Gold World Quests officially nerfed

Just in case no one was aware. Caches from each Covenant from the Shadowlands expansion, Still give a lot of gold per cache you earn. Earned a cache tonight for grinding 10,000 Reputation with the Necrolord Covenant, And it rewarded me close to 5,000 Gold.

The gold from World Quests is decent too last I checked when questing in Shadowlands!

It’s so weird because the people still doing WQs are probably those who actually need them… lol

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So why are you acting surprised. Happens at the end of every expansion. Or just need something to gripe about?

Probably for the same or similar reasons we all know we’re going to die and yet all experience some degree of surprise, disappointment or what-have-you once it finally hits.

When the next one is live, the next one is not live… What part are YOU not grasping here bub?

This smells like a Micro$oft move.

Unfortunately, you can see Toddy is part of Algari Expeditions now. You can find the group by the sewer entrance in Dalaran next to the Violet Citadel. Rannan Korren (science guy) is with her as well, and speaks of Dalaran being teleported to Khaz Algar.

So, it appears we’re stuck with them. They can continue to take credit for our work.

That there is really BS now…you shouldn’t lose gold amounts from a bag you got before they nerfed amount drops of gold for a quest you did days before…that is really sad they nick pick and go after already done quest drops.

Nope its a Blizzard move it has happened way before Microsoft came to the picture.

yah it sucks, i had been making a practice of looting the bags, but like a not smart person, i just didnt this week and let the bags pile up:O(

At this point I’m just doing them to kill time til launch.

Its unfortunate but its the simplest alternative versus having to create an entirely new item and set that to be the reward from all applicable sources and then hope that causes no problems. It is far easier to just change the reward on what already exists as that has far less risk of breaking anything.

This could have been hotfixed in after the expansion launch.

Cant do legacy content because buffed… And now all gold earnings nerfed too.

This is the worst limbo between two expansions I have ever experienced.

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I understand nerfing since it’s about to be old content, but how about waiting until it is old content. And what about vendor costs? Some of the profession reagents in DF are expensive if you aren’t a whale. Looking at you, Smudged Lens for 32 gold each (engineering).