Going to Miss the Dragon Isles

Im a WoW loyalist. I will probably play this game until the day the servers no longer work or a WoW 2 comes along. However, i’m not going to lie there was a point during SL where I came pretty dang close to hanging up the spell book. After that expansion I needed something of a reset that felt like WoW again. DF was exactly that.

From day one the vibes, the music, the zones, the factions all felt nostalgic with modern twists. Dynamic flight immediately put an actual grin on my face the first time I weaved in between the rock spires in Waking Shores, a feeling I have not had in WoW for a minute.

With MoP remix coming up quickly and the next expansion right around the corner, I just wanted to give a shout out to the team and DF. Thanks for re-igniting the fun for me. I am going to miss this xpac a lot and it is going down as one of the classics in my view.

Cheers DF


It has been a rock solid expansion. The dragon isles are a great continent. Although kul tiras is still my number 1.


Yea I’d give this expansion a solid 8/10. It’s pretty good


My favourite expansion so far!

I was initially extremely hesitant. Dragons? People love dragons! People love dragons so much I figured it was fanservice.

The characters are fun. The storylines are fun. The zones are fun. I won’t say it’s perfect – there was content I detested, mechanics that annoyed me, and I think some of the narrative moments needed more polish – but this was a great expansion to me.


I was late to the party because I am stubborn, but the content I have done so far has been fun.

There is still something that I don’t like about it but I still haven’t nailed it down to be able to explain it properly. Will probably end up being something silly like, I don’t Wraithion or his hair.

I particularly like the follower dungeons. It is nice to be able to do dungeons again that are current w/o dealing with all the BS and drama that goes along with them.

Just picked up the who dun-it quests line and stoked at the prospect of a sherlock alpaca.


I will miss them too, but i will have good memories. Also i will have more fun at tww

SL was so bad I left halfway through. DF on the other hand has been quite enjoyable. Still have fond memories of Wrath but I’d put DF up there with Legion in terms of entertainment value for the $$$

I’ll miss it too. Hoping the next xpac isn’t basically Zaralek caverns the whole time… I’m claustrophobic!

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Oh, spoilers.

Dragon isles will be the default leveling zones in the war within. You won’t be “missing”.

Sorry to disappoint 3/4 is underground zones.

But don’t need to worry they are spacious.

Waking Shores is one of the best zones in the game, for sure, but DF didn’t really hit the tone I want out of Warcraft. The gameplay has been solid all the way through, and the systems design is leagues better than it was during the borrowed power era.

Looking forward to War Within, seems to be improving further upon the systems and gameplay improvements that DF has introduced.

Rework DK DPS btw.

I agree OP, DF on the whole has left me pretty happy.

For me it’s just the sheer number of things I can do that both benefit my character (be it FR/ZC/ED on each patch) and not necessarily be the 3 activity types WoW is known for.

I started in SL and while I still enjoyed it ( some of which I definitely know is the ‘mastering a game for the first time sense of satisfaction’ honeymoon) after Dragonflight I understand why it had succeeded as an expansion where SL did not.

Best things about DF…

Dynamic Flying & removal of systems.

The gameplay loop is almost the same, though the addition of all the world events was interesting to start with. Great to have a new one every season, rather than Thorgast on repeat.

I do love the art a lot more in DF. The zones seemed to pay homage to well loved old zones. Questing on my first character through the campaign was great experiencing them for the time. SL’s intro zone was an absolute eyesore for me. The oversaturation was just OTT.

The storytelling has been just as atrocious as it was in SL, if not worse. I still laugh when I think about the power of friendship cutscene.

To be clear, the story itself was ok, but the execution. Well… might have enjoyed it if I was still a tween.

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We need the Horde to go to every enterance to the ZC and blow it up once TWW hits so we never have to see that depressing place again.

I mean they are completely capable of it, look what they did to our tree in Darnassus!

I’m the opposite - I felt DF was and is extremely boring. It’s a typical raid log expansion, there’s nothing fun about that. I quit multiple times, never being subbed for more than 1 to 2 months. Back again for S4.

Excited for TWW!


The good news is they might just keep going up with the classics so you might be able to play classic dragonflight in about 14 years!


I couldn’t enjoy it because the writing was god awful and I ended up hating every single character.
I hope if they ever do start firing the cannon in Azshara the Dragon Isles are the first target.

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Personally I don’t really think I will, the only zone that somewhat captured by interest in the Dragon Isles proper was the Azure Span but it’s mostly because of the music, it’s a similar situation to Grizzly Hills, it’s nice to chill, but I only go back there once in a blue moon.

But then again, what color my nostalgia glasses is the story and I didn’t really connect with the DF’s campaign save for the very end, at the Armidrassil part, for obvious reasons. More specifically once it was actually planted in Azeroth. Similar to what happened in Shadowlands, the only parts where I raised my eyebrow in interest was whenever Tyrande and the Night Elves were involved.

This is not to say the expansion is bad, mind you, far from it, it was a really nice calm expansion, but I don’t really see myself yearning to go back like I felt by the end of Legion and even somewhat of BFA, despite, you know, BFA’s gameplay being really damn bad, those two expansions’ stories had me hooked.

DF has bored me to tears but it might honestly be the WoW model more than the expansion itself. All this never ending world scaling, quests goals changing, 900 routes to the same gear, etc etc. I’m just not a fan.

FF14 handles evergreen much better if you ask me. Beast Tribe quests, no current-expansion world scaling, crafting gear is your bump to the next tier, and plenty more. Sure the systems are annoying to work with, but power progression just feels righter over there.

Not all of it is meh though. Trading Post is a huge win. The events have been more engaging. The game has more life than SL that’s for sure.

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As a world content player, i would describe the expansion as bland.

It started off good in 10.0, but then they dropped the ball big time with 10.1 and 10.2 wasnt all that special either.

Im ready for tww now tbh


What they did to The Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Caverns should’ve been a charged felony. To let both zones rot away, not listening to any feedback… A damn shame.