Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

I agree. I never thought i’d want BFA back. But, honestly, if they deleted Tol Dagor - i’d take BFA S3 over SL.

I don’t want to do more torghast. It’s crap. And i’ve never bothered with the maw. It’s so terrible it’s the first content they’ve ever released where I can get player power upgrades, but I refuse to do it. And so does everyone else.

And that’s from a min/maxer.

Fire the entire team of people who had anything to do with the maw. You don’t want them working on your game, because they are utter morons if that’s what they think people want.


Imagine, another raid, in a content patch! How dare they!

They should just have the one raid and have it last throughout the entire expansion duration.


Lord, I hate to agree but yeah I miss BfA. Get rid of a bit of the trash in a few dungeons, tweak islands and put out a few more warfronts and BfA by 8.2 wasn’t all that bad. And I found corruptions to be a lot of fun. Broken as all heck, but still fun. And I think that’s what I’m finding lacking in SL, a sense of fun. Everything is a chore and even the environments are droll and souless (no pun intented!).

If I was a gambling orc I’d say anima. Because we all love grinding for it. :upside_down_face:


Maw is optional.
Choreghast is better than random legos, and you really only need to do it for a short while.
Valor from the start, raiderio in the game are the best two changes I’ve ever seen to the game.
Dont care about the raid.
Pvp gear change is great. Another method of obtaining gear should never be the best method across all content. Now if only raid gear could remain in raid, we would really have something.
As far as borrowed power goes, everything is borrowed power. Gear is borrowed power. Just because you get to keep the gear, but they render it useless, doesn’t mean it isn’t borrowed power

Feel free to stop spending your time, money, and effort here if it’s so bad. The rest of us will continue enjoying it.


The rest is whatever but this really jumped out at me.

Player Gatekeeping nonsense was obnoxious enough when it was opt-in. Now it;'s getting elevated

Whatever, their game at this point. Just one less reason for me to come back.


sounds like exactly what the players asked for.

Players have been complaining and crying for years for Blizzard to kill off by instead baking it in to the game…

Players have complained about nothing to do in the maw or torghast and being boring… so they finally added more content to them.

pvpers asked for the pvp gear changes/scaling.

players asked for bonus rolls to be brought back…


why complain about what players asked for?

Lol why? Is it because I’m not nerd-raging like 90% of the forums?

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That’s nice. You missed the part where I said, “I primarily used the class for ease of gathering materials”. I swear some people make me wonder if their brains came preassembled, or if they just glued it together themselves.

Super sorry that you’re so upset… I hope your day gets better. :cry:

I think I got halfway through mine before found the bit that said “Assemble under parental supervision”

Why do people keep saying more maw? Korthia is its own zone.

Also it’s funny that “another raid” is something to complain about.


who needs to farm upvotes, when you can just spam them from alts? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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They put everything in at the start of the expansion this time and seems to just be adding to those so if you didn’t like Torghast and the Maw to begin with, this is going to be a long expansion for you.

Although to be honest, I am not sure what you wanted since you list just about everything that exists in Shadowlands.

Yeah yeah it all looks pretty dull, but uhhhh… Boar model, it seems like a fair trade.

Do you need the 40 more renown for flying?

The expansion sucks to a lot of people - quite possibly a majority of people - most of whom aren’t here any more to give voice to their distaste. We got it - you’re a real stoic, and can enjoy anything. But most people aren’t like that - they look at the big raw turnip-and-cat-litter sandwich that is Shadowlands, and they quietly unsub.


Mate. Are you telling me WOD over legion? The order from best to worst out of those is Legion, MOP, WOD, Shadowlands, BFA

A lot of people used to be happy with this game, I for one. I actually played since late wrath and didn’t have major problems with anything they did except for that flying business and them pushing dungeons too much a couple of expansions. I didn’t even really mind WoD. However, Shadowlands has almost nothing in there that is enjoyable to me so I didn’t even buy it - 6 months of alpha/beta was more than enough.