Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

the new “zone” appears to be about as large as the ember ward of revendreth.

hopefully there’s something here I’m missing, because what it looks like is a very tiny bit of unfinished filler


As much as there is issues with Shadowlands, seeing posts like this sounds more like crying to just cry and farm forum upvotes.


Which is fine, since it’s easy to get, and is extremely fast to catchup with.

This is fine, so long as it’s in moderation, and they update the anima powers some.

We already expected this, but seeing as the lazy community without the mount can now mount there, shouldn’t be an issue. The maw again, just like torghast, is better in moderation.

Which is bad, why?

They exist for the most part to alleviate the whole, raiding guilds farming RBGs to gear.

Drop rates currently are fine. Bonus rolls coming back is only a good thing, why is this even on the list of bad things?

Which is more convenient for the playerbase.

It’s almost like you don’t want to play an rpg.


You like this more than Legion? I just don’t know what to say about that. I guess the state of the playerbase as this travesty rolls on will tell the tale. I expect we will see the lowest amount of active users in the history of WoW before the expansion is done.


I dont think you remember legion that well the first 2 patches o.o ppl hated it


Cherrypicking so damn hard your fingers are bleeding, damn! You read “i have my opinion” and thought all i was saying were opinions… lol ok, should I bother with a real reply or play your game and use my nasal mucose to answer?

Yes they did… they did.

It’s impossible to track the name of everyone I see a comment of to then, filter in a box if that same person has complained about those 2 at the same time. But what happened were people, in general, people, complaining about both aspects, and that’s what I replied about.

Not here, but in previous days, in other posts, and in wowhead comments, yes, and a lot. or the baldy stream, and comment section

Basically had the idea of different item level for pvp and pve, making it good for its niche, change that came to full force in wod.

this is to point out the difference, as the new system and wod system aren’t exactly alike, but have similarities on the positives

idk wtf you’re talking about, wod history? I’m talking about CURRENT changes, not how WoD developed. And the carries problem comes from players, not devs. Know about smurfing? even if they had good MMR system in place, they can still sell carries, life uh…finds a way

This buffs pvp for pvp, and nerfs pvp for pve, while they said they’ll be adding more to help raid gearing. Go figure, this change is aimed at pvp, and lowers the value of pvp for pve reasons.

uh… yeah they did, they don’t care about raids, and are fine having pvp gear better than raid for pvp. But now you won’t have pvp tops blasting through pve and mythic raiders blasting through pvp.

You don’t even understand you are not everyone, and how the change affects the game.

This current formula is way to tired now.

Er, that’s not the change unless they added something else. The change is to lower pvp gear ilvl in pve content.

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Raider IO and the like mean nothing unless people stop selling/buying carries.

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2 garbage expansions in a row lol.


I couldn’t stand the constant AP grind. That really, really, ruined it for me. Then just the way legendaries were acquired / rng killed the first 1/2 of the expansion as far as any enjoyable gameplay was concerned from my perspective. It wasn’t until the end of Nighthold until I was actually able to stop grinding arbitrary things and just play what I wanted, when I wanted to play it. Even still everything from Krosus being a terrible hard check for progression to playing static agility+armor trinkets as a windwalker in M+ in high keys because of just getting one shot by the scaling amounts on physical damage mechanics piled on to how much I disliked it. I don’t think an experience as unpleasant as the first half of legion can be replicated.

Shadowlands, with the exception of the maw activities, has at least allowed me to play the game and enjoy it.


It means nothing if you only look at the score, yeah, but if you actually use it properly it is not difficult to figure out those who were a straight up paid carry.

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I loved Legion from day one. (Though the legendary vendor should ideally have been there at launch.)

You are right in that Blizzard has not been able to replicate the magic of Legion, as each expac since then has gotten worse.


what are they changing about PvP gear?

Uh, dude, your playing classic… lol

PvP gear specifically is getting an ilvl bump in instanced queues and I think in PvE there is a distinct lack of versatility dropping from raids.

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Not perfect?
…its like…not good though.

At. All.


Patch notes out 1 day
Data mining out 2 days

Forums? It was a sh1-y show, obviously.

I’ll Judge the patch when it’s live not prematurely. I’ll also judge the expansion when it’s done, in hindsight, like we do with all expansions.

Until then I’ll do whatever I enjoy and you do the same. Just my $.02


And THAT is subjective and your opinion.