Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

BFA was better than Shadowlands. BFA was unquestionably better than WoD.


You smoke craxk

You smoke crack*

I’d have them pretty even on my tier list. Where as we did not get as much content in WoD than in BfA, I enjoyed the stuff we did have in WoD way more than in BfA. It really does just come down to preference, and of course if the content drought really soured your taste of the expansion.

And I don’t think BFA sucked. If you are a competitive type of player Shadowlands is just fine. If you like their story, Shadowlands is just fine. If you are pretty much any other type of player Shadowlands is just terrible.

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Maw is 9.1. Completely.

I did it for a short while and still don’t have a “leggo”. Hmm. Oh yes you’ve gotta BUY them now. Pass.

No, they complained about both of them NOT BEING FUN.

Adding more “stuff to do” in bad content isn’t going to make bad content magically good.

It’s an AREA. In The Maw. With quests that send you… into the Maw.

More Maw. Maw Maw Maw.

“The Maw” is even in 9.1’s advertising tagline.


Don’t you think that they are just trying to ruin everything intentionally?

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Oh lord…

Learn what spell check is.

Fine by me. I was getting bored of layer 8 twice a week being too easy.

That we can now use regular mounts in. Looks good to me so far.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

You mean adopting the best model for pvp gear the game ever had? Wod pvp gearing? Sign me the f up.

A good thing objectively.

About time.

I would bet on it being unlocked at renown 80.

Are they seriously doing that? That decision tells all about the direction of this game - only being made for one type of player and no others need to pay.

Yes, they are.

how do you know it’s not good?

Eh. We’ll live with it.

Eh. We’ll live with it.

This is somehow a bad thing?

Considering it’s “WoD style PvP gearing” as Blizzard put it, this may be a good thing.

Again, this is somehow bad thing?

If we’re still restricted to one legendary, then this is pretty dunce.

Also, congratz on the free 126 upvotes there bucko :stuck_out_tongue:

Are all mechagnome warlocks this salty?

Maybe he needs to be oiled up.

oh yea… self cleaning sequence? or whichever one you have to interrupt in DoS.

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you mean the one that all of my dps + tank use their interrupt on the SAME ONE… yeah that one :wink:

It’s the Maw. I think the player consensus is pretty much firmly leaning towards “not good”.

Though I’m sure the 4 other players in the entire zone with me the night after reset would disagree.

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lol, yea. Pug life.

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