Brother, if letting that ugly gremlin prattle in my ear for a few seconds nets me 600-700g then I’m all for it.
Two weeks too early, Blizz. Need to sort this one out.
True, but I can live without old school flight for a few days. I just wasn’t interested in paying to wait a year (or more) for it. I had more entertaining things to spend money on.
Too true, way too many games out there, that are FAR better than whatever mess this “game” is now.
That’s a pipe dream. They wouldn’t revert it just to re-nerf it again later, especially since this was actually something they did on purpose for once.
What about dragon riding bags, still 500 or dropped to 100
Looks like they nerfed everything except tuskarr tacklebox
Like I get it being nerfed on release, but why now? Why not the 26th?
well they already made framing old raids much harder so…
Every expansion down to Legion still gives gold in some WQ
Yep, I was bearing that in mind as I typed up that post!
Did they nerf amount of gold from Dragon Racing ? Anyone know.
yes. I opened one purse and it gave slightly over 100g
Well that just sucks…ohh well was good when it was good…thank you for the info…
It’s wild to me that this is almost the final week of this expansion, of this season. And still I’m being forced to pick up “Last Hurrah: Zaralek Caverns and Time Rifts”, and instead of fixing that, they focus instead of gutting the world quests that reward gold, a move they typically reserve for just slightly after release of a new expansion. People have even been saying Shadowlands world quests now reward more gold than Dragonflight world quests.
Just checked, dragon races are the same 90-100g as the other WQs. This feels so bad. Literally the only reason im playing wow right now is gold farming and this was the most fun way for me.
They do this every expansion, but it’s really annoying they don’t wait till launch. I guess it lets me focus more on testing class changes and transmog farming?
Yeah I been doing those high end gold WQ and Dragon Racing ones along with Pet Battles …trying to get over 50,000 Pets charms before TWW goes live…
Shadowlands still awards over 200 gold…wut?
They couldn’t even fix that.