Bring back Mage Tower appearances so my friends will play again

Imagine the amount of “Mage Tower is overtuned” posts in GD if they ever do bring back the weapon appearances.

If the TW Mage Tower is anything to go off of, GD might as well be locked while the Tower is active.


They should also do 6 billion other things, but they aren’t going to. It’s been several xpacs now and we’ve gotten 0 class specific good looking weapon mogs.

If there truly were new and epic mogs pieces coming out every xpac maybe it wouldn’t be such a big deal but right now as a new player you’re literally locked out of the best looking stuff at the game before you even started playing.


Please no more FOMO things in the game. Bring back all removed FOMO stuff too.

If they really want to remove things, they should come back on a cycle each year. You’d get a week or maybe a month where you can access the stuff and then it goes away for another year.


I think this is totally acceptable. the strategy of making mage tower part of time walking makes sense and proves that limited time has no bearing on making things difficult enough to stay challenging for years to come


There are dozens of elite pvp sets that no one has access to anymore. I find it a bit funny that the Mage Tower was somehow the last straw.

hey @Humanbreak, do you think there will still be good gold to be made off of casuals the next time this thing rolls around? :thinking:

I’m currently in the process of converting my casual PvP alts into “full time” gold-farming alts to begin stacking gold for 10.0, and I’m wondering if it’s worth investing in these old-expac consumable professions (Legion, BFA, etc)

Because I already got the “Tour of Towers” book mount, I figure it’s a good idea to dip my toes in the whole gold-making thing :money_mouth_face:

I guess the main factor, the main question for the next time would be

^ the answer to this will probably determine how much gold-making potential is still left in the content.

It’s not just casual, it’s also those who weren’t around for the holidays. Keep in mind that we’re no longer getting 4-week long MTs, so there will be a much tighter crunch for demand IMO.

I plan on making tons of gold. I guess time will tell. Assuming no significant nerfs, I suspect we’ll do good :slight_smile:

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Is it back down to 1 week or will it be 2 weeks? I don’t pay much attention to the calendar so don’t remember

If it’s only 1 week of uptime the next time then that’s not a lot of time to milk casuals with overpriced consumables etc. 1 week is a bit of a time-crunch.

Hopefully it’s 2 weeks again, that way I can do something like sell the usual overpriced items the first week, and then in the second week once the prices go down/stabilize I can just chill and maybe do some Mage Towers I missed the last time.

I want access to the CE titles from raid I have never done and demand they be brought back so I can get them years later /s

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Its just part of the regular cycle so 1-week. I’m going to milk it while I can.

Elite PvP sets are different. It’s a sport with different players each season. PvE content can literally be the same forever more with programming. We’re also talking about an actual ELO system versus something you can literally try at over and over again with the best items in the game until you win.

It’s really not comparable at all, and btw mythic raid sets are in the game. Aren’t those just hurting the feelings of all the mythic raiders that earned those for real? Like the line is so arbitrary


Hey sorry to bother you again, but do you do those 2 weekly covenant “assaults” on your gold-making alts?

Takes about 25 minutes each, and they give 2 Korthia crystals, but I question if it’s even worth it across many alts

Seems almost like a waste of time, on top of the Maw being depression-inducing lol
 I like gold, but I hate the place :face_vomiting:

It may be worth it depending on how much gold you’re making with the assaults. I would do them if they weren’t so frustrating on alts (I don’t keep my alts geared). Generally I’ll do the daily Korthia Korthite Crystal quest if it’s up on for the alt, or I’ll do double or triple callings (2 or 3 callings in the same zone) if I’m up for it.

Most titles don’t mean anything if you can use Total RP3. The game still lacks regular titles which should be available by now, like spec titles. I think only “Brewmaster” is available to the player base.

If they were to bring back the elite sets most people wouldn’t be able to qualify for them, and would demand that the rating requirements be removed, especially from pre-BFA ones.

It’s just an endless pit of “give me free stuff that i didn’t get pls”.


Don’t see a problem with this. Most of the Elite sets look horrible anyway and people want them just to mix-match with their own set.


Then they should make sure they get the current one while they can incase they like it later. Anyone who isn’t doing that while complaining about not having old ones is just asking for free stuff they arnt willing to try and earn.

This is not how it works in reality and you know this.
You don’t horde stuff because you might need it, you’re looking for suitable transmog gear when you’re making a new one.

Nobody cares for “prestige”, you do not own these items according the EULA. Just make it available for everyone.


“The rewards are ugly, so give it to me anyways”
It’s perfectly fine that you don’t care about prestige. It is not fine to belittle and take away people’s accomplishments for your own selfish reasons to own items.


I’ll take stuff that never happened for 200.

These threads just get sadder and sadder every time. Limited time content is objectively good for the game. For most games even. That’s why so many games do it. Limited Edition will always be a huge draw, no matter what.