Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

I ain’t making a straw man to bust your words, i’m quite applying the same logic of BiS added content been redundant to what other added content there is. 6 classes as for their dominance in M+ and raid, 1 spec only as each class has 1 best option only, 1 set of talents as the rest are “inferior options”, not a single DPS melee spec as the previous restriction won’t allow for more than the tank to be melee.

Your POV of classifying not BiS additions as “useless-DoA” is what is equally applied to these other areas. Why bring a Survival Hunter? Subtlety rogue? Demonology warlock? Arms Warrior? Havoc DH? Arcane Mage? Holy Priest? Feral druid? Mistweaver monk? those are not BiS and have counterparts that bring their baseline abilities to the table so, they just “take up space and waste resources”.

Call it exaggeration, but it’s exactly what your POV shows. The proper way of seeing the new additions as not BIS is to nor force everyone to make new legendaries and change their playstyle again, or even theirr covenant. Same with 9.0.5 changes, only like 1-2 leggos became BiS after the change, but the other additions made those that crafted the underperforming legendaries have a better time, or make the niche options more plausible to take.

Were they to make many BiS from these and the outcry would be legendary

See? not BiS = DOA, that’s your mentality, I’m not exaggerating, that’s what you literally say over and over.

While I care for soul cinders, what will I do with the excess ash I get as part of completing layers +12 ? craft stuff of course, bc the 190-210 pieces will be flooding the market, at prices lower than consumables.

Where did you find that? I can’t find target aoe cap for this, and the wording would indicate either 20 soft cap or no cap (yes there are some uncapped aoe abilities and talents like flamepatch or Shock wave or Chakram)
You brought the dare of crafting the lego, which I will. Hold my words I guess, If I remember a couple months from now, I’ll reply with a video using the legendary in a low level raid, mass farming mobs or even in raid scenario. who knows?

you mean 3 weeks?

They can’t make QnA like Iksar does for Hearthstone, it would be flooded to no end with garbage like this and bad memes. It’s just not healthy at all even if they tried.

Yet somehow brain dead rep grinds, standard quest design, and gated content to the max seems to be what everyone’s hyping up in TBC. Strange world we live in.

I’ve really enjoyed WOW for years, but there is nothing about this expansion that I’m finding fun or enjoyable. Based on the emptiness of my friends list, conversations will real life friend who quit, I’m not the only one.

I still enjoy a bit of WOW, just nothing in this expansion.

To elaborate:

I very much dislike The Maw-To me it’s just a grind, kill endless trash for no reward. It’s just endless boredom with no reward.

Torgast-Boring, redundant with no real rewards. It’s probably the least favorite (putting it nicely) feature that I’ve ever tried in my years of playing.

I’ve enjoyed every other expansion, just not this one. I’ve always enjoyed the community aspect of the game. There’s just no one left in the game.

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This was not an argument that I intended to make or a stance I wished to defend.
However, actually… yes. They are inferior options.
Go ask a survival hunter how easy it is to get into that +15 pug.
This is the current state of the game and you may dislike it, however this IS the current state of the game.

I literally say it. That’s right… NOT METAPHORICALLY BUT LITERALLY! (well, I’m typing so as literally as one can without it being actually literal)
It’s dead content.
They will be crafted only by a tiny minority, and most of them will be poorly educated on how to play their classes.
I mean what I say, and I say what I mean. This didn’t change, nor will it. /shrug.

Your learning!

I truly think you will not.
Right now you are using Crimson Rune. This is one of the Two correct Blood DK legendaries in the game. You are also one of the two correct Blood DK covenants. This is not special or niche… It’s meta. You did your research and crafted the one you should. Good for you. You’re a metaslave just like me.

Again… what are you even trying to argue here?

I’ll be happy when the game is good, or i have any hope that it can improve


it got updated to be much longer with more tasks and fun content at higher renown levels

This whole thing where Blizzard removes some things we had, then puts it back in later then gets vindicated by the community “for listening” is getting really quite tiresome.

Bonus rolls shouldn’t have ever left the game to begin with.

Stop giving developers praise for essentially doing nothing and going back to square one.

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This is awesome.

40 more renown - good because I’m bored in game.

More Torghast - and better Torghast - good because im bored in game.

More Maw - You can mount in the Maw - if you didn’t think we’d be spending more time there you’re an imbecile.

Another raid - Meh - I don’t raid so don’t care really - will do LFR just to get new legendaries.

PVP Changes - they are awesome - no more PvP gearing to do PvE as the best option for gearing. This is an amazing change.

Bonus rolls - Good it should never have been removed.

Baked in RaiderIO - Awesome - now everyone can see how good/bad everyone is. Also did you hear to get Key Stone Master and the mount now you have to do a +15 of each dungeon on BOTH Fortified and Tyrannical! This is awesome.

Building on the covenant conduit system - good - borrowed power for player progression is the best way forward to avoid long term button bloat and class redesign.

You also forgot a new mega dungeon, new materials for legendaries (to make you have to do Torghast - no stock piling dust!!).

This truly is going to be a good patch.

Now if they only fixed the group finder tool to allow for more specific things such as specific keys, specific levels, filter out specific specs etc this truly would be a great patch.

Can’t wait!

People complained that there isn’t fun things to do. Like another Mage Tower.

Nobody complained that they wanted to do more things in the maw.

You sound confused.

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The formula = redo everything we hate in a new form, trash everything we liked and give a horrible excuse for doing so. Wash rinse repeat.

We don’t need bonus rolls, we need re-forging and a basic gear vender with a currency.
We don’t need raider io wow style…regular raider io has done enough.
We don’t need lego’s, you could just give us the spells that you keep giving us and taking away during the last few expac’s.
We don’t need more Torgast, we need better Torgast incentives.
The maw is boring and it all looks the same… frankly Ardenweild is more frightening (when you look at the right stuff).
Pvp gear needs 1-2 points off of the regular stats and 1-2 points on a pvp bonus and thats about it. This way it’s not the best gear but it’s still worth getting to gear up with.
40 more reknown just equals more pain points when switching because some developer nerfed the heck out of your class spell.


Nah not abandon it. Make it exactly how it was in alpha Shadowlands where you could get giga powers and get to floor 90.

They need new designers that are actually capable of holding people’s interest without making it seem like an obvious of a timegate as possible.


BFA did suck, Legion was a masterpeice that I didn’t want to stop playing, Shadowlands is carrying on the suck from BFA by similar, drawn out sheitty systems.

Only thing I liked in Shadowlands were the transmogs and mounts. The systems can go and take a dive over the nearest hill.


Time for a change, time for a new game director.


I started with Pheromones and would have that going forward if I had not gotten a better helmet pretty soon, i never made Supertrain nor BMight and I never intended to go Venthyr even when all I do is tanking. I went necro bc it’s cool, that’s about it. I play with Mark of Blood not WotN. i Hardly call that being “meta slave” as I haven’t done any PvP to get my weapon as meta slaves would, I got mine from Mission table, and got Hysteria, not Fallen Crusader. I dont buy flasks even when I shlt enough gold to get them bc idc, and never guild raid, just pugs all the time with whatever team composition comes. There isn’t any choice I made for “meta” but bc I liked how it played out. Crimson Runeblade is the option I took before 9.0.5 came actually, but I had preferred pheromones for solo content (the random fears has no internal CD nor limit, it’s amazing)

Again, that doesn’t make it “dead content”. Variety is what makes the game feel like a game and not a simulator. Again with the hypothesis of dead specs, if those are underperforming, like the other legendaries, you’d deem them useless/dead development time, which is terribly unhealthy for a game.

I personally don’t have anything against borrowed power if it’s actually fun/satisfying to play with. Legion borrowed power was fun. Even BfA after we got essences and later corruption gear + vendor was super fun. In Shadowlands it doesn’t feel like the borrowed power systems do anything for my character.

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People’s interest is a weird amalgam today.
There is no feasible way to please everyone, and every single change has people angry. Every expanson that comes is “the worst”, and what was considered a poblem and fixed, becomes then a petition from others.

Rep grinds were annoying? well those are coming back in TBC and people are “happy” apparently, or some are. No more grind AP for player power, but now anima, which is just cosmetic is a poblem somehow. we got updated models and UI at the start of the expa, and the lack of “more of it” going forward is another problem, apparently.

And this has been going on since Vanilla, read the tale of Tseric, there is no possible way to satisfy the hella toxic community we got here :disappointed_relieved:

The notion of borrowed powers come as a way to spice up classes for every expansion, as ever-green, ever increasing characters becomes impossible to balance out. Imagine the talent trees of wotlk, now with 6 expansions upon, those would be like 130 points to spend.

They tone down the powers to make your class more relevant, bc the experience with corruptions and essences left a bad taste on people: how your class was incomplete without a random proc or random power from a non-class ability, made you more a slot machine of procs than a class, aka, Infinite Stars.

However, you can see we’re scaling in borrowed powers, getting now the shards of domination, later on, double legendary and what 9.2 brings (class sets). By the end, we’ll be also super tuned up, but hopefully, from your actions and not randomly generated