Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

Definitely possible. They were probably working on it when it hit.

Im specifically talking about endwalker btw. And again, this is reasonable. But every game is getting delays, what i mean is this isnt exclusive to WoW

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Kicks off a response by being a patronising elitist git. Not a surprise, given your recent post history.

Wrong boss, as a reply to your post has already pointed out. I was referring to the “Summons from the Deep” boss, who dropped nothing and took a large group to slowly kill.

Think about it.

You’re a rather unpleasant person, you DO know that, right? Yes, I understand perfectly well “on my level.”

Are you going to launch into one of those high-school-debating-team diatribes next? Shall we start the drinking game based on how long it takes you to yell “strawman” or “ad hominem?”

Again with that provably WRONG claim that flying means “skipping content.”


Look at the sheer amount and variety of world quests in Legion. Then BfA. Now look at Shadowlands. There’s hardly any, the same ones show up every couple of days, and there’s only a few that could reasonably be called “fun”.

Show me where I said that I “unsubbed a long time ago.”

I’ve been continuously subscribed for over ten years.

Absolutely not.

Just have jaina wake us up from this bad dream and suck us out of the realm of shadowlands . And end this non sense of an expac . It sure as heck ain’t for the casual player , which makes up most of your base , in case you never notice , and tell the 5% sorry but we’re going back to the way things were .


Reknown plus rep plus torghast = migraine

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Big disagree from me wod pvp was god tier vs bfa where you had to do mythics for the best gear gross

Look up pedantic. It’s not a compliment. I find people that feel the need to resort to grammar shaming have little else to offer. The best you can do is point out an errant “K”. How enriching for the conversation.

Obviously, their object of life is feeling miserable.
Thats why nobody caters to them.
You can’t help them.
Nor they can help themselves.

Just wait till you have to grind 2 months for flying LOL

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Maybe some of us don’t have such a high tolerance for lame content?


Won’t be months as it unlocks in the chapter after opening Korthia.

I played 2005-Cataclysm, break, then from 7.something in Legion (Juneish 2018) to now.

I played 9.0 quite a bit. I played 9.0.5 quite a bit.

I read the notes for 9.1 and I am just about done rhetorically asking, “Who is this game for anymore?”

I don’t know the person. I don’t meet the type. I meet unhappy players and players who attack anybody that rocks the boat. I guess there’s that third type who never says a word and just goes about the game… may as well be an NPC…

Who’s this tripe for? Who?


I’m pretty disappointed with what was datamined and shown for 9.1.


Umm… you do know all the textbook content is there, right? It’s not like we had to wait for renown 7 (where we ended the covenant campaign) to enter raids, dungeons, torghast and the Maw. Let’s make a comparison to BFA. You start and Unite the zones, footholds and then… then you’re done. waiting for the next story chapter in 8.1 Tides of Vengeance or 8.2 for new zones and their storylines.

Now we had to “unite the covenants” with the main story line, visit the maw and then… then you’re done. Well covenant campaign but, it’s 100% skippable. With catchup, you just get gold when completing the quests so, just a normal quest. Now we’re waiting for 9.1 for our “tides of vengeance” or “Death’s Advance” with the 7 campaign storyline. You can’t finish it all in a day…unless you start late or don’t bother doing it, and just having the catch up get you renown either way. It’s not like they’re delaying the release of the chapters to work on them on the run, you had them done way back ago in the PTR, and no “extra content” was added during that time, bc there was nothing extra to add and use the renown to stall for. Some powerups sure but, you can see that as just farming purposes, even then, it didn’t slow down people, bc in a pair of months, people reached max level and told themselves there was nothing to do. AkA, even with a “stall of time”, you still have people reaching max potential for the patch at normal pace.

9 chapters… that’s about what a storyline has… umm idk, you wanted more, like 15 chapters? How many were there for Tides of Vengeance, and I mean meaningful chapters, not just “talk to this, move here and talk to that” without much story going on. As Horde, I can tell so much of the Tides campaign was just walking looking for a book for some undead dude. Only cool parts I remember are 2, recovering corpses undersea and fighting a crap ton of lightforged tanks

You do realize MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online … you’re missing the RPG, and a heavy dense story is what you are bounded to have on a single player experience. For a purposely multiplayer game, you do have story, sure, but the meaningful part is the online. And I mean, it’s not like you have flat out nothing else to do. Bastion is choke full of quests, so is Maldraxxus. Covenant campaign isn’t everything

Izen described it well, when you play something you like, you just… play it, when you don’t is when you go and start complaining in forums and whatnot. It’s not common at all, to see forums with “wow the game is so cool”, it’s either memes, people asking what to do/help, or complains, and so far that’s what we have now, with the latter to the maximum potential as it’s common for the standard wow player.

The game is still a MMORPG. Roles matter, it has large variety of options, raids that require coordination, dungeons to get loot for harder for the raid, PvP face-to-face or in big maps + open world. Some systems and solo things to do, like world quests, collection, farm of resources, and an added gamemode introduced to give cosmetics and targetted legendaries, but becomes optional very soon (4 weeks in and you have enough for max level legendary)

So… it’s just a MMORPG really. Now more alt friendly with no rep/resource grinds and catch up mechanics from the getgo (not having to wait for the next patch to catch up as happened in BFA), no longer the need to do previous raid tiers as you come later to the expansion, option for the hardcore players in mythic raid and high keys, or casuals in LFR/PUGs, the same guild activities as always… so, what’s so different? that it’s more accessible?

If anyone’s an NPC, are those that blindly hate the game but don’t give actual reasons for, like those that go “i hate having to do chores” like the game forces you to do anything or you get fired. No more grinds needed, but 1 I guess, stygia, if you care about that 1-2% boost from minmaxing sockets (as conduits of higher ilvl now also drop from raid).

I can’t put any channel here (in video form) to gain further insight as I’ll be downplayed as shill/promotion and have my comment reported… maybe check Izen Hart video on the subject? The dude isn’t selling merch or pluggin sponsors, he’s just a guy that has played since Vanilla and doesn’t jump on the hate bandwagon for views like the common wow streamer nowadays seems to do.


Hey now, they just HAD to rework their darling torghast again! silly, they can’t have the star feature be BAD again :^)

The more and more I read about 9.1, the more I’m certain that they’ve put all their money into the Sylvanas fight to not suck enough to keep the player base alive for 9.2.

Let them fund this dumpster fire too then. I’m officially withholding my funds.


Uninstall and goodbye.

Maw Maw Maw !!!strong text