they will more then likely be announcing the next expansion by the end of this year.

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Master Looter should come back. Screw bonus rolls. Screw rare drop RNG for any loot.

Blizzard shafted the playerbase by taking it away.

The part where you ignore this expansion is slower than any other expansion… that part .-.

I don’t understand what you tried to say here. The difference is of 2+ months at best, so no november but january/february, that’s what I’m saying

The thing you fail to see is how they have never announced the next expansion while the 2nd patch is on PTR, except for WoD that had 1 raid tier less. What’s so hard for you to get Shadowlands is delayed? a couple months delayed, so under your own view of things, everything moves a couple months and voila! you have what I said .-.

It’s your own logic that you fail to realize.

BFA didn’t have a 6+ months long first patch release, again… what’s wrong with you?

And your history counts for a global pandemic that’s worth something? AH1N1 was a joke, nobody cared. These times are extraordinary, you can’t use the same ruler as make predictions like that. Just now, you can see that ruler doesn’t work when 9.1 will come so late compared to the other expansions.

Master Loot is horrible. It has no discrimination. It can give only maces and people that can’t use it are screwed. It doesn’t check what the raid is composed of, or what is an upgrade and what isnt. Doesn’t help at all with pugs and puts too much player responsability for the most important part: sharing the cake

You say “scre RNG loot” but what you fail to realize is that master loot is also RNG… pieces are selected from the pool at random, the only difference is that you skip the “this goes for you, this goes for you…” moment, and even then, you can do that still, you can trade items that are not upgrades.

Except now, when you do get an item, it will be helpful for you if your item level is below and you won’t need to beg or base your reward on another dice roll that you seem to forget, also existed back in the day. Or Ninja looting, or raid leaders biased to favor someone over what’s needed to piss someone off.

No, masterloot is krap, thank Arceus it’s gone


You don’t think it would of been 6 months + if they released at the original date.

Here is a clue . They said flying would come in the first major content patch 9.1 . Do you honestly think they were going to give us flying less then 9 months into the expansion .

They planned on this being a long initial release patch . Any other expansion from WoD on we would of gotten it in the .2 patch which from launch would come out about the time this ones 9.1 comes out .

Once again every year that they would normally announce the next expansion there are people that say they won’t and THEY ALWAYS DO .


So, in the current system, you don’t get a pool of items. You got a tiny (nerfed) pool of items per boss kill, and because it’s restricted to each player’s pool and random who gets it, you end up with a lot of unhelpful items that you can sometimes have no option to assign.

So, instead of getting something off a boss that we could use, like a weapon, we end up with armor pieces that are insignificant, or not even upgrades at all. Case in point with our Mythic Council kill. Over a 100 pulls dedicated to getting jack squat because loot is so restricted and reduced.

The gear funnel helps progression, and that’s just not feasible in the current system. Loot issues such as a ninja looting and favoritism were never Blizzard’s problem to begin with, but they decided to screw over a huge chunk of players to appease desperate idiots, and it has led us to the loot scarcity Shadowlands continues to face.

Yes… what can i say, yes. They gave WoD and Legion flying on SL bc they changed the legacy rules for previous content, making a “default-current” expansion cycle. BFA flying came in 10 months into the game

9.1 PTR cycle is expected to last 2-3 months (like Nyalotha did). And adding the weeks to renown catchup, you have “exactly” 9 months

Remember legon pathfinder? 7 months
Rmember WoD pathfinder? 7 months
It was delayed 2 months compared to those, that magic number, 2 months :smiley:

Ah yes, every year is like this year :smiley: Since every year worked like that, it should now, as 2020-2021 are like any other year :smiley: and Blizzcon 2020 wasn’t cancelled for a little thing going on :smiley:

Dude seriously, stop

Saying the same, but with other wording: “In the current system, the loot you get is based on the existing player’s pools of possible items. You get the same drop rate (yeah, same after the buff) per boss kill, and because it’s restricted to the combine players pool and random as it has always been, you end up with a lot of items that can be aimed for with the correct team, to aim for a specific piece by stacking classes with similar needs, that you can always assign if you have a dedicated team, but also, lets you get stuff if you play on a pug without having to roll for need or beg some azzhole for your piece of loot if it happens to drop”

So instad of getting something off a boss that we could use, like a weapon, we end up with armor pieces that are significant, and can be traded unless it’s an upgrade. Case in point with mythic council kill. Over a 100 pulls dedicated to getting jack squat because loot aimed to players that had a different need than what some others wanted.

the gear funnel helps progression, and that’s just feasible in the current system of different difficulties and optional ways to gear like pvp or M+ vault rewards or valor upgrades. Loot issues such as a ninja looting and favoritism were never blizzard’s problem to begin with, but we blamed it on them like we always do, because players never take responsibility for ruining something, it’s always the game’s fault and that is evident in the bot issue, the disdain caused by raider io excluding players, the toxic meta composition of even casual teams, the token-to-gold BoE farm that cheapens progression and makes it softly P2W, but they decided to screw over the 5% of players that complete mythic raids on the first weeks to appease to the actual player base, the ones that keep the game alive with their subs and player inflation, and it has led us to the overly fast gearing problem Shadowlands continues to face, with PvP taking over PvE as the best gearing system

Nice how you can say the same with other words and not with a tunnel vision mentality

(https:/ /
(https:/ /
(https:/ /

And you say 4 items for 20 people is bad? (https:/ /
That’s what dropped Gruul for the baldie on his raid test the other day, with Masterloot, 25 people

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1 With vaccines things are slowly going back to normal

2 with the online Blizzcon they did earlier this year to make up for last years they could easily do another like that in November this year or like I said announce it at another venue like they have before .

3 if they are able to do work on SL from home they are also able to be working on the next expansion from home . Doesn’t mean they will have a complete expansion if they announce at the end of the year . It just means they are telling us where they want to take us next.

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Slowly, not yet, they’re still working at home. Still having social distance rules, and the world is still recovering from the global flop it caused, maybe that’s enough reason of a delay huh?

OR they could do exactly the same, aka, february.

As I said, a tease can be expected, but a full announcement? with trailer and cinematics? nah , that’s what I mean by announcement (i think it’s obvious)

Either way teaser or full announcement they are going to tell us what the next expansion is going to be by the end of the year . And guess what when they tell us what the next expansion is called , well that is called an announcement.


Not the same, no

And still, it doesn’t solve the issue of delays. That’s what it’s been all about this year, delays delays delays, but you think somehow they’ll be on point with the soft “announcement” of the new expansion when they’re so far behind schedule? wut… nonsense

And I genuinely got bored, which is rare bc I like writing and typing. So, why don’t we end it here? For you it’ll come November-ish, for me, 2022, at the end, nobody gains anything if either is correct, we just waste time here discussing over the color of a banana we don’t have yet.

Peace out and see ya, gotta test PTR now

It was 9pm in the evening.

All Oceanic is CRZ’d together. It’s been pretty damn quiet overall outside of reset day, and I haven’t seen a drop-off in the observable population that drastic and sudden in a decade of playing the game.

Did anyone actually bother with “the Nazjatar thing” though? I assume you’re referring to the overtuned elite that would spawn at a certain time after certain conditions were met, would take a large group of people an extreme amount of effort to kill… and which dropped nothing but grey trash and a few silver.

Last few times I was in that zone (during BfA) that elite was just left there, up for hours, with nobody caring. Can’t imagine why :slight_smile:

That’d go down a treat with a cosmetic-collecting crowd still staring down the barrel of hundreds of thousands of Anima…

It’s still the Maw. First impressions count, and the overwhelming first impression most seem to have had of the zone is “nope”.

That’s a fallacy, though. People DID experience the story “as intended,” and then are forced to wait nearly a year for flying to be turned on. How many repeats of the same tiny pool of world quests and how many alts are we expected to level before we satisfy the criteria of “as intended”?

That old chestnut again. Is that you, Bashiok? :stuck_out_tongue:

If that argument is to hold, druid and rogue stealth should be disabled until flying is opened. Fair’s fair. We can’t have select classes “skipping story” now can we? :wink:


WOD this xpac already. Let’s get on to the next…


What are you talking about? Supporting Blizzard and SL hasnt been the popular position in months on forums-- for good reason though.

9.1 looks really good to me