Going to Miss the Dragon Isles

It’s in my bottom three. DF may literally be my least favorite expansion, I’m not sure. I mostly skipped Cata and BFA so I don’t have much hate for them I suppose just indifference whereas I actively revile DF.

I hate DF and that hate is multiplied when people pretend it’s good.


True. Hallowfall looks amazing.

But yeah, DF was a hard L. Just no. Never again.

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I’m looking forward to not playing df anymore. I hate the story. I hate the zones and how friendly people are towards eachother

I hate the gold sinks that were disguised as a crafting rework. I hated class balance.

By far the worst expansion I’ve played in my opinion.

Atleast shadowlands had decent raids and corruptions were fun in bfa. Everything in DF had been so mid

I’ll be playing cata until the next xpac comes out.


Yup. Yup yup yup.

Ion is laughing his way to the bank that he managed to get people to get behind a swiping feature. It’s wild. DF was just an L in almost every respect from mechanics to story to aesthetics to new features and people are somehow eating it up, I do not get it.


Meh, good riddance. Easily the worst expansion for me.


It was blizzard’s love letter on inclusivity.


I really enjoy the new retail WoW. It has brought many quality of life features. The world feels alive again.


I will say that I do think there is an element of… let’s say certain entities being motivated to want to believe that Dragonflight was good, rather than actually believing it was good, because it did the thing they wanted it to do for them.


I’ve loved all the open world events in DF, and I hope the trend continues (rifts, superbloom, great hunts, etc.).

The only one I haven’t touched is the Azerothian Archives stuff. For whatever reason it didn’t catch my interest.


I haven’t played the Archives yet either, I’ll get to it eventually. I’m glad there were so many things to do outside of raiding and mythic+. The world events staying relevant through the seasons was important aspect. Next we get Delves to top it off and Warband features.

I hope they bring many more events like these in TWW.

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As far as visuals are concerned there has never been a bad expansion. Their art team is top quality. But it’s ok, now that we have dragon flying, when I miss a zone or a series of zones, I get on that dragon and go flying around.

I will admit that DF is special however, I usually log in in the evening and when I catch the sun going down, I go to the DF city and fly as high as possible then look around. You should try it. But I also curious how the next expansion is gonna look in that regard since most of it is happening underground.

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Definitely feels like Azeroth again in DF. SLs obviously not at all…and even BFA felt way too foreign
DF has a lot of the same personality of Kalimdor and EK that I enjoy, with the tuskarr brining a little Northrend into the mix.

One of my favorite expansions, next to Mists.


Besides Dragonflying this expansion was a boring cluster f.


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literally have ZERO concern for you OR your opinion. Yap at someone else today

:rofl: so offended

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I loved the tuskarr cooking feast and the hunts.
did them too much early on and seriously burned out on them, lol
I hope youre right and they put a lot more like that in future expansions

and now the troll is perma blocked.

Good you can’t handle the truth.

Oh this is the panda that complained about all the random islands and had no clue they were actually in the lore of Warcraft. And I told them to read quests.

Sorry you’re mad. Get to reading.

Cross faction and cross guilds is something that will make this expansion always special. War within already is best expansion in my opinion. Account wide everything, EVERYTHING what matters.

One thing I hope wow addresses is this booting rep grinds. They need to boos rep gains from quests. Let people have fun and not do reps like a chore


Dragonflight was so bland that I played for the first couple months of release, unsubbed for a year, came back and played Classic instead lol.