Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

40 more reknown
More Torghast
More Maw
Another raid
Some stupid PvP gear changes
Bringing back bonus rolls because of awful drops
Baking in RaiderIO in base game
Covenant Legendaries and tying more power to this abomination of a system

Just more of the same old junk that made SL so awful to begin with and you literally made is 2x as bad.

This expansion is a dumpster fire. Make 9.1 the end. Make the Sylvanas fight be it and we just end this horrendous borrowed power crap.

It’s like Far Cry 3 (Far Cry 3 being Legion). They found the ‘formula’ and just keep rehashing it over and over and over and over. It’s old and stale and not fun.


While some things are bad, there is a lot of good.

Plenty of transmogs look nice which is the real endgame.

New big dungeon is always a plus.

Even though bonus rolls shouldn’t have left in the first place, it is nice to see Blizzard figure out that was wrong and put them back in.

There are of course still going to be things people don’t like, but I don’t need a 0 post Andy telling me it’s going to be bad before I play it.


As far as I can see it’s just more shadowlands as it has been and i already dislike that.


Christ some people will never be happy.


it looks like another dreary zone


This expansion sucks. Some people are too content allowing Blizz to dump in their lap and call it ‘content’ and then defend it.


Cant wait for my reroll anima


I’m sure the OP is raging hard due to Boomie nerfs.


The expansion sucks to you. I’ve been enjoying it and as long as they don’t screw up whats going to happen with Sylvanas, I’ll be pretty pleased with 9.1 as a whole.

We’ve got transmog glasses that people have been asking for, RaiderIO baked into the game now like a large portion of the community has been begging for, PvP gear actually being better than PvE gear in PvP, the return of bonus rolls which has been heavily requested as well.

Is it perfect? Not at all but they’re making a genuine attempt and I’m willing to give credit where credit is due. It’s a start and a step in the right direction.


Yay more covenant campaign!

Hope they add cosmetic rewards besides soul ash, maybe some new powers.

And everyone gets to mount, and not get gated by the Eye of the Jailer so you can farm to your hearts content. Isn’t that what people were complaining about before?

Oh no… not more content!


Isn’t this supposed to be a good thing? We WANT extra bonus rolls. We complained when they removed it!

Doesn’t bother me, I don’t even do Mythic+ anyway.

Cool! I hope this counts as another class of legendary so we can have 2! One based on our class, the other based on our covenant.


Yo i like this.


You mean the small percentage of players who are high m+ achievers. They shout out their privilege and entitlement loudly, but people who push high keys are probably the smallest demographic in the game.


It gonna be garbage.

On a completely unrelated note, I like pie.

Semper Fi! :us:


You’ll just be ranting about 10.0 content so either way you’ll find reasons to say


That’s progression you get by just playing, and with catch up, becomes a non-factor.

Sure, what, you want them to abandon the game feature? then other ppl would go “uh they scrapped boreghast lol waste of time, didn’t even try”

bc people complained there was little to do, now there’s more to do, you want cake, you get cake

go figure

That people claimed for since the expansion came out? you call stupid changes but these forums had that spammed for days

Bc apparently loot was scarce, so now you can get more loot… even if they increase the drop chance, it’s still random to what player it goes and what item it gives.

Bc some don’t like to use external sites, personally my raiderio is super outdated, i haven’t used that since forever, it still shows my ilvl178 character

Bc having the same stuff for 2 years gets boring, and things have to change, not a 1 button rotation, you get more tools to work with

You forgot the dungeon, new zone, flying, new reputation, class balance, special raid item powers aka “tier sets”, campaign and what is to come with the upcoming updates to the PTR build

Or just leave already, we def don’t need dumbos like you here, that just spread wrong and biased information as “facts to argue about”.


Does anyone know how the new Covenant Armors are obtained yet?


we’re on it, playing the PTR. It’s still on the make, check wowhead for news when it comes


I’m just going to wait for the class changes. Hopefully they come with 9.1, but I’ve got nothing but time.

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What happened to them? I didn’t see. But then again my Boomy is strictly for herb / skin acquisition. Until I can play in humanoid form instead of chicken (and the see through star-pony knock-off doesn’t count), I have little interest in the class.

In PTR, they received nerfs to …I think 3 abilities and 1 leggo. Honestly, out of all nerfs, only Stellar Drift matters. It gonna hurt when it hit Live. Though, they may change their mind last minute.