Seems there’s a small vocal crowd that is upset about not having gold to spend, so let’s provide them some helpful tips to make gold:
Learn professions. All of them if you can, but prioritize Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting, Tailoring, Leatherworking and Enchanting. These all contribute immensely to crafting legendaries (other professions, such as Herbalism and Skinning, also contribute, but become much less important as you make more gold.) If you gather your own herbs, Alchemy is a good one too. “Professions are useless” is commonly stated and is extremely far from the truth. It’s not just current content in professions either - learn them throughout all expansions!
Do your callings. If you want to be the “most efficient” with your time, wait until there’s a day where two or three callings can be completed in the same zone. This is amplified by any number of alts you may have (alts help out a ton too).
Do your weeklies. Yes, they’re not necessarily what a lot of people logon to do, but weeklies (assaults, shaping fate, patterns) can pay a hefty chunk of gold as well.
Do your mission tables. Mission tables get a ton of flack by those who don’t want to do them, but they can be a good source of income when you’re getting started. You can even do them all from your phone!
Use trade chat! Whether it’s buying or selling, trade chat goes can benefit both sides of a transaction
Sellers can bypass the AH bots and buyers can score a deal.
What are some other gold-making tips that you can share with the community?