Gold World Quests officially nerfed

Yes, but not a week before the expansion…I mean…

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I don’t mind that they do it. But do it on launch day. :dracthyr_shrug:

At least they didn’t nerf Daily Pet Battle quests…trying to get pass 50,000 charms before TWW goes live…

Once they see the uptick in players completing Shadowlands WQs for gold, they’ll be nerfed in short order as well.

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Its almost like Blizzard dosent want people to play until early access…

This is complete BS

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Well, as I see it, itʻs worth more than the 0 gold you get by not doing it. So IMO, not as worthless as you make it to be.

Me too! Just gold quests in between pvp ques…

I’m sick of being fed crumbs for my paid subscription.

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I mean… I did say that… :dracthyr_shrug:

And in another thread, someone mentioned that SL world quests are still giving 260ish gold. So now I wonder if it was a bug.

i forgot to loots my race bags before today, lost a lot there, but thats totally on me :O(

more bugs than AQ40

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dont worry theyll fix it by nerfing SL quests to give out twitch subs or something closer to zero gold

Except the BFA WQs are now giving more gold than the DF ones lol, like 20-30 more. Think the nerf was a tad premature is all.

This is what happens with long threads. People miss other posts, because it’s too long to read. Even I do the same.


Well that’s a bummer, but I guess it frees up my time to play The First Descendant.

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“but the game need gold sinks”

I love dev’s that don’t understand their own game telling me the person that pays to play, how I should be playing…they are a joke at balancing the game. They killed gold making on ah, by merging and now its like how do we making gold again?

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Those bastards!

WW wq rewards are capped at 15gold. This was the last of the gold rush.

The paragon rep chests in SL were giving ~3500g as of this morning…will be interesting to see if that was nerfed also. As well as the anima weekly still giving 1600g.

Daddy Blizz is here to save us from ourselves. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil: