The WoW Token System Works

I used to be on the fence regarding the token system, but I absolutely see why it’s a huge benefit to many people.

I for one now fully appreciate the token system. In the past two weeks I’ve made enough gold to buy nearly $1200 in Blizz Balance (I’ve only bought $90 of it so far though and a month of game time - I still have other items/services I want to buy in-game which may cost a few mil).

Players can swipe to get what they want in a relatively quick time frame (depending on how long it takes the token to sell), and other players can convert gold into Blizz Balance or 30 days of game time, just by playing the game. That also means (for buyers of tokens with gold) real money isn’t being spent to buy things from the shop or to pay for a sub. This is baller.

I know this system has its haters, but those who use it obviously find value in it, and no it’s not pay-to-win. Pay-for-convenience? Maybe, but you can still get the same things as swipers just by playing the game, so no it’s not P2W.

My only complaint is that the gold value fluctuates quite rapidly and heavily, but a market’s a market I suppose.

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Anyone else remember when Humanbeak posted as a FFXIV fan that dogged WoW constantly?


Nice bait, beak. :popcorn:


Why did this information that everyone knows need to be repeated? Is it just to see how many bites you’ll get?


A “subtle-brag” thread?

As a quick side-question, @Humanbreak do you think it’s over for those of us that were stashing/stockpiling consumables for when Mage Tower came back??

With the sudden announcement that it’s going permanent, seems like a lot of normies/casuals are not going to be willing to pay high prices like they would if it was a “limited time” event. I dunno, other than maybe the first few days (29th, 30th, etc) just seems like the gravy-train is over man :expressionless:


The gold value should fluctuate even more! In fact, drop 100000x today and then email me and then swing back up 10000000x tomorrow!

You mean go up and down like a punted gnome?

I shouldn’t have replied to you.


Curious on your thoughts - what do you think of a field goal kicking challenge in DMF, using gnomes instead of footballs?

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I obviously don’t like it, as I like the gnomes and don’t want to think about them getting hurt because it makes me sad.

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Did something happen to the forums? Forums buggy or glitched out? Could’ve sworn I remember you being level 60, but forums showing it as a level 12 :face_with_monocle:

Been seeing a decent # of posters showing as level 10s and 12s today, when they used to be level 60s…

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I’m also level 15 in-game!

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brb remaking @level 12


Forums are probably accounting for your gnomish size and decided to do a bit of extra level squishing :slight_smile:

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screen or fake :slight_smile:

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Ohh shut up seriously…

Silly goose.

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Yeah it just works Bethesda 2.0

Hrm I do like the accessibility it gives to people who can afford to buy them.

Outside of WoW I don’t really spend much on games and so atleast imo it’s fine to drop a bit of $ on something you enjoy.