Going to Miss the Dragon Isles

Loved the dragons, the vast amount of questing as quests are the best part of the game to me, and didn’t dislike any of the npcs or wqs or anything like that. A bit too much in the way of transmogs that were the same item with a slight color variation, like the backpacks, which is a bummer for someone that likes to get all transmog, it just ain’t happening, lol.
Most of the mounts are cool and I enjoyed the leveling and questing, and I do wish the Dracthyr were a bit bulkier and of course had better transmog options, but don’t hate them.

Overall I enjoyed this expansion quite a bit and look forward to TWW.

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Just adding to the choir who will miss DF. I enjoyed all of it very much and even feel a little sad about saying goodbye. That’s not to say it’s without flaws (following questlines while leveling alts required using a guide to remember what came before what if I wanted to follow the story, so that could be a lot better.)

I loved spending time with the characters and getting to know them a bit more. These days I find inner turmoil and healing more interesting than big explosions and constant war–it’s a taste thing and I’m old and tired, ymmv. I do feel they could have telegraphed some of that better, but I also feel those that wanted that content found it. I know I did. I was also more social than I’ve ever been in this game so lots of good memories to take with me into the next one.

That being said, I’m excited and ready for TWW. But I’ll still be riding Taivan for a bit (who will hopefully be his proper size).

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I will always be fond of zones with a bright and colorful palette. I will definitely miss all of the Dragon Isles zones (not you, Zaralek Caverns).

For all of the hate that DF/wow in general gets it’s hard to argue that this isn’t one of the better expansions.

Yeah, most fun expac for me since legion, gonna miss the open skies the most.

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I really like DF it was quite interesting…what wasn’t interesting was forcing some players to have to wait a whole dang year to get TBC normal flying while DF was open day 1…then locked the normal flying behind another Path Finder in order to use it.

The same dang thing they are pulling on players come TWW too now…fly all over if you use DR but sorry those that get air sick or sick to their stomachs or have issues with their hands cause they are disabled…you folks got to wait more then likely a whole year again for normal flying.

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They aren’t underground in the same way Zaralek is. There isn’t a “ceiling” you can reach. They just have an “underground” skybox. Gameplay wise they are as open as surface zones. It’s just an aesthetic.

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Nostalgia of Legion and Mists of Pandaria aside, Dragonflight may hands down be my favorite expansion. Such a much needed breath of fresh air after Shadowlands.

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Many of the new zones don’t even look like they’re underground, which is good. Some of them have an artificial sun and sky.

See I think it’s pretty clear that this alone has inflated some people’s views of DF. Coming off the back of Shadowlands almost anything was going to be a massive improvement.

I’ll miss the zones, a few of the dungeons, but none of the story and characters.

For me the music, the cheesy zones, and terrible story telling felt like a budget mobile WoW almost that was phoned in with little to no passion put into the product. Renown was terribly boring to grind out as well for rewards I felt were pretty much meaningless.

I feel they can do so much more with zone level design to make it even more epic. TWW’s zone design has me feeling a bit more optimistic.

I did enjoy the additional quests added over time, some of the additional campaigns, and some of the features.

Definitely an amazing palate cleanser after Shadowlands. I haven’t played too much DF though because of RL stuff (launched at a time I was moving across country). But I am looking forward to War Within BECAUSE of what it can carry forward and further polish from DF.

We really going to pretend like it didn’t have some of the best story side quests? The Dragon who lost the love of his life and tells you about how she attacked him when he was corrupted, and now he can’t even remember her name.

Or the hunter who’s beloved pet dies and we have a funeral where the pet’s spirit goes off to Ardenweald and we begin the journey of finding a new companion.

Dragonflight had some absolute tear jerker moments in the story. Some funny ones too like the NPC named after a Ponzi Scheme.


Can’t speak for SL since I barely got to cap before I took a break for the rest of the expansion but there are always some gems of side quests that don’t really add much to the overall story. I think skipping SL gives me a bit of a different perspective than the people that were just starving for something else by the end of it. That’s all. :slight_smile:

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Df has been pretty good, first expansion I played the whole way through in a long time.

I give it a solid 8/10 as well. Doesnt top Legion and MoP for me but its close!

I am very hyped for MoP remix.

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Don’t forget the dying Dragonmaw orc at the Ruby Lifeshrine. That questline was masterful.


It was a breath of fresh air after the previous expansions. No cosmic/world ending threat (atleast at first). No gloomy/depresing maps.

Instead we got some of the most beautiful maps blizzard has ever released. Usually you get one or two of those each expansion but DF every map was enjoyable (except maybe Zaralek Caverns). And it was the first time i actually downloaded a quest helping addon to make sure i completed every single available questline.

My only, biggest complain that was a nail on my side during the whole expansion though was not able to play my favorite and main role since TBC, tank, as a Dracthyr. Instead being forced to use my less desired role,caster, if i wanted to be a dragon on the dragon themed expansion. And while i agree that not every new “class” necessarily needs to be a tank. Every new “race” should have access to all 3 roles.

And yeah i saw that they are finally getting more classes on TWW. But still hoped when i first saw them that i would be able to be a frontline dragon tank on the dragon expansion and blizz ruined that for me ;_;.

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I love everything dragonflight. Its my home.


I won’t they turned an island of dragons which should’ve been extremely badass setting into boring fairy land with generic recycled races.

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Dynamic flight has been a game changer for me, no more flight paths, no more afk traveling. I’m have a blast zipping over the plains and seeing how low I can fly, how fast I can go, or just taking a leisurely glide along a river in the Azure span. With that fiddle music that wraps around you like a thick warm blanket in a chilly cabin.

:dracthyr_heart: DF was one of the greats.

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