Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

Laughs in necromancer transmog.

Hey Far Cry 4 and 5 were awesome games that I still replay once in a while just for the story.

As someone who doesn’t do Mythic+ and has no interest in doing them, why are so many people against this? If you’re good and you time you Mythic+s you should have a fine score right?

People get REALLY uptight about the smallest of .io scores for things that no one should care about .io scores over.

More covenant campaign. New mega dungeon. New zone. New raid. New cosmetics. That sure sounds terrible. :roll_eyes:

I like everything on that list, so looks good to me

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Oh boy, can’t wait to find out what Princess Kyrestia absolutely sucks at next.

I like how you responded to my post with a statement that has nothing to do with my post

My campaign is Bastion.

Kyrestia makes Princess Peach seem radically more competent.

Were you responding to someone else?

Because that’s a LOT of words that leave me with the exact same question.

Who is this game for?

for you… check paragraph 2-3

I’m willing to give them credit where credit is due as well.

I’m still waiting for that to happen.

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Well well well well well well well well well well well well well! Let’s take a look at the menagerie!

“But we don’t want to let too long go by before we connect with everyone again. So in the meantime, we’re planning a global event for the early part of next year, combining an online show along the lines of our recent BlizzConline with smaller in-person gatherings, and we’ll share more as our plans come together.”

Looks like… looks like I was right as always… nice
So yeah next year, Like I said, you oh so confident bc the schedule always shows that way, disregarding the major backlogged work they have this time

Me telling you they’ll push it to next year for the quartile and the catch-up they have to do

At the end, I was right, lol. So this ends up the topic

Renown was the least of my irritations with this dumpster fire.
SLOW…ROOT…STUN…with mobs packed into narrow corridors…and they ALL have the crap. Yeah…not fun. More an insult the the players intelligence and an assault to the senses.

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Still doesn’t mean they won’t announce the next expansion this year. Legion was announced at Gamescon before that years Blizzcon .

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This proves they arent taking feedback serious.

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yeah sure… sure bud, they barely have done 9.1 and they’ll have new trailer and starting features for the next expansion in 5 months, give me a break :rofl:

But hey, if you wanna dream I won’t cut your wings, just take note Hellfire Citadel was announced months before Legion was announced, and as opposed to WoD, this xpa doesn’t have mountains of scrapped content, quite the opposite, it’s adding more than was planned initially. There is no doomsday patch announcement like 6.2 with the wowhead interview pretty much saying it’s the end, while for SL we had the confirmation this was just the start, that 9.2 is planned so that’s couple more months before release, then announcement. So if 9.1 comes towards the end of June, that’s another 6-7 months for the next patch, into 2022, then 1 month to february and bam, announcement of new expa, just for the next year blizzcon. It lines up perfectly and takes into consideration a 6+ month development like it’s going on with 9.1, knowing well 9.2 will be smaller in scale than 9.1 somewhat already predicted (seeing how 9.1 has features you’ll normally see in a X.2 patch)

I was only still playing retail for my WoW itch but now that TBC is here that’s where I will remain.

Feel sorry for anyone who wanted retail to work… the devs don’t even care about player interests

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This proves they don’t abandon work they started, but try to develop on it. Renown is a natural progression to reduce the massive inflation on release, and try to keep people at an even level for some time. Doesn’t mean much bc people still got world first without max renown.
Torghast is the quarterstone of the expansion, why would they abandon it? it’s stupid
Same with Maw, an entire zone, why scrap it all together? they gotta give players reasons to want to go back, and they’re doing so
Well another raid, that always happens… so?
PvP changes is what people asked for over and over and over and over… and over

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Haha “9.1 looks so bad”

9.1 looks like every other X.1 patch