Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

The BoaT change and the fallen stars change are actually super massive. 28% dps loss on shriek, and 40%+ on council.

Hence why I’m waiting for the rest of the class changes because a literal paraplegic monkey could have done better class tuning.

Or, just like the last time I got invested in a dps class, they’ll release a post ”we’d rather you didn’t play balance”.


I suspect that people against that are only players that never build mythic + groups so they can’t understand how lame it is to put the effort to build a group just to find out you have totally clueless player trying to get carried.


Nobody at all asked for PvP gear to be nerfed in PvE to force people to re-earn it for PvE content if they wanted to play that content. This in no way resembles the “wod PvP gearing” that people were asking for.

No. I don’t even do mythic+, but I am opposed because it will result in many players leaving the game because it will be harder than ever to get into groups, and so they will have even less to do.

This will result in a constriction of whatever “community” may even exist at this point, as people who use this new wow feature for screening out players who don’t fit in their groups will have no reason to participate in any greater community or communicate with anyone outside of their handful of friends.


I’m a little surprised they nerfed a leggo. I mean, it’s very expensive to craft. They may add more or Celestial Spirits could be a new leggo, I dunno.

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It does, check wowhead comments, check forums before speaking plz, us facts not what you pull out of your ears

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Post Deleted


Check wowhead comments for what? This in no way resembles wod PvP gearing, which is what people were asking for. What exactly is it you think those wowhead comments were trying to say, since you can’t seem to come up with any opinion of your own?


What makes you think 40 more renoun levels means more covenant campaign? The first 40 was 9 quests and 31 boring calling rewards.


BFA sucked. Shadowlands I’ve been enjoying considerably more than I enjoyed both BFA and Legion. It’s no MoP/WoD but it’s not as bad as people are making it out to be.


Because if you log into the PTR and look at what the different levels of renown give you, some of them unlocks more covenant campaign quests?

Also “adventure upgrades” (whatever that’s going to be), and increased anima rewards.

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There were far more than 9 quests.

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Waiting triple the time it usually takes them to make this content, yea it’s going to be harder to please us.


Only the only tweak to this patch in which to identify if it was bad or not, is the Raid ending cinematic, if we have another N’Zoth or Archimonde boring ending, there we will know how bad it was.

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Not a big deal.


Good, particularly since we can mount in the Maw in 9.1.

Good for raiders.

Agreed, the change is still going to result in a garbage gearing system for pvpers if that is the only change.


Wait. What happened to pvp gear?

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That’s subjective and your opinion.

I’d even go out on a limb and say in my world it’s worse than people are making it out to be.

This coming from someone who could (note the past tense) always find something to do and enjoy myself. I don’t anymore


everyone already knew this

this too

like I said in another thread “the main vellian of the season/xpc in there were do you think the content will be focused ?”



about time for that

the only bad thing that I read so far


Sure, Shadowlands being bad is also an opinion. lol…


You know I’d wager Blizzard had this all planned out before Shadowlands even launched, and now that Torghast and the Maw are not so well received, they’re just kind of stuck without a backup plan

I bet they thought this expansion would be much more liked, and when it wasn’t, they had to just push forward anyway :man_shrugging:

No proof though, just my tinfoil hat conspiracy theory

It also doesn’t help that this patch has lasted so long, and when the next one finally arrived, it’s more of the stuff people don’t like


Yes but I am not the one trying to diminish people’s concerns with ‘it’s not as bad as people are making it out to be’.

Which was my point.