Gold Trading Learn from My Mistake

Hello There,

I know this topic will be a controversial one, so lets all agree that everyone will have a difference in opinion on the topic of Gold trading across expansions and versions of the games, great, so now that everyone can agree to disagree, lets get down to the actual topic I would like to discuss.

Reason for this post is I would like to bring awareness to Blizzard and others who may be interested in doing this sort of trading for gold either from Retail to TBC classic, or the other the other way around. Currently the system players use is a Discord server where thousands of players trade continuously day and night. I myself was curious about this b/c I had a lot of retail Gold and was heavily invested in the Classic / TBC classic scene. I accumulated 10’s of Millions of Gold on retail and wanted some spending cash on TBC Classic.

So after ticketing a GM and getting a response back from Vorria Stating ( This type of trade is what we consider an at your own risk type of deal. While it’s fine to do, if anything goes wrong, we won’t be able to step in and recover any lost gold. So keep that in mind before making any trades. )

So after reading this I was thinking, awesome so I can trade and not feel the wrath of getting banned for something, so I looked high and low to see what medium players were using and found a Discord channel called ( WoW Market ) I joined, and wow was I surprised to see this many people trading, I found the US retail to classic section and began reading the different offers, I would reach out to players and get exchange rates and proceed to do a few transactions with no problems, but I always felt like I was doing something wrong, never felt right. My thinking is, why the hell am I having to go to a 3rd party program to interact with people to get Gold on a Classic game when I have Millions of Gold on retail to trade with, why isn’t there some sort of exchange system in place for people to do this through Blizzard, didn’t make sense and still doesn’t to this day.

So I hesitantly began trading, did a few that went fine Months ago, and then today I was feeling confident in the system in place by the mod’s of this discord channel and the players feedback system to trust who I was dealing with, we agreed on a Lot of retail Gold for TBC Gold , specifically 32 Million Retail Gold in exchange for 157k TBC classic Gold, due to the +rep system in place this individual had 50 more Transactions than me and insisted I go first in this trade * Why didn’t you use a middle man??? * I know I know, I should have and hindsight is 20/20, I justified this with the +rep system and thought, if someone has 50+ positive trades with people on this server, and some I did trades with, there is no way he would scam me…oh…I was severely wrong.

I went first in the trade, traded him 32 Million Gold on retail, we both logged over to TBC classic, I sat there, waiting…waiting, I would message him on discord, Hey bro you there? he would respond, yeah I am logging in, I asked for his toon’s name, he gave me a false one, I proceeded to msg him on discord saying, hey bro, this character doesn’t even exist on this server and says ( Player not found ) …after several times of messaging him on Discord, he Blocked me and that was that, I was standing in Org, 32million retail less, and sick to my stomach knowing I was scammed, made to be a sucker and diminished my trust in humans even more.

So I sat there, feeling like an Idiot, thinking to myself, how many others have been scammed and had thousands of Dollars worth of Gold stolen from them b/c we are forced to use a 3rd party system to trade currencies across games just like I had done? Why has Blizzard not implemented a system for this yet? why at the bare minimum is there not a token in place for TBC when Discord servers are basically doing this action already? how many more people need to have their Gold stolen from them before Blizzard takes action?

Moment of Honesty here, the amount of Gold I lost was equivalent to $3,000 USD, this is based on the current token price. its one thing to lie and cheat someone with stuff that has no inherent value, but when you can purchase a Token using USD for in game currency and then someone steals this from you, it becomes a whole other issue, this is theft on a whole different level. The fact that $15 is tied directly to one token which its value goes up and down ( like the stock market ) brings it out of the * oh its just game stuff * to…wtf, he stole $3,000 worth a in game currency from me.

So I sat there again, not sure what to do, I reached out to one of the Discord Mods and SS’d my proof and he banned this person from the Discord, but this person will just keep coming back, creating more accounts, scamming more people, nothing the Mods can do and he can just keep creating blizzard accounts and taking advantage of people using this 3rd party system b/c those of us who don’t want to spend more time than we already have acquiring Gold in retail would instead like to trade the currency we already got investing or farming to be transferred / converted to a game where we have fun.

So I leave you with this sad and pathetic story of how I just lost 32 Million Gold being forced to use a system that has thieves waiting in the shadows to steal from people and make tons of money during the process, meanwhile those of us who had this happen to are left standing there holding a bag of crap and not know what to do.

I made a ticket, seeing as how this is all I could think to do, even knowing that I would not get my Gold back, I just want Justice to be done to this person, Thank god I had the chat logs record all of his alts names and his Discord threads as well. But we will see how this turns out.

Thanks all for reading and hopefully this will help those of you who were hesitant in trading retail for TBC classic Gold using the (WoW Market) discord. Let this be a warning to trust nobody and use a friend as a middle man, or someone you trust. Learn from my Mistakes and don’t lose thousands of Dollars of Gold to a picture behind a Monitor.

Thanks for your time.


People like that play the long game. They build up rep off many small transactions until a juicy one comes along then steal it. You shouldn’t have put up so much at one time. But yes, it is stupid that there’s no token in this game. It just means players have to take risks trading on their own. Blizzard put in 1 time boosts instead, which is just stupid.


only trade like very little at a time. 32 million at one time is honestly too much.
ESPECIALLY strangers


F’in retail.


Unfortunate… But also you kinda knew what you were getting into and you seem to have taken absolutely no precautions. I’d accept “hindsight is 20/20” if we were talking a few bucks. But if I was trading 3k USD worth of ANYTHING, I’d make dang sure I had collateral or an escrow or SOMETHING…

You learned a tough lesson, but hopefully it saves you from a tougher one in the future.


im worry what now.?

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First of all, sorry for your loss. Second of all… it’s like a slot machine, making you believe you are the winner until you throw more and more trust + money into it, losing it all.

Don’t trust people based on reviews.

Also… there is no implementation because retail and classic are two different games. There is no crossover and there should never be one. It’s 2 standalone titles with just the same headline afterall. What you are doing by trading retail with tbc gold and vice versa is effectively the same what people do to scam aka trading cs:go keys or dota / steam stuff for tbc gold.


32 million all at once is insane. Should have done 5 million tops.

Idk how you accumulate that much gold and then recklessly try to trade it all in one massive lum sum.


This happened to me on Everquest. I used to have a few people transfer items for me before there was a shared bank. One day I had used this guy fairly often who was cool and i gave him a ton of stuff and he just kept it all.

After that i don’t trust anyone anymore unless I’ve known them a long time to transfer anything of value.

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Hahah you’re spare parts bud


Nothing like playing a game full of cheaters & exploiters. At least some of them are getting their due.


Whats the discord link for gold trading?

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There shouldn’t even be a way to transfer the gold at all. IMO. There two completely different games.

As many as are daft enough. You shouldn’t be allowed to do such things in the first place.

There is nothing you can do.

Don’t participate in shaddy, unregulated deals, in the future.


There isn’t, you are literally just hoping both parties live up to their agreement and when one of them decides to just take the gold and walk you are SoL.

Which is pretty clearly stated as blizzard’s policy.

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Oh, my.


If you think you can substantiate this dollar value, you should call law enforcement…good luck with that.

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Back when I boosted people in freehold for levels and had people who were constantly buying it from me… some of those instantly gave me all the gold for 10 levels which was around 200k without me even starting.

Trust is good and all but if it comes to gold / money you should always pay in little waves.

32 million is no pocketmoney and those people can not be punished at all. They have a free pass, therefore be careful next time, if there is a next time.

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First world problems.


Report him for buying gold, if you still know his character name. You wouldn’t be lying.

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