Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

It feels like you’re really reaching for reasons to complain about a patch when you list “another raid” in your fourth slot.

Yes, WoW has raids. Why is this a bad thing?


But less stats in pve. Which kinda sux :confused:

The final covenant quest opens at renown 59 .

So like they threatened their doing WoD style for the vendor which to me makes sense given how badly players were plowing other players. Yet the nerf to PvE vers drops I do agree is silly.


Even if it wasn’t their department you’d be looking over your shoulder if others got snicked off.


No an expansion lasts roughly 2 years and the number of patches may vary . If it takes as long for 9.2 to come out as is taking 9.1 , we are looking at a 2 patch expansion along with the initial release . By the time a 9.3 patch would come out the 10.0 betga would be going and they wouldn’t release a raid new raid tier with the beta up.

Expect the next expansion to be announced before the end of this year.

You mean, unlike supporting everything blizzard does just to support everything blizzard does and farm forum upvotes?

Agreed. Working conditions at Blizz aren’t great so I can’t imagine moral is all that high. But to then find out that people you know and hopefully liked got canned while the CEO of your parent company got 200 million in stock options for making the company money (in part by cutting those people), yeah it’s going to affect morale and that affects productivity.


You mean that $200 mil stock option for Acti-Blizz stock going up that was written into his contract 5 years earlier?

He would of gotten the bonus regardless if people were laid off or not .

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Fixed That For Ya.


Maybe, maybe not. Stocks are funny things that way, they’re mostly about speculation. If he lays off people to help the company make money, stocks go up if those investors think that the company will be more healthy. In any case, I’m not arguing if that 200 million was justified, or that the most recent lay off was entire cause for it. But those lay offs did affect stock performance in the positive. The over all point though is if you’re a rank and file Blizz employee and you see people you like get canned while the CEO gets that nice bonus, you probably don’t care that it was written into his contract 5 years ago, or that he’s done other things to make the company profitable outside of layoffs. You see people you like canned while someone makes bank off their firing. That’s the perception. Heck we’ve seen that voiced on the forums ad nauseum every time it happens. It doesn’t matter the over all reality of the situation, it matters the perception people have to it because that will determine how they will respond. And when people get fired morale usually takes a hit, regardless of the reasoning.

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Other than the pvp change I do not see any issues. Heck even baking io in the base game is good . Its no longer third party and directly controlled by Blizzard.

Almost all of those things are good things.

And did you really say another raid is a bad thing? Can you imagine the uproar if there wasn’t another raid?

The only bad things on there are covenant legendaries and possibly more maw (if you mean more of normal maw, not the new zone)

… wow, you are so, so, so beyond wrong it’s hilarious

Days in between expansions, if you make an average, it shows 2.002, so yeah, over 2 years :smiley: I use data bro, it’ll be hard to find mistakes in what I wrote.

Then, I say “with 3 patches…” as that’s how it’s been most of the time. And I mean important patches, not .1 warlords of draenor patch style (not all whole decimal patches have the same content package, it’s weird, and vanilla had like 12 patches or so, but doesn’t have 13 raids (base 1 + 12).

But you can expect a 3 big patch expansion as it’s the norm. WoD was the sad exception, one they announced way back when they said player housing would take so much they’d need to scrap a tier raid

Based on what, we are only in PTR and raid testing is not till Friday.

I am sincerely glad you like it, I wish I did. I can’t really put my finger on what it is about this expansion I dont like, but I haven’t logged in other than to list my transmogs on the AH for about a month and a half now. I played legion religiously, I loved it - sans the first part of the expansion. I think maybe this expansion just isn’t built for a player like me, I think the target audience is different. I just find no reward in playing the way I like to play, maybe it’s a “me” issue. I guess we’ll see how it all plays out with the community at large.


u are a weirdo

All 4 of these things are good, but okay.

It’s not all about you, though.

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The anti sylvanas will be happy.