Good lord, Blizz...really? 9.1 looks awful

And just think in BFA to unlock flying, it took the average player 1.5-2 weeks to reach Exalted for two factions to unlock flying. In Shadowlands, it’s a flat 7 weeks since it’s locked behind Renown 59. What a carrot dangle this was.

Blizzard: “We got a special surprise for all of you coming up in patch 9.1, at last you’ll be able to fly in Shadowlands and we can tell you it won’t be rep based to unlock, but as it stands, we don’t have every detail on how you’ll be able to unlock flying, so stay tuned, more info to come…Soon!”

Player base: “Sweet!! No more rep grinding, I hope we can buy flying with gold like in Wrath. Or…maybe we’ll just get it at the start of 9.1. Man, flying everywhere is going to be sweet. I got all the main faction reputations to Exalted and Pathfinder Part 1 is done, this should be easy! I’m stoked for 9.1, keep up the good work Blizzard!”

                                                      ( 3 months later)

Blizzard: “Good news everyone…in addition to 9.1, we’re adding 40 more Renown ranks and to keep you all busy little bees and those subscriptions rolling in to keep paying out shareholders and you’ll be unable to unlock flying at Renown 59, which will take a solid 7 weeks to grind! Welcome to 9.1 Champion!”

Playerbase: “ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! I knew it, Shadowlands is by far the worst expansion recorded in WoW History…mmmmm NOPE, not taking my money anymore!” (ALT + F4)…unsub, unsub, unsub, unsub, unsub, unsub (x10,000).

Blizzard: “Hey guys, have you noticed a whole lot of players unsubbing since we released how flying will be unlocked in Shadowlands?”…“Yeap, and it’s getting worse, look…Leeroy Jenkins just hung up his sword and chucked the deuces walking outside Stormwind gates!”…“My god, it’s begun!”

RIP Shadowlands: November 2020 - May/June/July/August 2021 (who knows when 9.1 will be out).


Then you must have been hella bad, you could kill that with a couple of competent people. The generals could be pulled to behind a pillar and dealt with easily to avoid respawning trash mobs. And I was referring to that, as well as the PvP event. You say no one cared but just a couple days ago, I was there goofing around and when the event happened, many people were roaming around… in 9.0.5, so when it’s completely bogus, and still people did that. In 8.2 unless you were in a RP server, those events were meaningful for the mana pearls. You had people grinding islands nonstop for a bit of advantage, of course they’ll min max mana pearls for essences

What’s that supposed to mean?

God forbid is “in the maw”, Because Mechagon was so like Kul tiras, Tirasgarde Sound was the same as mechagon I swear, bc those were in the same map, remember?
No it wasn’t, and it isn’t, if people are so affected by first impression, then they must be babies or something, to have that mentality of “oh I didn’t like it, it’s doomed forever, bye bye”. I don’t stop ordering food from my local restaurant bc the first time they came in late

I doubt you even know what a fallacy is tbh… that’s way above your level to understand
But that aside, to experience the story is not to force yourself to do a slower progression for story sake. That’s the equivalent of a stage select. Do you skip all to the final boss, once you have all the stuff? When you got a game of the old times, did you wait for Nintendo Power to introduce the cheatcode and skip to the last level? That’s essentially what happens here, if they gave you flying from the get go, you’d ignore what the story tells you, as today’s players mentality is “skip everything, rush endboss, rush gear, complain there’s nothing to do” and “playing along the story” is no longer the forced option you had in Vanilla. They made so we complete a campaign level every week, as to why we can’t just do it all from the start? Gameplay reasons. Why are raids instance locked? why are mythic 0 locked? Why is honor or Conquest capped? bc if it wasn’t, you could end the game in a week, which works for single player games… but it’s sht for multiplayer games, and this is an MMORPG, not a Crash Bandicoot game.

You say tiny pool of world quests but these have been going on since WoD technically (bonus objectives, same idea). There is a limited pool of what you can do that doesn’t take too long either, as many have said “no one cares about world quests”, players mentality sadly doesn’t adhere to what the game added, they just want to finish gearing up speedrun style and complain. If they made more world quests like “enter a centurion and do stuff” they’d go “lol waste of time nobody does WQ it doesn’t matter” .
You put player power to the WQ and people call them a chore
You make them optional and people call them useless, waste of time
So there is no winning point, really. Some just say “scrap it, delete WQ” as they don’t know how to make it work either, just delete to have “1 less chore to do” as if you were forced to complete your WQ or be fired from your job

Not all mobs are skippable like so, most def not. And even then, you skip the fights but, still have to walk alongside the NPC to know the story /dialogue, your condescending answer gives nothing but a stupid point of supposed reason. It was a problem in the Maw, with Worgen and druids, but with 9.1 making the maw basically another world zone, it won’t be as troublesome. Idk if your idea of an ideal WoW has you handing everything to you day 1 to complete in a month and complain there’s nothing to do, sounds very sad.

Why are you even here, tho? If you say “I unsub a long time ago” then why tf are you in the forums still? I stopped playing LoL years ago, and I don’t go to the forums for a game I don’t play to drop ear wax levels of information to prove a bogus point, it’s ridiculous.

Are you Asmongold viewer? another sheep of his herd?

There’s a lot to be said for dropping the Jailer plotline and just having us kill Sylvanas and move on. Blizzard screwed up with both of them by leaving their motivations too opaque for too long. This means that, rather than being compelling villains, they are just goths walking around spouting edgy nonsense and commanding their weirdly inept armies to torture people for reasons.

The next raid is already in development, so I propose we wrap up everything with one development. The Sylvanas fight starts with the Jailer and Sylvanas confronting the good guys. The Jailer starts on some ridiculous monologue about sepulchers or whatever but he only gets like 1.5 sentences in when Tyrande tells him to can it and just straight cuts him in half. Then Sylvanas binding-arrows her and we finish Sylvanas and take her stuff. Then Tyrande dies of Night Warrior complications meaning we won’t have to put up with any more of her character assassination plot arc. BOOM cue next expansion or whatever.

As far as constructive criticism, I’d say the Jailer and Sylvanas’ plan should make sense at the start of 9.1 or the playerbase will never be able to engage with this whole SL stuff.


i feel like you’re talking about the elite with ads on the terrace, and Audrena is talking about the “Summons from the Depths” end bosses.

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Renown isn’t progression, its a time-gate when you look past the UI.


Theyll be nostalgic about it in 5 years.

The final nail in the coffin for this xpac if that’s true.


I take it you skipped Blizzcon online when they told us all this stuff.

Yep. Got better things to spend my time on. :grinning:

wait, i was promised more character customizations!

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looks like Im playing and staying UP UNTIL I HIT WOD AND/OR LEGION

They said no more this expansion back in Febuary

Oh I know those. Yeah it took many people indeed, but if I’m not mistaken, one appeared around a cascade that you could cheese from the highground
It’s over, wormy, I have the highground

It’s story progression, set to allow people coming in late to catch up to others. I think there’s a bad rep behind time-gates, as if those are intrinsically bad… no, all MMORPG games require some form of timegating, to allow newcomers to catch up with you, baring big seasonal boosts or changes if such game is made around incremental power over shifting one (where you become better than before as opposed to just different).

Oh and it’s been announced you get flying once you get your hub in Korthia, which happens… very fast into the questline, past the 1st story beat, Battle for Ardenweald, you’re sent to Korthia (in case you use the time gatting nature of a catchup system like renown as an excuse of why it’s “bad” for the game, like many did)

The actual quests and activities you undertake are the story progression, it’s where the actual lore, gameplay and rewards exist. Renown is simply a UI umbrella’d over the top of the actual game to parcel that gameplay into 20 weeks of small chunks, there is actually no purpose whatsoever for Renown other than to put a brake on “first arriver” progression. It is disguised as “progression” by having a cute little picture of the reward you get for doing the actual game stuff under it.


And renown is a mark of how advance in that part you are

well actually 15 weeks if you count campaign, and if you start late, you can catch up in 2 days. Renown is a soft cap to the story, as to not finish it day 1 and tame power progression for new players, like say, leveling. You could say it’s like Legion Relics, power ups covered behind world quests and dungeon spam, except now it’s guaranteed and tied to story. Again, it serves to make the game newplayer friendly, and with catchup, yes it is alt friendly, you do whatever and get renown

plus, to calm down your butt, you’ll have flying week 1 as it seems, bc the hub in korhia is unlocked after 1st chapter that can be done day 1

Yes, everything you say is all true but at the end of the day the purpose of a time gate, and therefore Renown, is simply to disguise a lack of content and to perform the psychological trick of making it seem larger than it actually is.

If you line up all those 15ish (whatever) weeks worth of quests and edit out the busy work of “Fill 1000 anima, collect 20 souls” quests then the actual Covenant campaigns are EXTREMELY sparse. Maybe enough to keep you playing 2 nights? That is shockingly low for a long term MMO.


Sure thing, lets also ignore the fact that FF also had a delay in their patches and the expansion.

Expansion didn’t get delayed and their only patch delay was 5.3. Shadowbringers came out long before Covid.


Their expansions release in the summer… this one is in the fall… i literally watched the reveal and he talked about the expansion not being released as fast because of covid…