Gold Trading - Clear answer is needed!

I think their answer still remains pretty clear. Gold trading will be monitored and banned.

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Simple. They track every exchange. Some person giving another gold “for no reason” is suspicious.

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Its bannable. Its paying for gold out of game. Its like saying hey ill give you runescape gold for classic wow gold. Retail is entierly seperate game and the same rules apply. And yes its very easy to monitor, no 3rd company just trades you gold when you buy it because thats the first thing blizzard sees.

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Don’t worry about it …your friends are not going to have 1000 gold in classic to give you. Not many people will at all. I was a supreme farmer in Vanilla from the start and went into BC with 6k gold and was one of the richest on my server at the time. Right now based on launch prices on 1 gold is set as high as $16 USD …meaning 1000 g is considered $16000. Even at a 1 to 1 ratio its $1000 …so you are talking 50 wow tokens minimum.


I really would like a perma ban for enyone buying/trading gold, no second chance!


If you don’t have the back bone to make your own gold and go outside of Classic too get gold you don’t belong in Classic go back to retail…leave Classic alone.


You have two players make a transaction within the game. No outside sources are being utilized and I can’t see how this would break TOS. Buying from a 3rd party is a TOS violation and can result in a ban.

I would equate it to counting cards in blackjack. While not illegal it is frowned upon by casinos. The same is true for here, not illegal but frowned upon.

It will take someone a long time to farm for 1000g, especially in the early phases. I wouldn’t expect this to be extremely popular as anyone can buy the gold in retail therefor making it kinda worthless as a classic trade. Also from what I gather, gold is fairly worthless in retail?!

Interesting this is such a hot topic with no direct answer

140,000 g buys a month of game time. Hardly worthless

Look at it from Blizzards perspective. Someone buys tokens for cash in one realm (big win for the suits) and all that happens is some amount of in-game currency gets concentrated on another. There will be guilds concentrating gold from many players anyway to corner a market, so not too game breaking.

They could change their minds, but if it keeps the pressure to add tokens and shops to Classic off for a while, I’m willing to let it go.

The question you should be asking is are you protected if you get scammed.

On retail if there are chat logs of an agreement to trade gold for whatever then you are protected.

If you trade someone gold on retail and then they never log into classic to finish the deal. Will mods return your retail gold?

That’s where it gets tricky.

I have no problem if people want some clarification on this but I think that your scenario isn’t a very good representation of “Basic economics and Supply v Demand” as someone else mentioned you’ve left out some details.
I honestly believe that this would have very little effect on the economy as a whole. The risk involved is pretty significant for both parties. This in itself will deter the majority of players. People mention the Token as the main incentive but why wouldn’t that person just skip the middle man and spend not even a fraction of the time to farm the gold on retail for a token, without the risk.

We need a blue post on this!


1 Million gold on BFA = 7 months of free game time. If you can’t earn 1000g in classic in 7 months, you’re doing it wrong.

Seriously doubt you played vanilla then! 1000 gold is far more valuable in classic than 1 million gold in retail. I could flat farm that in a month. If Classic had a token it would be 20g …1k gold = 50 tokens in classic.

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Just adding to the thread, but yes, we need direct answer. If the answer is NO, players can’t do that, good. If the answer is YES, players can do that…well, I guess i’ll have to start farming gold on my retail account LOL.

(sorry couldn’t find the link i wanted for the clip)

The problem(s) with any form of gold trading arise because Blizzard is the one who designed the game and the economy that they developed to support the game as it’s meant to be played. In this case it’s Classic, which has it’s own distinct economy that is meant to be supported by the actions of players within Classic itself. Meaning that the killing of Mob’s(looting), gathering of mats, crafting, selling of items on the AH, the selling of dungeon/raid runs - are supported by the Gold that is earned by players within the game world(Classic in this case), and the game economy is supported and flourishes as it’s intended to. Anything that disrupts the “designed” economy will be deemed detrimental to the game by Blizzard and will be actionable as it plainly states in the ToS and the associated Blue response.

The notion that gold traded between players in Classic should be allowed and encouraged is correct, but only if it’s not influenced or perpetuated by external mechanisms, where the supplying player will gain something outside of the game(Classic), and in this case the gain will occur in retail, which is a separate and distinct game with its own distinct economy.

The other problem that many are overlooking is the effect that any Gold trading will have on the game itself, and as history has shown with Vanilla, comes in the form of those players who only play the game to support the “supply side” of the presumed gold trading(farmers, botters…etc.), which disrupts the game for those who legitimately play the game as it was intended to be played, because that gold would never enter the economy otherwise. Unfortunately, and as we saw in Vanilla, people’s wallets were bigger than their desire to play the game as it was meant to be played.

People know there is going to be a grind in Classic, and it saddens me to see that people are already looking for ways to bypass this.

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And whats to stop the person from not giving you the gold on classic? In most scams blizzard has said they won’t return items / gold lost. This is just asking for trouble.

WoW tokens don’t create money from nothing. Players have to buy them with gold earned in the game. They’re effectively auction items that have a more or less standardized price across the servers that particular AH services. Token prices go up and down, but the gold a player gets from selling them comes from another player spending gold they’ve earned in the game.

Someone buying a token to then sell and exchange that Retail gold for Classic gold is effectively using that token to sell for Classic gold. Even so, the Classic gold that’s exchanged isn’t created out of thin air; it’s the result of someone in Classic doing in-game things in Classic to earn said gold.

People exchanging Retail gold for Classic gold won’t have a significant impact on the economy as the gold from Classic is staying in Classic. The point of inflation will be the exchange rate between Retail and Classic. As people in Classic get more gold, it’s going to cost more Retail gold to exchange for a given amount of Classic due to the devaluation of Classic gold. The major influencing factor in all of this will be the changing price of tokens, which ironically may stabilize given its role as the actual currency of exchange.

Is the base concept of exchanging gold between games unfair? No, it’s essentially the same as using the AH or trade chat to sell BOE or trade skill items. The only difference between AH or Trade chat exchange is one party may have bought the token used to get the the Retail gold exchanged for Classic gold. It’s still an exchange of goods though.

Plenty of people out there make enough real world money in an hour that it costs them less time to buy gold than the time it would take to earn the gold via in-game activities. That’s how gold selling came into being in the first place. Perhaps Player X values the time that could have been spent gathering/crafting/playing the AH less than time spent doing other things. In that case it’s of greater value to Player X’s time to use real money to acquire gold than it is to take the time away from activities he/she would rather do.

An hour spent at work making the cost of a token and spending that hour’s work on more gold than can be gained in two hours’ worth of game time is a pretty good deal for people not interested in crafting/trading. That’s how RMT became a thing and is what they count on.

Is that unfair? No. People have to put in real world work to earn the money to buy the token. It simply means their time spent (the ultimate currency of exchange here) is in the real world rather than in the game. Real world time spent or in-game time spent, it’s still time spent. It’s just that many of us, myself included, enjoy the money making activities in-game and as such, place higher value on that time spent making the gold through wholly in-game activities than others might.

All that said, absolutely no gold is being created out of nothing. The closest thing would be quest/mob kill rewards and even those cost time. All gold, in Retail or Classic, is the result of purely in-game activities that generate said gold. Exchanging gold between players in Classic and between players in Retail will not change the total amount of gold in either case. Inflation will result from increasing amounts of gold earned via questing or killing mobs, and is the inevitable result of the increasing amount of available currency in a system with no mechanism to take it out of circulation.


I think the key in Blizz’s statement is “3rd Party.” It’s that profiteering middleman that degrades the game’s economy. If their gold wasn’t made by hacking accounts and stealing, it was made by 24/7 bot farmers that not only kept legitimate players from gathering the materials they needed, they also drove prices down, forcing players to farm more for the gold they needed. The gold in this transaction would be earned and bought by the rules.

It will absolutely be flagged. Like I said upthread, my husband LOVES playing the auction house and as thus, has a pretty enormous amount of gold. He traded me several mill so i could purchase a spider mount last expansion and his account was flagged for trading that quantity of gold to another account with nothing in return.

It was handled without incident once the situation was investigated (we live in the same household, log on from the same location, we’re married, i was buying something specific with it), but it will absolutely trigger a closer look by GMs which wont turn out quite so well for everyone.