Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

Be nice if one day, one glorious day, people across the world would realize opinions are subjective and not universally shared.


Absolutely certain if that ever happened on GD it would be a sign of the apocalypse.


Going by GD it already is. All day, every day.


Fair point.

The end is nigh!

rings bell


I have my opinion, but I talk for the general as thatā€™s what matters, not your azz or mine, what we say is bogus and useless, what many say, is what makes stuff change.

And what people asked for was ā€œpvp gear that scaled better for pvpā€ and ā€œpvp not being the best way to gear up for raidā€ , in that regard, they pointed out how WoD pvp was good, and they implemented a system reminiscent of PvP, not sure if exactly the same (no, not the same, there are more tiers unlike WoD that had 3) but very similar, and itā€™s subject to change. While raiders got gear that works better in raid and has bonus effects only obtained in raid.

With the new system, mythic raiders wonā€™t have better gear than top pvp players, and pvp players wonā€™t have better gear in pve than pve players, thatā€™s what was asked, and what weā€™re getting


It was a direct response to the implication that people are content with allowing blizzard to make bad content which you randomly quoted out of context, but stillā€¦ your ā€œconcernā€ is an opinion. Iā€™m not sure what point your trying to make.


Who would of guessed that a Shadowland Patch brought moreā€¦ dare I say Shadowlands?


No the OP, thatā€™s for sure. :wink:

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Good, youā€™re an embarrassment to Boomies.


This, I am sure they had a plan but made some ā€œMeAnIngfuL ChOicEsā€. Now they are stuck with it and are just trying to push forward.

I say flog the devs harder and get the next whatever out quick.

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it takes 100 days in average to release a patch, itā€™s been 4 months and 22 days, the patch will come in about 2.5 months, thatā€™s 7 months or 210 days

triple the time isā€¦ 300 days, isnā€™t it? Maybe math isnā€™t your thing
This patch has way more than your average .1 patch, check patch notes of previous expansions, go ahead, try finding a patch that added more, a .1 patch.

Thereā€™s the pandemic still around in case you didnā€™t knowā€¦ yeah, this isnā€™t wod where content was scrapped bc they couldnā€™t deliver on time, but bc the world couldnt deliver on time.

An expansion lasts over 2 years, so with 3 patches and 1 initial release, you have 4 time periods before the next expansion. Ideally, each content patch comes every 6 months so the draught in between expansions isnā€™t a year long like before. So far, itā€™s been scheduled as it should be based on an ideal timeline. When we get to 9.3 and if it takes over a year to release next expansion, Iā€™ll give you the positive value you crave for, but complaining this hard on a .1 PTR build thatā€™s still on the making, during a pandemic is justā€¦ stupid


Itā€™s actually around 70 days so I donā€™t know why you are being so condescending here:

Just makes you look like a toxic person.

IDK about that bud, this time there was also another raid/dungeon out in Legion and BFA, I would say that is more content than doing dailies and collecting anima.

Really? I had no idea, maybe Blizzard should host Blizzcon online this year :thinking:.

I think if they didnā€™t fire so many people so that Bobby could get some extra $$, then they wouldnā€™t be this far behind. Yes the pandemic slowed them down but also it shouldnā€™t have slowed them down to these levels of them not even having all the raid or even most class balancing done.

Except for .1 you mean.

Itā€™s been scheduled for a group that took a break from making content and are just now getting back into their jobs.

I never ever stated this ever.

Why are you so negative in this post, all you are is talking down to me just because i donā€™t shill for Blizzard.

Yes exactly my point, itā€™s STILL in the making after nearly 6 months of waiting, it is just NOW in the PTR stages.

What is stupid is Bobby firing people under him to increase his $$, and then wonders why people leave since there is a drought.


The people fired had nothing to do with the development of the game.

One of the shortest was legion with a 77 day period, others took over 100 days, itā€™s a rough average, to say 100, but 70 is just plain wrong, utterly wrong.

Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m done with people with wrong information trying to use that krap as facts, itā€™s irritating how little people search before babbling

Iā€™m talking .1 patches alone, which more often that not, donā€™t include a zone. And Iā€™m saying that bc unlike your legion and bfa comparisons, we will have other 2 big patches with potential .5 patches. If you have to combine 2 patches to compare to one, it isnā€™t really a fair back-to-back. And no, BFA PTR cycles lasted from 2.25 to 3.25 months, and thatā€™s only the PTR cycle, not the patch duration thatā€™s about 4+ months, again, wrong

Bad irony aside, it def looks like you donā€™t, expecting things to work just as fast as before with this little thing going around. Again, I canā€™t justify wod, but I can Shadowlands, different eras, different situations.

And you know this becauseā€¦ youā€™re a dev? you know how to make a game? or bc you used Scratch once in your computation class you think you know what it takes to make a MMORPG? Ah of course, you donā€™t, and go for the money argument, as if the other companies are saints, that donā€™t make loads of profit and fire/delay their games. Go ahead, make actual research how things are around town, check Pokemon releasing a game with 80% content scrapped, and sold DLC apart while we get patches for free, complain about the million sports games EA pumps, or Battlefront, or Halo, or Andromeda, or ANTHEM, or Battlefieldā€¦ or rather, donā€™t bc you just see blizz bad, tunnel vision is a dire problem

No, I mean a fair distribution of time in a timeline. just basic math too, if anything, the first patch should take the longest bc it has the base game to work while waiting, with each patch not having as much content as the base game itselfā€¦ itā€™s just common sense

Imagine paying people to sit around and do nothing, you think thatā€™s how a money grabbing company like Activision makes business? Or again, you donā€™t know krap and just babble here, thinking everyoneā€™s as ignorant as you. oh boyā€¦ funny thing is, they did lay off people, that they didnā€™t need for live esports, and people got mad, like every single thing that happens. They got paid months and a year of healthcare, thatā€™s more than you get in my country for months of actual job lol

I know, it is a ā€œmeā€ comment, saying ā€œIFā€ i end up being wrong and having the time between expansions taking so long as has been happening before, then Iā€™ll eat my words in shame

Itā€™s not just you, itā€™s this whole mentality of hating a game you play and supposedly like. Itā€™s not being a shill, but I havenā€™t had legit arguments against it, just nonsense and wrong information. The one thing I do agree is their pisspoor communication, dumb PTR usage restricting to much for a testing realm, their general fear of making big changes daily on a realm dedicated exclusively to test, as happens in other PTR/PBE style games such as LoL PBE. THOSE are legit things I canā€™t argue about one bit bc itā€™s true, totally true, data backs that up. See the difference?
If you were to hit me with the ā€œcommunication is bad, and itā€™s not activision rules bc Iksar from Team5, hearthstone team, has plenty of dev-player communication, while Ion stopped posting on twitter a long time ago, having now to rely on streamers to have any communication with devsā€ then I would agree and shut up, as thatā€™s true, but for hell sake, you just post lies and expect me to agree with that? no way, not happening

Every PTR cycle has thatā€¦ you donā€™t release a PTR cycle to then, change nothing and wastefully spend months in nothing, you release a build to add and tune stuff around as time goes on, and thatā€™s what theyā€™re doing

Yeah, you can say that, money moves money moves, not an economist here, not a professional in US economics or what goes in there. I recently checked their financial reports tho after an Andy tried to spread fake information about subs, and they were doing good, firing off so many people is obviously bad when you donā€™t even try to repurpose their workā€¦ but if youā€™re talking about the esports people? then nah, you do know you canā€¦ fire peopleā€¦ itā€™s okay to fire people, youā€™re not forced as a business to permanently increase your work force, and when there are no live esports scheduled, you either repurpose them orā€¦ fire, they fired them, and now are hiring more people, but people to work on what they actually need, one is community management, sadly only 1st world countries available :sob:

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Thatā€™s already been made obvious.

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Pve gear will now have more stats than pvp gear. In pvp.

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No, otherwise they wouldnā€™t be working on more stuff for it, or bother to make any changes like the anima powers, less creatures, account-wide unlocks, info of what the layer is and the recommended ilvl.

No way to talk to someone like you, really

but thereā€™s a new raid. Wrath had raids and everyone liked Wrath. so really itā€™s like more Wrath, right?

Your ā€œopinionā€ is unrelated to actual discussions that were conducted on this topic in the past 6 months. So what you are saying is entirely bogus. And forced opinions falsely stated are hopefully not what make stuff change.

People did not ask for ā€œPvP gear that scaled better for PvPā€ outside of discussions on wod PvP gearing. And the people who wanted wod PvP gearing were definitely not the same ones who were asking for PvE gear sources for PvE content.

The topic of ā€œwod PvP was goodā€ never came into the discussion, though of course it was. People were talking about wod-type PvP gearing.

So vaguely had something to do with something something PvP but not much?

Again, it is not clear what your point is. There were 3 seasons in wod, but PvE hadnā€™t yet been turned into contrived seasonal play. There were no PvE seasons in wod.

It took 1-2 days to get honor gear after turning level 100. The difference between honor gear and conquest gear was ilvl 700 vs ilvl 710. But in the context of the level squish, there would be 3.5 ilvls between honor and conquest gear at this time. The gigantic power gap between those who are sitting pretty at the top of the ladder and never have to worry about new competitors and those who have no chance of ever becoming competitive remains. The overwhelming preponderance of paid carries in rated PvP remains.

The only thing this does is nerf PvP gear so players who have it will have difficulty doing PvE.

Nobody asked for existing PvP gear to be nerfed to lock players with PvP gear out of PvE content. Weā€™re not getting anything that anybody asked for, except maybe for the people who thought the game wasnā€™t epic enough if too many people still had access to content.

You donā€™t even understand the issues involved.



Why so much hate?

Hatred is based on the perception of the other, but also has a strong relationship with ourselves, with our personal history, and its effects on our personality, feelings, ideas, beliefs, and especially our identity.