Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

I think Blizz is aware the Maw is not super popular and will fix some of those issues in the patch. One reason people do not like it is not being able to mount…I mean who wants to run everywhere? I think the perception of the maw would have been better if we could mount from the start. And yea…I could obviously use travel form, so I’m not as jaded by the maw.

How am I so wrong ?

New expansions are announced in odd numbered years about a year after launch .
2021 is an odd year.


  • Blizzard usually announces new expansions at BlizzCon, which occurs in the fall. In 2015, they broke from tradition and announced the expansion at Gamescom. The expansion has typically been released a year or so later.
    • Bc icon.gif: 15 months (2005-10-28 — 2007-01-16)
    • Wrath of the Lich King: 15 months (2007-08-03 — 2008-11-13)
    • Cataclysm: 16 months (2009-08-21 — 2010-12-07)
    • Mists of Pandaria: 11 months (2011-10-21 — 2012-09-25)
    • Warlords of Draenor: 12 months (2013-11-08 — 2014-11-13)
    • Legion: 12 months (2015-08-06 — 2016-08-30)
    • Battle for Azeroth: 9 months (2017-11-03 — 2018-08-14)
    • Shadowlands: 12 months (2019-11-01 — 2020-11-23)

So going by their standard announcement schedule tell me where I am off by saying expect them to announce the next expansion by the end of the year.

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Actually 9.1 is the Maw and the new zone connected to it .
We will spending most of our time in there .

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They said at Blizzcon once you completed the 9.1 covenant campaign chapters ,flying opens up . Currently it is showing the last chapter opens at renown 59 so by the time you complete it you will probably be at around renown 61 or 62 when flying opens.

Hey. You guys ever wonder what it would be like, if the plate was never invented ?

Some peoples happiness is misery

Aaaand if we weren’t on a penalty clock. Both of which we get to remove in 9.1… by doing a skill-based challenge, of course, because Blizzard can’t just admit the “Eye of the Jailer” and no-mounting ideas were an unmitigated disaster and simply remove them.

It’s too little, too late. To many, many people, the Maw is cancer and they just aren’t interested.

If that’s truly the case for 9.1, I will be spending most of my time running old content, or playing other games.

If that’s the case, we’re looking at two months after the patch launches before we can fly in long-irrelevant zones. So, maybe October.

Yayyyyy…? :-\

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Maybe he needs a repunt er I mean reboot

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The big plus for me is it is not wolf/sabercat/horse 100-150. :partying_face:

Hurah for some different stuff. Digging some of these designs fo sure.

Some people just live to hate on the game and yell at people who love the game who are yelling at people who hate the game…

Most of the quests look to be in the new zone , along with some invasions in the regular Maw . Most likely there will be new quests from the covenants towards renown also .

As for flying it looks like it will be at the usual 9 to 11 months after launch like it has been since WoD.

Yep. So much for “sooner,” and “no more time-consuming rep grinds” etc :-\

THey said patch 9.1 . What they didn’t tell us was that the initial release patch was going to last so long and that 9.1 was going to come out when most x.2 patches would be coming out . The late release of 9.1 is the biggest reason there will only be 1 more content patch released after it before we head into the pre patch for the next expansion next year.

I agree with all this except the raid… New raids are never a bad thing.

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Raider IO is what allows people to pug. You remove it and people will just resort to building networks of trusted players.

The nature of the challenge requires experience. Raider IO is just a repackaged armory that provides a resume of your experience. Doesn’t show skill just experience.

Low skill, low wage, no resume needed. Just apply within.
High skill, high wage, resume and interview required.

It’s the way the world works. You don’t want your hospitals staffed first come first serve by people that just want to be doctors but haven’t been to medical school.

And IB4 the “OMG this isn’t hospital” … It’s an example to demonstrate a concept, not a literal comparison.

Content that isn’t popular, they tend to ‘fix’ by making it mandatory to do.


It’d be an even better day when people finally understand “well, that’s just your opinion” is a retort from someone who has nothing valuable to add to a discussion.


Why does the NA SOOK at Transmog.

Mcconnel: What a day.


That statement right there proves how terrible the game has become


It is time to pull the ripcord on SL. For the first time in WoW, I am aggressively avoiding doing this super-boring current content. Like I am avoiding scrubbing the bathroom toilet. But at least I accomplish something healthy & valuable once the toilet is cleaned! I don’t see many people cheering about current endgame. In each expansion, I was at least able to make it to endgame. I have not done that for SL yet. Also, only having 1 dungeon for 50-53 was a baffling and terrible design choice.

I would respect Blizzard a LOT for admitting their mistake and going full-force into the next expansion. They took responsibility for WoD. But even WoD was more significantly more fun than Shadowlands for levelling content.

Imagine a 9.2 & 9.3… of more Shadowlands? :cry: