Going to Miss the Dragon Isles

I have stolen candy in my bank (“tastes like shame”) from that treehouse in Drustvar. Also got Smoochums the ghost cat.

I still play the music on occasion, also the Waycrest Manor music. I love the creepy, unsettling vibes.

I’m probably going to miss Waking Shores the most out of the DF zones, it left a strong impression on me.

I’m very much looking forward to TWW zones, I actually think I might enjoy them more than what DF gave us.


love it.
I didnt want to have two ‘sides’ so I ran with horde and been there for a long time.
Now that I can add alliance into my guilds and share stuff between them, Ive got maybe a dozen dark iron dwarves and a new old school dwarf warlock i just leved and locked in old content.
This was one of the best expansions for really good changes and additions to the game

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I really tried to give SL a chance. Just like BFA. both of them went way too overboard with crazy systems that just make no logical sense.
That console crap in ZM…i mean, for crap sake…THATS the best we could come up with? lol
Even the DF professions make more sense than something like that.
conduits. Corruptions.
personally it all felt a little too N64 for me.
Not saying that DF hasnt repeated all that, but if Im enjoying the content I can try to focus on that instead of the nonsensical details that normally would make my quasi-OCD go into overdrive, lol.

I think this is just how things are…some folks like one thing, some like something else. its all just subjective personal preferences and we’re all different and no one has business telling someone what they have to like, as we often see in these kinds of threads…“LIKE WHAT I LIKE OR ELSE” :joy::joy::joy:

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Just curious…did you enjoy SL?
wondering if its the expansions ‘atmosphere’ that is the difference here…ie a lot more ‘threat’ feel in SL compared to DF just on a daily basis.

As far as gameplay, Dragonflight is one of the best imo. This was the first expansion I’ve stayed subbed the entire time since MoP and the first one I’ve wanted to stay subbed the entire time since Legion. Questing imo was the best since WoD. I can level all my toons there without getting bored because the zones and that early story catches my interest. The later story leaves some to be desired, but even with that, I’ve really enjoyed the expansion. Dragonflight set WoW back on a good path, and hopefully the Worldsoul Saga will push it further.


12 actually they’re basically speeding through cataclysm classic. 7 months only.

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Everyone has things they like and dislike. For me it was the other way around. Shadowlands was one of my favorite Expansions while DF was so-so. I love the dragon riding but I didn’t like the way they hid parts of the story behind ultra long renown grinds.

The walrus village is the one thing I would like to take with me to the next expansion. I love that place. I just wanna saw it off the main land and push it to the isle of Dorn so I can have it close.


I love the tuskarr in this expansion as much as I do pandaren. They just give the game that feeling of ‘home’ when youre needing a break from murdering so many innocent gnolls, lol

DF was very boring for me. Safe, but boring. While it was certainly better than BFA and SL by massive margins, I can’t say I had any fun at all this expansion.

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I agree. I don’t have any of that SL horror fresh in my mind so, to me, DF didn’t serve to restore my faith in Blizz, turn the franchise around, or bring back my love for the game. I don’t have any of those attachments to it as an expansion and without SL as a reminder of how bad things just recently were it’s just an average xpac to me.

I’ve had fun, but I also had fun in every other expansion I’ve given much time to.

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Yeah it felt safe to me too. Felt more like an expansion they were testing new ideas more than anything and refining their approach, and frankly that’s good!

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Hell yes. Drustvar is my favourite zone.


I see.
Yeah, I played enough of SLs for DF to be a HUUUUGE change for the better.
SL, like Wod when I fist got to the content nearly had me ready to quit WoW and just go play my ESO game instead.
Im glad I held out for DF just to see if Id like it.

Dragonflight is easily in my top 2 expansions, right beside Wrath.

This expansion brought a lot of content for me to do, I was never left wanting for things to do. As an avid collector, I had mogs, mounts, pets and achievements to farm the entire time. I also had a lot of fun raiding with my guild this expansion, we did AoTC every season and we’re currently working through clearing the raids on Heroic Awakened, we also recruited a lot of new guildies so we got to grow our little community.

I will say, I haven’t really cared for most of the stories this expansion being summed up as “We can do anything through the power of friendship!” It was a lot, and I got it the first time they told us, I didn’t need the reminder every storyline. That being said, I understand DF was Blizzard “resetting” the game world, it was the prologue to the next 20 years of Azeroth’s storytelling, I fully believe we’ll be seeing darker storylines in the coming expansions.

Very much looking forward to the War Within!


DF was definitely one of the better expansions for me. While I did not find its overall story engaging at all, as a game, it is in a healthier state than it has been in years.

I’m of the minority opinion on these forums that Legion was not that good. I quit partway through Legion because I was tired of grinding AP. People love to talk about FOMO now, but Blizzard uses FOMO to market cosmetics that do not effect your game at all. In Legion, Blizzard leveraged FOMO to get you to grind AP and it tired me out very quickly. I kept leaving the game on and off in this Legion through SL period.

DF stripped away the previous 6 years of systems grinds that tried to use FOMO to strongarm you into playing that just made me not want to play. Now that it is oriented on content, I’m doing more content than I ever did in the past.


The Azure Span is one of the most beautiful zones in the game for me. I’m such a sucker for pine forests and warm color palettes. But perhaps I’m biased because I’m from the RL area which inspired the zone. I never get tired of flying through the towering trees with dynamic flight.

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It was an enjoyable and easy going expansion.

The zones were well designed and dragonriding implementation made it really fun to travel around. For me:
Raids: 7.5/10
Mythic+: 8/10
Zones: 9/10
Genral World Content: 8/10
PvP: didn’t play much so won’t rate

Overall Dragonflight: 8/10

I enjoy DF, especially dragon riding.

I didn’t care for pandaria when it was live. I did play it and rolled several toons theough it. I plan to give it a go this time to see how i like it compared to more recent expansions. I realize it will be a modified version to a degree and more of an event.

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I feel that Dazar’alor is also up there for me