Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

All that stuff in the list sounds awesome to me so idk. Clearly you just don’t like the expansion.

Gear is borrowed power too btw, the entire game is built on borrowing power temporarily until the next patch comes with something better, it’s not going to go anywhere.


It is just another form of progression. Something needs to happen. If not renown, then what? Besides, weekly campaign only takes 30 minutes or so.

With a lot of good changes and more rewards.

You mean the new zone? Well, since we are the Shadowlands, it is only expected that new content will take place within the Shadowlands story. We are assaulting the maw to defeat the Jailer. Where would you suggest they place new content? in old zones? That would spark even more hate.

What’s the issue here? Since Vanilla every content patch we got new raids… Again, it’s new content to conquer.

If it was up to me, I would have brought resilience back in its original form from TBC/Wrath. PvP gear has no place in PvE.

There are dozens of addon features that were brought into the game. Besides, we already have PvP ranking system. Now they are adding PvE ranking system.

Yes it is possible in todays information age for it to happen with the computer technology they now have . 5years ago maybe not , 10 years ago definitely not and back when WoW started unthinkable.

They might not you may be right but I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they can have the next expansion ready for announcement by the end of the year.

I guarantee they have already started writing and working out the code for 10.0.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they have some concept of 11.0 mapped out.


9.2 will be the real end at least. They are doubling down on bad systems probably because it costs the least while they start work on the next expansion which will probably have a new tank/healing class or races.

In no cases I’ve seen are any of the Covenent Legendaries going to be BIS… so all this content (48 new legendaries) is basically DOA, but will still take up resources to balance, fix, and remove exploits from.

Like the general legendaries… they will serve no purpose and simply take up space.

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Indeed. With the release of shadowlands, they have the rest of the expansion mapped out and the ground worked laid. The content is there. They just do touch ups throughout the 2 years (tuning more or less, little QoL added in). I’m sure 10.0 and probably 10.1 is well under way

Concept-wise, probably, code? no, not at all.
They have a telegraphed story that can be cut halfway like WoD in favor of another narrative under critical circumstances. For example, WoD final boss wasn’t planned to beArchimonde, nothing of hellfire, it was supposed to be Garrosh, but the sudden need to move after the disaster made them connect the upcoming expansion, Legion, with the end of WoD and add Archimonde as a bridge.

270 replies and 270 likes.

gotta love that.


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Under that POV, there should only be 6 classes in the game, only 1 spec per class and only 1 programmed set of talents, stats and not a single DPS spec. If anything not BIS is deemed useless or DOA then that’s the future you expect for the game. Take League of Legends, +130 champions, guess those below the 50% mark are all useless and just clotter the game, or SMITE, let’s remove 80% of the gods bc those are not meta.

The game needs variety, even if at less performance. It’s a welcome addition to those who like their covenant legendary to have a way to empower it. And can work in niche situations. For example, if there is a mechanic that applies dots over 15 seconds, a Blood DK could take the legendary and talent for Anti Magic Shell and completely negate that mechanic. When normally that legendary is useless. Or the Necro legendary that extends the grabbing hands, so you have more potential “interrupts” over its duration, can work for solo content.

Thank you for defining the strawman argument for those who never took a critical thinking course in college and are unaware of the logical fallacies. You are doing god’s work.

I double dog dare you to go craft a rank 4 Maw Rattle, for variety, solo content, and niche situations.

Bro the strawman fallacy attacks the person, I’m not attacking your stupidity, just ridiculizing your way of thinking, as how you deem the non Bis content “basically DOA” and quote “serve no purpose and simply take up space”

I recommend you reading again your expensive book about logical fallacies before spreading ignorance here

I will in 9.1 when Soul ash becomes abundant. I heard its AoE is uncapped so, for solo content, and raiding old instances it’ll be better than my current capped AoE

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This is wrong. Google searches before you misspeak will be a good friend to you in these trying times. It’s free too!

It is…

No, you probably won’t. And the reason for that is…

It’s not.

LOL why are you even arguing this?

I am going to enjoy the updates and getting flying 27 weeks after 9.1 comes out and we finish all the great new content and renown.

Probably be more constructive if you actually said anything you want and why. They don’t care about context-free garbage like this post.

This doesn’t mean everyone who replied liked it.

Also, 270 people is <0.1% of the player base.


And that would be pointless considering how well known the devs’ contempt for the playerbase and any criticism is.


They listen to advice all the time. Just not pointless negative advice from low level whiners.



Hold up. Before we bash 9.1 we’ve got clowns wanting their corn rows improved upon.

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